Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Extra work:

Minutes 1-6: 3-6 Muscle-Ups (challenge yourself)
Minutes 7-13: 5 Squat Clean Thrusters - 135/95lbs
Minutes 14-18: 3 Squat Clean Thrusters + 3 MU

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

Extra work:

Complete 1 complex:
1 Halting DL @ Below the knee (1s)
1 Hang Clean (from pause spot, below the knee)
1 FS
1 Jerk

Start at 50% and work up every minute til heavy, focus on pulling position and hitting the hamstrings in the halt.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Extra work:

5 rounds:
9 SnGrip DL (135/95)
6 Power Snatch (135/95)
3 OHS (135/95)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Extra work:

E2MOM16mins (8sets):

Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk

65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% x 4sets 

* Work for form in all 3 lifts *

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Extra Work:

Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Strict Shoulder Press x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95,
Then rest two minutes before starting…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Strict Shoulder Press x 1 rep @ 101-105%
For max reps:
90 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Note reps achieved for each set.

October 27, 2014

Extra Work:

3min Max Meter Row
2min Max Ring Dips
1min STO (155/105)
2min Max Ring Dips
3min Max Meter Row

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

In Class --

1)Must take Thrusters from floor.

2/3) Must wear a weightvest for parts 2 & 3.

Extra work:

EMOM20 - 
Odd - Hang Snatch
Even - Snatch
(Begin at roughly 80-85%, make your first ten minutes worth of lifts, then begin walking up.)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Extra Work:

Four rounds for time of:
12 Toes to Bar
12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (2 sets max, adjust height accordingly)
6 Overhead Squats (65% 1RM, Mandatory Squat Snatch)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Extra Work:

For time:
Row 2000 Meters
Bench Press x 40 reps
(males = bodyweight, ladies – 70% of BW)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, Sept 16, 2014

In class perform the following if possible without disrupting instruction/time:
Max Muscle-Ups in 2mins
rest 60s
Max MU in 90s
rest 60s
Max MU in 60s
Rest 60s
Max MU in 30s

after class complete:
10 Rounds:
3 Power Cleans 225#/155#
6 Strict HSPU
9 GHD Sit-Ups

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 9, 2014

Extra Work:

5 Rounds of:
15 Thrusters 115/75#
Max Rep CTB
Rest 2mins


5 rounds:
a) 10 barbell curls
b) 10 Band Pull-Aparts
c) 10 Weighted Pistols/Leg 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wednesday, Sept 3, 2014

Extra work:
1) Row Pacing work:
7 Rounds of:
1 minute Row @ 26 s/m (for power/hard)
30s light/soft/cooldown paced row.

2) 5 Rounds for FORM of:
8 Barbell Curls
8 Band-Pull-Aparts
8 Weighted Dips (bar dips, heavy)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Friday, August 15th, 2014

FC Games Prep:

3 Rounds of:
Row 500m @ 85% Intensity (Cut back 15s/500m from your goal for WoD 1)
rest 30s


4 rounds for form/movement of:
1 Deadlift 165/105
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Thruster
1 Jerk
5 Pull-Ups
6 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")
7 KBS (70/53)
8 Wall-Balls
20 Double Unders
rest 3minutes between rounds


Mobility - Roll out the quads, stretch hip flexors/psoas and calves.

Non-FC Games extra work:
Complete FC Games Ladder:
EMOM until failure beginning at 135/85 and going up 10lbs each minute:
1 Deadlift 
1 Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Thruster
1 Jerk

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday, Aug 6th, 2014

Hopefully you PR'd you sexy machines of beastliness....if not it's ok you're still awesome.

Extra work:

Four sets for max reps of:
3 Minutes of Rowing (for max Meters)
2 Minutes of Double-Unders
1 Minute of Chest-to-Bar
Rest 3 minutes between sets -- **This will be a 36 minute piece if done entirely through.  If you only have 20-30 minutes please amend accordingly:

3 Rounds of: (18mins total)

3 Minutes rowing (for max meters)
1 minute Max Chest-to-Bar
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Friday, August 1, 2014


Depending on how you feel after Helton sometime over Friday, Saturday or Sunday complete the following work:

1. 3 Rounds: 
8 Muscle-Ups
12 Power Snatch 95/65
24 Cal Row

2. SuperSet - 4 rounds:
a) OHS 4 reps @ 60% 1RM 
b) Band Pull-Aparts - 10 Reps
c) Bent-Over-Rows @ same weight as OHS
d) Ring Dips - 3 Weighted, 3 Strict, 3 Kipping (start with DB between legs, then drop after 3 reps)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Extra Work:
1) Good Morning - 3 reps (SSBar)
2) Strict Ring Dips - 10 reps
3) Banded Plank - 20s, heavy
4) Legless rope climb from standing position (no jump)

Rest 4 Mins

Emom5: 4 TnG SqSnatch @ 165/105#

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014

Extra Work:
7 Rounds of:
a) 3 Strict + 3 Kipping HSPU for Height
b) 15R/15L Kroc Rows for weight.

**Scale to MU if possible for class workout**

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Extra Work:
1) Emom 8 - 3 Power Snatch at 155/95 (or 75% if need to scale down)
2) Emom 8 - 3 Power Jerks at 205/135 (or 75%)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Superset - 7 Rounds:
1) Good Morning 7 x 3 @ 55% BS weight
2) 18 Pistols - To be completed inside of 1 minute, alternating.
3) Power Clean + Push Jerk  7 x 2 @ 70% of 1RM C&J

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Do class as RX -- PR that BS/Bench!

Extra work:
With a partner complete for time: (If no partner complete 20, 20, 20)
30 Strict deficit HSPU
40 Stone to Shoulder (150/110)
50 Cals on Rower (swap at 25)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Class -- Decide if you want to do V2.0 or regular (if you've never done RX regular do that).

Extra work:
Superset - 4 rounds
1) 5 Strict Press w/ 65/45lb DB - Tight core
2) 20 kipping Ring Dips (break if needed)
3) Banded Planks - 30 seconds - Heavy

Saturday, July 12, 2014

NPFL Optional Races

5-4-3-2: (2M, 2W)
Snatch (155, 175, 195, 215M, 105, 115, 125, 135W)
Box Jump Over (24/20, 30/24, 36/30, 42/36)

40 Thrusters (235/145)
3M, 3W - Barbell may not touch ground*, may not get more than 1 rep ahead of opp. sex.

Two on floor at a time
40 DL (305/205)
40 CtB
4 Rope Climbs
40 GtO (165/105)
Rest 3mins, repeat

16 Barbells from 115-340lbs
7mins (10 athletes)
1 attempt, alternate genders
115, 130, 145, 160, 185, 200, 215, 230, 245, 265, 280, 295, 310, 325, 340

60 HSPU (5" deficit)
30 HSPU (10" deficit)
10 Free standing HSPU

3 People/Stations working at the same time:
12 OHS (165/105
25 T2B
10 DB Pistols (50/30)
10 MU
20 BBJ (24/20)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

Extra Work:
Superset - 4 rounds:
1) Axle DL 10 Reps @ 60% 1RM (Double Overhand)
2) OH Walking Lunges 10 Reps @ 50% 1RM OHS
3) Strict DB Press Max Set To failure @ 55/35
4) Max Strict Ring Dips to failure
Rest as needed between 2, 3, & 4.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

3) Scale sit-ups to V-Ups, and Push-Ups to HR

Extra work:
5 x 500m Row w/ 90s Rest - After completion of the final row complete:

For time:
50 Pistols
50 Burpees

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thursday/Friday July 3/4, 2014

Over the next two days depending on availability and when you are working out complete the following complex.

1) Kroc Rows Max R/L w/ 100/70lbs
2) Pause Front Squat - 3 Reps with 5s count at 65-75% 1RM FS (build in weight from 65% to 75%)
3) 3 Chest-to-Ring Pull-Ups, Muscle-Up, 3 Ring Dips

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Do RX+ for class then...

Max 20m Walking Lunge -- Take 3-4 sets to build to a max 20m Walking Lunge (Wall-To-Wall) with the axle bar.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

Extra Work:
1.  C2B7 sets of 6, :50 rest between sets
2. Ring Dips
7 sets of 6 (Strict), :40 rest between sets.
3. Good Mornings
5 sets of 5 building - Preferably with the safety squat bar

Friday, June 27, 2014


We're going to take a few days off of extra work for the deload week.  This is intentional and also goes hand in hand with a few of you guys showing some signs of overwork (Not PRing, not having full intensity, bodies starting to break down, etc.) -- Be smart and don't let your extra work take away from your regular practice of CF. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

No change in classes, make sure you try the HSPU, scale with Abmats if necessary.

Extra Work:
*Only do if you're not coming Thursday and your shoulders are feeling good*

30 Muscle-Ups for time.  Have a plan, EMOM or otherwise!  Two scores - one is time, two is failed reps.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

1) Scale to 5 Kips, 4 CTB, 3 T2B, 2 KtE, 1 Bar MU for all of 1 and 2
2) see above
3) Scale up in weight, use DB if necessary.

Extra work:
SuperSuperSet - 4 Rounds:
1) Kroc Row +10lbs from last week.
2) Bench Press 5RM - +5-10lbs from last week. (This will be your last week before beginning Bench in 5/3/1 - know your weights.)
3) Ring HS Holds - Work on getting into a tight HS hold position on the rings - Hold for 20-30s if possible, if you can try to do 1-2 strict ring hspu.
4) Band Pull-Aparts - 10 reps - palms facing up.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Saturday, June 21, 2014

1) If you haven't done 5/3/1 for DL/FS do this first thing.
2) Emom12:
Odd - 2 ring complexes - MU+3 Ring Dips+MU = 1
Even - 5 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 145/95

3) 1600m implement carry as a team of 2 or 3 - 400m at a time of each of these 4:
1) Zercher Barbell Carry @ 115/75
2) Atlas Stone Carry 115/75
3) Farmers Carry (2) 65/45lb DB
4) Buddy Carry
*Switch whenever you want, 1 person moving the implement at a time*

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

Extra Work:
4 Rounds of:
a) Absolute max to failure of HSPU (kipping or strict) to 1 abmat
b) AmRap: 1min Pistols - For speed
c) Band Pull-Apart SuperSeries --

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

1) Scale to 85/65lb DB
2) 5/3/1

Extra Work:
Superset - 5 Rounds:
1) DB Strict Press 55/35# x 10 Reps
2) Strict Ring Dips x 8 Reps
3) Morning Crew: 10 OH Walking Lunges w/ Axle @ 135/95# - Try to Snatch it up.
Evening Crew: 5 Speed Squats w/ Safety Squat Bar @ BBB Weights for BS

Monday, June 16, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

1) Same
2) Same
3) Scale to 225/145 for Hang Cleans

Extra Work:
4) Chipper:
500m Row
10 MU
400m Row
8 MU
300m Row
6 MU
200m Row
4 MU
100m Row
2 MU

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

1) Same
2) Same #PR
3) Scale to CTB

Extra Work:
SuperSuperSet - 4 rounds:
1) Bench Press 5 Reps +10lbs from last week.
2) Kroc Rows 100/70lbs
3) 3 Wall-Facing Strict HSPU
4) 10 Glute-Ham-Raises

Friday, June 13, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Extra Work:
Flag Football! Get out, go hard and have some fun.

If you arent coming to flag football - try to get outside and hit 8 x 400m Sprints, or hill sprints!

Friday, June 13, 2014

1) Regular, try to finish in time cap.
2/3) - 5/3/1

Extra work:
4 rounds Superset of:
1) 10 FR Walking Lunges w/ axle +10lbs from last week
2) 10 Overhand DL w/ axle +10lbs from last week
3) 4 Pendlay Rows at WL Weight
4) Max HSPU at 3-6" deficit

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

1) Try to get to class early to hit a few full snatches.  Do this if you can:
65% x 3
70% x 2
75% x 2
80% x 1 x 4
All from the floor.  If you cannot get to this before class, try to complete it after class and really work positioning/drills for 1&2.
2) Same as above
3) Scale to one wall-facing strict HSPU per wall climb if you can do them (they are very hard balance wise, see if a coach can spot you).

Extra work:
3 Power Clean + Push Jerks at 205/145.
3 Pendlay Rows @ 205/145. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

1) Scale to:
15 Double KB FS (53/35)
15 HR Push-Ups
15 T2B

2) 5/3/1

3) Extra Work:
1) DB Strict Press 10 Reps
2) Ring Dips 3 reps strict with 35lb DB, then drop and perform max kipping
3) Work on Slow, Control pistols - use a weight if it helps. No reps required, just work to move better, try in nanos/flats if capable!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

1) Focus on movement, and go heavy.
2) Scale DB Snatches to DB Squat Snatches 65/45, 20 Muscle-Ups instead of Shoot Thrus, and 10 Sled Sprints with 3/2 45's on the sled instead of the run (one length of the rig or from the garage to the side walk is one sprint).

3) SuperSet - 4 Rounds:
1) Kroc Rows 100/70lbs - Max R and Max L arm
2) Bench Press (Close Grip) x 5 Reps at 75-80% of max
3) 30s HS Hold (Facing Wall)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

1) As RX
2) 5/3/1

3) Extra Work: BBB but with this:
FS - Do 5 x 10 Walking Lunges in a Front Rack with the Axle Bar.
DLs - Do 5 x 10 DL with the Axle Bar at proposed weights.

Try to do this as a superset, back and forth, relatively quickly.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

1 - Scale WC to Hold
2 - Use 65/45lb DBs // Heavy Stone
3 - As RX

4 - Extra Work:
Odd - 1min HS Hold
Even - 20s Chin-Over-Bar Hold

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

1) Go Heavy bro.
2) Same as #1
3) Scale 5 MU to 15 CTB if you did the MU workout yesterday.

4) Extra:
1. 8 Pendlay Rows @ 65% max clean
2. AmRap UB Strict HSPU (Parallettes to an even abmat (~3 45s under abmat))
3. OHS 5 Reps @ 70% of max out of rack - STABILIZE WHEN TIRED!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

1 & 2 as RX

After Class:
BBB supersets - Do strict press Boring But Big with dumbbells, and try to do back squat a touch heavier than listed weights.


3 rounds of:
10 C&J @ 205/125#
10 Muscle-Ups

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sunday Funday Chipper

30min AmRap:
10 Thrusters 165/115#
15 CTB
20 Cal Row
10 Snatches 165/115#

Friday, May 30, 2014

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Follow Classes programming with these changes

1) Max out
2) Perform as a team of 2 at 205/145#
3) Perform as a team of 2 - Sleds have (2) 45s for guys, (1) 45 for girls
*Extra* 4) EMOM8: Odd - 8 Good Mornings @ 155/95#, Even - 12 T2B

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

1) Your choice - Pick which you are worse at, Muscle-Ups or CTB (Be honest with yourselves, don't just do muscle-ups because you think they're harder).
2) Heavy!
3) Scale up to 70/53# if you can - but must be able to complete every minute.

4) EMOM12 (4 rounds):
1st min - 12 Power Snatches 75/55# - Try to go straight from the top to the ground
2nd min - 12 OHS 75/55#
3rd min - 12/8 Ring Dips (Strict)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Today will begin the official off-season programming which will consist of 4 MacroCycles:

1) 12-Week Wendler Cycle.  We will follow class programming with a few adjustments:
1. We will add OHS to the Wendler Cycle.
2. We will complete Boring But Big with different accessory types for specific lifts.  I.e. Front Squat BBB will be speed work, Press BBB will be with Dumbbells.
3. Each Day will have accessory work done afterwards - This will be 50% Gymnastics Strength, and 50% Upper Back strength.
4. Each Day changes to the metcon or class programming will be posted.  I will list these in order just like class is written on the board so you will know what to change the following day.
5. This program will only feature 2-3 days per week of dedicated, off the clock, Oly work - This means that your warm-up each day should involve the Outlaw Warm-Up, and a few snatch/Jerk pieces.

2) 8-Week Strength Longevity program -- This program will feature a lot of interval work with Olympic Lifts, Squats, STO and Pulling off the ground.  Gymnastics work will also share a time component now, and will be increased to 5x per week - Each day will begin with dedicated mobility work/lifting.  Some days this will pair up with class, others it will not.  I will continue to post accessory class work if that is your desire.

3) CrossFit focus 12-Week program -- This program will decrease dedicated lifting volume down to 1-2x/week. Gymnastics will be done in large sets, or max sets.  1-2x/week MetCons will go very long (25+mins) and Benchmarks will be tested (Open/Regionals). Goal for this program is to use the increased capacity and better movement from the first two cycles to move through MetCons with better efficiency.  Intervals will be used to re-assert this focus frequently. Some days this will pair up with class, others it will not.  I will continue to post accessory class work if that is your desire.

4) Conditioning Cycle -- Days will go to Strength and Gymnastics supersets, with a MetCon and a dedicated conditioning piece every day. This will match up for the most part with class - dedicated conditioning pieces will be done after class.

Goals this off-season: (*Everyone should have their own individual pieces, but this is what I see as a whole from our competitive group in terms of needing improvement*)
1) Attain better high level gymnastics. This includes HSPU (all varieties), HS Walks, Muscle-Ups (All varieties and ring heights), Pistols, Chest-to-Bars and Ring Dips.  Very rarely in the course of this competitive season did I feel a high degree of confidence in any of these movements from any of our competitive athletes to complete the desired/necessary sets in these movements.  Comparatively to being faced with 135/95# Power Snatches, or 155/105# C&Js we have a far lower ability and confidence level to sustain our gymnastics. We need to equal this out with consistent hard work, focusing mainly on moving better in each of our gymnastics pieces.
2) Lifting in general is a huge strength in our gym - I hope to continue this, but with a change this year - as we are going to go back and revisit/focus on the basics.  We are going to take a break from hardcore dedicated olympic lifting work, positioning drills, etc. and focus more on "CrossFit Lifting" -- aka lifting in ladders, on the clock, and under pressure.
3) I would like to see everyone regain their cardio/old school CF intensity.  Jay and I have become expert workout planners, we can definitely maximize someone's score in an open workout, or regional workout.  More often than not though we need to break that mold in training and push way past our limits.  Planning tiny sets with small breaks does not work in a team competitive environment.  You need to be able to pump out huge sets and still have the confidence to continue moving and not hit complete muscle failure.  The only way to build confidence with this is to go there often, run yourself into the wall, compete, and go hard.  When you are at class with someone else who follows this programming you need to have an unwritten pact that you are going to push each other as hard as you can.
4) Anyone planning to try-out for the team next year will need to compete in at least 2 individual local competitions this off-season. (I will count the Masters as one as well) You can pick which ones you do, I would prefer that you did them with others from FCF if possible.  Of course team ones are encouraged as well, but we typically always sign up for those anyway.  Plan ahead - I am participating in the Fit Club Games, I know a few others are as well.  Basically you need to know where your standards fall short, what workouts in competition kick your ass or hold you back, and where you can improve.  It also gives me an idea of where everyone sits throughout the season - who is putting in good effort year round, and who is only focusing from the time the Open starts.

1) Outlaw Warm-Up + Sotts Press before #1 begins - get on your warm-up quick if you're 5:30am.
2) Bust ass
3) Scale to Handstand Push-Up (Kipping)
4) *Extra Work*
Odd: Kroc Rows AHAP max Set R/L inside the minute. If you can go longer than a minute you're too light.
Even: 12 Glute Ham Raises

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

1) HS Hold - Facing Wall - Accumulate 3 minutes
2) HS Hold - Free Standing or w/ partner - Accumulate 2 minutes
3) Outlaw Warm-Up + 10 Pause Snatch Balances @ 75lbs/55lbs

1) BS - 60% x 4, 70% x 4, 75% x 3 x 3
2) Snatch 60% x 2, 70% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 2
3) C&J (2+1) - 60%, 70%, 80%, 85%

1) AmRap Strict HSPU UB
2) RDL x 5 Reps 80% of Clean
3) 8 L-Pull-Ups
4) Push Press 70% x 3
5) Rest

500m Row - Max Effort

Extra Class Work:
1) AmRap Strict HSPU UB
2) RDL x 5 Reps 80% of Clean
3) 8 L-Pull-Ups
4) Push Press 70% x 3
5) Rest

Wed, May 21, 2014

Rest Day

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

1) Back Squat - 60%x3, 70%x3, 80% x 3 x 2
2) Power Snatch - 60%x4, 65%x4, 70% x 2 x 3
3)  Power Clean + Jerk - 60% x (4+1), 65% x (4+1), 70% x (2+1) x 3
4)  Clean Deadlift - 80% x 5 x 4 

1) Skin the Cat - 2 sets of 5 reps for form. Move slowly and straight body.
2) Weighted CTB Strict 3 sets of 8
3) HS Hold (Chest facing wall for first two sets, with partner for second 2) 4 x 40 seconds

2 rounds of:
Sled Push to curb and back w/ 180/110lbs on sled
30 Toes-to-Bar

Extra Class Work:
**Wear a weightvest for the MetCon**
then complete....
1) Skin the Cat - 2 sets of 5 reps for form. Move slowly and straight body.
2) Weighted RING DIPS 3 sets of 8
3) HS Hold (Chest facing wall for first two sets, with partner for second 2) 4 x 40 seconds

Monday, May 19, 2014

Today begins a new cycle - I'll release more info on this soon - Your option on whether you would like to begin this now, or stick to class work + extra work for a few months to refresh yourselves.  This cycle will be a lot of lifting volume. 

1) Back Squat - 60%x4, 70%x4, 75% x 4 x 3
2) Snatch - 60%x4, 70%x4, 75% x 3 x 3
3) Clean & Jerk - 60% x (3+1), 70% x (3+1), 75% x (3+1) x 3
4) Snatch Deadlift - 85% x 4 x 4

5) Press - 4 x 5 

Accessory - 3 Rounds:
a) Weighted Planks x 20s
b) Glute Ham Raise x 12 Reps (weighted)

Extra Class Work: 
Clean Complex: 7 x Power Clean + Below Knee Squat Clean + Mid-Hang Squat Clean *Begin @ 70% and work up if possible.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wednesday/Thursday May 14/15

Wednesday, May 14th
Recovery Day -- Goal is to stay active.  If you are struggling to do this on your own come to the gym as a last resort and do some empty bar snatch work, mobility, rowing, etc.  Get moving/sweating for an hour or so -- Run, walk your dog, etc.

Thursday, May 15th
Prep Day:
1500m Row -- 5 Hard pulls per minute, rest is at a warm-up/conversational pace.

Outlaw Warm-Up - 45/35, 65/55 x 3 sets

Hang Squat Snatch - Warm-Up as needed and hit your two weights (3 for Jenny) for 2 or 3 sets.  If you make them both on the first two sets move on, if you miss you can do 3 sets if you want. 

Weight Feeling:
3 rounds:
a) Back Squat - 60% x 5 reps
b) Deadlift - Same weight as (a) for 5 reps
c) OHS - 3 Reps at 185/115 (135 for Jenny)
*No time on this, casual, just focus on setting yourself and moving very well, but feeling some heavier weights.*

Movement Prep:
3 Rounds:
3 Muscle-Ups
4 Hang Power Cleans (160/120)
5 Wall-Balls
6 Box Jumps
10 Air-Squats
30 Double Unders
Rest 3mins

Monday, May 12, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

1) E2MOM - Hang Squat Snatch - 145, 145, 145, 155, 155, 155

2) 4 rounds through the superset:
2a) Front Squat - Speed Squats 4 reps @ 135
2b) Muscle-Ups - 4 Reps
Rest 1min

3) Strict HSPU Sets:
6, 5, 5, 5 - Rest 3mins
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 - Rest 2mins
3, 3, 3 - Rest 1min
3, 3 - Rest 30s
*Each set should be done at "Game Speed", then rest*

1) E2MOM - Hang Squat Snatch - Opening weight minus 15/10lbs for 3 rounds, Opening weight for 3 sets.

2) 2 attempts at Max HSWalk

3) Strict HSPU sets:
2 Rounds through - Break sets if needed but try to go Unbroken with rest
9 UB, rest 30s
6 UB, rest 15s
3 UB

4) 500m Row @ Event 7 Pace x 3, rest as needed in between. 

Extra Class Work:
1) Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS - 7 sets @ 70% ***Move Better!***

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

1) Hang Snatch + OHS -- 7 Sets @ 165/115

2) EMOM8 - 3 Hang Power Clean + 3 Burpee over bar (170/120)

3) 15-12-9:
Clean and Jerk 135/95

If time permits for team members complete:
Event 7 with partner once through.

Extra Class Work:
Back Squat Heavy 1, then 3x3 @ 85% of Heavy 1
5 x 12 as heavy as possible Pendlay Row

Friday, May 9, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Extra Class Work:
1) Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch - 
E2MOM complete 2 reps @ 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%
E2MOM complete 1 rep @ 85%, 90%, Max

2) Clean + 2FS + Jerk - No time limit - hit 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%

Friday, May 9, 2014

Team -- Make a decision on how your body feels - Either Prep Day or Training day:

Prep Day:
1k Row - 5 Strong pulls per min, rest at warm-up pace

Outlaw Warm-Up x 3 -- 45/35lbs, 55/45lbs, 65/55lbs

3 rounds:
1 Hang Snatch (185/135#)
3 Burpees over the Bar
4 Box Jumps
6 WB (10ft)
8 Pull-Ups
12 Air Squats
24 Double Unders
Rest 2mins

Training Day:

1) 5 x 50' HS Walk -- Line up and go until you accomplish 5 sets of 50'.  Your score is how many attempts it takes you to achieve 50' 5 times.

2) Event 1 "Level" x 3 *Rest as needed between sets*
-- I.e. if you are doing the set of 15 you will do 15 Mu + 15 C&J, rest as needed between efforts.  The goal here is to test what you can do fresh, vs. semi-tired, vs. worst case scenario.  Practice your game day sets and timing, and practice on the ring height.

3) Complete the Prep Day above in entirety and perform mobility for Saturday.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014


Prep Day:
1k Row - 5 Strong pulls per min, rest at warm-up pace

Outlaw Warm-Up x 3 -- 35lbs, 45lbs, 55lbs

3 rounds:
1 Hang Snatch (185/135#)
3 Burpees over the Bar
4 Box Jumps
6 WB (10ft)
8 Pull-Ups
12 Air Squats
24 Double Unders
Rest 2mins


If you can arrive by 6:30pm we are going to run through the Hang Snatch and practice some HS walks


Event 1

Event 4/5

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

Rest Day

1) 3 Rounds:
500m Row
125 Double Unders
Rest 1min

2) Back Squat:
5 @ 70%
5 @ 75%
5 @ 80%
5 @ 85%

3) 5 Rounds:
8 Cals Air Assault
15 Straight Arm, Russian KBS 70/53#

***Rest Elbows/Wrists, Go as hard as you can on these - Lots of mobility pre/post Workout***

Extra Class Work:
Muscle-Up work:
a) 5 x Max Set of MU with 2min Rest in between (If more than 6-7 MU) (If you cannot do a MU work your transitions and do b)
b) 50 Strict Ring Dips for form

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Monday, May 5th, 2014

1) E2MOM for 20mins Hang Squat Snatch:
Sets 1, 2, 3 - First attempt weight
Sets 4, 5, 6 - Second attempt weight
Sets 7, 8, 9 - 5lbs above second attempt weight
Set 10 - PR attempt

2) 5 rounds of:
1min on, 1min off:
HS Walk

3) Every 20seconds for 7 rounds complete 7 pull-ups then immediately following do:
7 OHS @ 185/115# Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 rounds).

1) 3 rounds:
50 Calorie Row
Rest 2mins

2) Keep the 2min rest from #1 and go into:
15 seconds on, 15 seconds off for 30 minutes (60 rounds) of:
5 rounds (of the intervals) Box Jump Overs
5 rounds Deadlifts 185/120#
5 rounds Wall-Balls
5 rounds Ring Dips
*Total will be 3 rounds through the entire thing, aka you will end up doing 15 rounds of all 4 exercises.*

3) (2) 60ft HS Walks

Extra Class Work:
1) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk 7 x 1 @ 85% of max PP, work up if you can.
2) Kroc Rows 3 x Max Set/Arm with 100lb/70lb

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Individual -

1) E2MOM for 20min:
Sets 1, 2, 3 - 155# Hang Snatch
Sets 4, 5, 6 - 165# Hang Snatch
Sets 7, 8 - 175# Hang Snatch
Sets 9, 10 - 180# Hang Snatch

2) E2MOM for 10mins: 50ft Unbroken HS Walk (if you miss 50ft, try again in the 2mins)

3) 21-15-9-6-3:
Front Squat 125#
Burpee over Bar


Rest Day -- Do something outside of CrossFit, free your mind, have some fun, do something different!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Warm-Up: 30s HS Hold, Walk left on wall, walk right on wall roughly 15'. Kick down and complete 1 Max attempt HS walk with 2 faults.

1) EMOM3:
Complete 24 Pistols
7/6/5 Muscle-Ups (7 first minute, 6 second, 5 third) *Ring height at 88/82"*
10 HPC 175/115#
**If you fail to meet any of these minutes you are assessed one penalty**

rest 8 minutes and Complete:

5 Rounds:
7 Strict HSPU UB
8 OHS 205/135 UB
*Sets do not count unless done Unbroken, work on consistency and keeping to strict rest sets*
**Each failure to complete a set unbroken assesses one penalty**

At the end of the day add up your penalties and complete 1 Legless Rope Climb for each penalty.

1) Event 1 done in this order tomorrow - MUs must all be timed, as well as individual rounds.
Hunky & Mirth (simultaneous)
K$ & Mack
*Ring height set to 82", barbell moved after each set and run to end of wall before moving on*

*Rest 2 minutes from the end of your set and complete 1 max attempt at HS walk with 1 acceptable fault. *

2) Event 4&5

*Rest 2 minutes from the end of your set and complete 1 max attempt at HS walk with 1 acceptable fault.*

3) Event 7

*Rest 2 minutes from the end of your set and complete 1 max attempt at HS walk with 1 acceptable fault.*

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Friday, May 2, 2014

1)  Conditioning
Strict HSPU - Create a box that is 34"x24"
Hang Power Clean @ 160#/110# (Move bar forward 8' each round)
Bar Facing Burpee

** I need STRICT times posted for this in the comments if you are on the Team (or otherwise!) -- These need to be judged (HARSHLY) and have a stopwatch for time**

2) For time:
49 Pull-Ups
7 OHS (185/115#)

** I need STRICT times posted for this in the comments if you are on the Team (or otherwise!) -- These need to be judged (HARSHLY) and have a stopwatch for time**

3) Strict HSPU Work:
EMOM12 -
Max UB Set of Strict HSPU (see what your breakdown point is, try to maintain at least 2-3)

-- Prepare for Team Practice on Saturday at Skulls.  We will practice Event 1, Event 4&5, and Event 7.

After Team practice I will shoot an email out showing final pairs and we will stick with that as much as possible - that way everyone will understand who they need to practice with, but much of this is 6-person work.  We will try to get together 1 evening this week (which will be decided on Saturday) as well as Saturday and Sunday the following weekend (5/10-5/11, yes I know it is mother's day).  Then we will get together for sure on Tuesday morning for a final run through.  Time is very tight so if you all can avoid going out of town or making plans as much as possible that would be great, we cannot afford to be missing practices with only 3-4 opportunities now.  Right now I know Kit is gone this Sunday, and K$ is gone the following Sunday.  Please let me know any other schedule conflicts ASAP. 

Extra Class Work:
EMOM 10:
3 Reps @ Bodyweight OHS - If you fail to make 3 reps in the minute, you are done. If your OHS Max is within 20lbs of your bodyweight, scale down.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mobility - Partner shoulder stretching.
Option 1: Video1
Option 2: Picture #2
Option 3:

Then attempt to Sotts Press for a 2RM first from Snatch Grip
Then attempt to Sotts Press for a 2RM from Clean Grip & Front Rack

1) Every 2mins for 10mins:
 10 FS @ 195/125#
10 Burpees over Bar
*Scale reps/weights as needed to finish first two rounds by 1:30*

Rest 5mins

2) Every 2mins for 10mins:
1 Legless Rope Climb
200m Sprint

Rest 5mins

3)Every 2 mins for 10mins:
Walking Lunge w/ Axle 115/95# - 1 rig length
Air Dyne 3 cals

Extra Class Work:
1) Every 2mins for 10mins:
1 Legless Rope Climb
200m Sprint

2) Heavy 3 DL (Not too close to failure, form should be flawless).
Set of 5 @ -5%
Set of 8 @ -10%

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

1) Hang Snatch: 60% x 3, 65% x 2, 70% x 1, 75% x 1 x 3.
Start a clock with an empty bar and complete:
0-2:00 - 1 Attempt at a Hang Snatch
2:00-4:00 - 1 Attempt at Hang Snatch
4:00-6:00 - 1 Attempt at Hang Snatch
*Pick your own weights, no multiple attempts inside the time, can preload the bar for attempt 2 and 3 if done early*

Rest 2 minutes and complete:

3min AmRap of HS Walks - Max 2 faults. Fault = Less than 5ft walk.

2) Jenny complete:
Nasty Girls V2

Kit/Hunky/Mirth Maria/Ballin/K$ complete:
One Round of Nasty Girls V2. Timed/Judged, SPRINT! If you can do together, tag each other in/out.

Rest 5mins

Complete a second round and compare times.

All others complete: 
30 OHS 135/95#
30 CTB
30 DB Snatch 70/55#
30 Box Jumps 30"/24"

Rest 5mins

Complete w/ half reps. 

Class Extra Work:
7 sets of:
1 MU + 1 Strict MU Negative + Skin the Cat - For Form

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monday, April 28th, 2014

1) Oly:
Tabata Squat Snatch at 135/95#
Rest 2mins
Tabata Power Clean + Push Jerk 155/105#

2) MetCon:
250m Row
9 Thrusters 95/65
500m Row
15 Thr
750m Row
21 Thr
1000m Row

Class Extra Work:
Tabata Squat Snatch at 135/95#, then 40 HSPU for time immediately after tabata.

Saturday, April 26th, 2014

10 Deadlifts (295/205) w/ Axle
20 T2B
10 C&J (205/115) w/ axle
20 CTB
10 Snatches (115/75) w/ axle
20 Muscle-Ups

Casual 15mins to establish max:
1) Weighted Pull-Up
2) Weighted Ring Dip
3) L-Sit for time

End w/ Ski/Row/Dyne + OH Carry complex.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thursday/Friday - April 24/25, 2014

Thursday -- Complete Rest

Friday -- For those going out of town/needing early scheduling:

1) Oly/Strength:
Oly Total:
3 Declared attempts at Snatch -- No more than 4mins between lifts (max 15mins to warm-up)
3 Declared attempts at C&J -- No more than 4mins between lifts (max 15mins to warm-up)
*Strict cap on attempts, no additional lifts may be done after 3rd attempt*
Back Squat -- 70% x 5, 75% x 5, 80% x 5, 5RM (2 attempts if necessary)

2) Conditioning:
With a 12 minute running clock complete:
6min AmRap:
10 Stone-to-Shoulders (180/115)
10 Burpee Box-Jump-Over (20")

*No Rest*
6min AmRap:
30 DB Push Press (35/25#)
200m Sprint


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

1) Oly:
EMOM15 - Running Clock:
0-5:00 - Power Snatch 70% (75% for women) (weight stays on bar) x 4 Reps
5:00-10:00 - Squat Snatch x 3 Reps
10:00-15:00 - Power Snatch + Squat Snatch

2) Conditioning:
5 Rounds of:
5 Cleans 205#/145# (power or squat)
5 P-HSPU (45+25+Abmat)

rest 5mins

75 HR Push-Ups for time
*EMOM complete 15 WB (20/14# - 10ft target for all) *

Extra Class Work:
5 Rounds of:
5 Cleans 205#/145# (power or squat)
5 P-HSPU (45+25+Abmat)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

1) Jerk Grip OHS -- Warm up to 70% of last weeks 3RM and complete 5x5 - If you can try a squat jerk into the first rep.

2) 500m Row
10 Muscle-Ups
250m Ski
20 Pull-Ups
250m Ski
20 Pull-Ups
250m Ski
10 Muscle-Ups
500m Row

3) Tabata Double Unders -- Every break = 1 penalty. At the end of the Tabata calculate up your penalties and complete 10 Burpees per Penalty.

Extra Class Work:
EMOM10 - 2-5 Muscle-Ups -- Whatever you can do or maintain for the entire ten minutes.  Does not need to be unbroken, but complete the same number each minute. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

1) Gymnastics
10 minute AmRap:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 T2B

2) Conditioning:
50 Back Squats (135/95)
40 KBS (96/70)
30 STO
20 KBSn *Alternating*
10 Front Squat
5 KB OHS  (5 per arm)
***If you need to scale the OHS or Snatch KB weight, do so separately.  Still swing the heavy bell.  I want you to test what you are capable of on these movements comparatively to the DB snatches and DB OHS we have been doing.  This should test you very hard - choose your weights wisely, make it something you can do but on the upward limit of failure.  Don't be stupid though, if you fail more than 2-3 attempts you picked the wrong weight.***
If you have a group of 2-3 (no bigger than 3) treat this as a Relay, "For Time" event - Once Partner 1 finishes his/her KB Snatches, Partner 2 can begin on the 50 Back Squats. Rest until all partners have finished, then...

Repeat w/ Reps as: 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 3/arm.

3) Oly:
EMOM 8 complete:
5 TnG Squat Snatches 135/75

Extra Class work:
10 minute AmRap:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 T2B


30 Strict Pull-Ups for form.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

1) E30s for 5mins: 2 Cleans + 2 Jerks @ 65% Max for guys, 70% Max for girls.
After E30s portion, athletes will continue on in the ladder every 2 minutes, guys adding 10#, girls adding 5# every 2 minutes -- *Cleans must be TnG.*

Strength - EMOM12:
A) Front Squat 2 @  80%
B) 12-15 Box Jumps 30/24"

5 Rounds:
5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs
10 Cals on Assault Bike

Extra Class Work:
5 Rounds:
5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs
10 Cals on Assault Bike

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

1) Snatch Complex Ladder  -- Snatch, Hang Snatch, Snatch Balance, OHS
Guys begin @ 115 and go up by 10#
Girls begin @ 85 and go up by 5#
(EMOM if alone, if two or 3 people, just cycle through as fast as possible Minimum 10 minutes, so for ex. if you cannot get the 6th weight, go back down to the 5th weight and continue on until 10 minutes - treat it first as a ladder that could come up in competition, secondly as a training piece)

2) Alternating Double Tabata (16 rounds, alternate between 1 and 2):
1. Chest-to-Bar
2. Weighted Pistols (44/35#)
*Score is worst round of each (i.e. CTB - 6, WP - 8)*

3) With a 25 minute running clock complete:
2 Rounds of:
200m Farmers Carry 55/35# (cut across grass)
10 Manmakers 55/35#

at 12mins begin:

5min EMOM:
Sled Push Curb and Back (45#/25# on sled)

5min EMOM:
Sled Drag (With Straps on shoulders) D&B (45/25#)

3min EMOM:
Sled Pull (Backwards holding straps) D&B (45/25#)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

*Swapping Tues/Wed programming days for Volume purposes*
Mobility: 12 mins to beat your 3RM Jerk Grip OHS, then complete Outlaw Warm-Up w/ 95#/65# if you can.
1) EMOM 12 (or until failure):
Clean + Hang Clean + 2FS + Jerk
*Weights the Same as Thruster/Snatch Ladder - Increase after every rep as if a Ladder*

2) Team
As a team of two (three if possible) complete (one working at a time)
22min Cap:
100 Cal Row
100 KBS (OH) 53/35#
100 DUs
100 Thrusters (75/55#)

Individual -
22min Cap:
100 Cal Row
100 KBS (OH) 53/35#
100 DUs
100 Thrusters (75/55#)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

Swapping Tues/Wed days for Volume purposes
1) King Kong
3 Rounds of:
1 Deadlift 455#/300#
2 Muscle-Ups (Bar MU if you did Ring MU yesterday)
3 Squat Cleans 250#/185#
*(Scale to 90% of DL / SqClean if your maxes are less than 485/315, or 265/200#)*

2) Back Squat -- 70% x 5, 75% x 5, 80% x 5, 85% x 5, 5RM (in one attempt, try to 5RM your 3RM from last week #FailCity)

3) EMOM 10:
3 Power Snatch 135#/95# *(Try to work on getting back to ground without stopping at hang, for speed, if this is too heavy to do that lighten it just a bit, not much)*
3 Strict Pull-Ups

Class Extra Work:
3) EMOM 10:
3 Power Snatch 135#/95# *(Try to work on getting back to ground without stopping at hang, for speed, if this is too heavy to do that lighten it just a bit, not much)*
3 Strict Pull-Ups

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

1) Oly/Gymnastics
Snatch Balance + 2 OHS @ 85-90% to start, up to 100-110% x 5 Sets
** After each set do 1 Max UB Set of Ring MU** -- Take each to complete failure.

2) Death by Rope Climb 15'
*(If less than 4 rounds go back down the ladder, i.e. 1-2-3-4(f)-3-2-1)*

3) For time:
30 DB Snatch 85/65#
30 HR Burpees
30 DB Goblet Squats 85/65#
30 V-Ups
Rest 1:1 then Repeats w/ 15 reps/exercise.

Extra Work for Class:
Death by Rope Climb (If less than 4 rounds go back down the ladder, i.e. 1-2-3-4(f)-3-2-1)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2014


1) Snatch Ladder -- Teams of 3, EMOM Complete the ladder:

Women's weights (pounds): 105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185.
Men's weights (pounds): 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295.

2) In your team of three complete:
4 rounds of:
Mary (Sub 15 Ring Dips for Pull-Ups if you did Friday's full day)
(Partner A does 1 round of DT, then moves on to 1 Round of Mary, Partner B does DT once A is done and moved on, then from Mary to Rest, from Rest to DT, etc. until the whole team has completed 4 rounds of each).

3)  TBD

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

From here on out Regional Training will look like this:
Monday: Oly + Gymnastics + Metcon
Tuesday: Interval Oly + Metcon
Wednesday: Interval Strength/Oly/Gymn + MetCon
Thursday: Off
Friday: Double Day - Maxes in morning session, Running clock Metcon in afternoon.
Saturday: Skulls - Team practice.

Session One:
1) Snatch - 60% Double, 70% Double, 80% Single, Heavy Single (No more than 2 misses)
2) C&J - 60% x 2+1, 70% x 2+1, 80% x Single, Heavy Single (No more than 2 misses)
3) Back Squat - 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85% x 3, Heavy 3 (one additional attempt above 85%)

Reverse Tabata (:10 on, :20 off):
Bar Muscle-Ups **Don't Rip**

**Rest at least 3 hours**

Session Two -
With a 20 Minute running clock complete:
7 Minute AmRap of:
25 WB Unbroken (Mandatory break at 25, no less, no more. Get as many sets in as you can.  Cannot stop and rest with ball, only acceptable break would be a complete loss of balance but try to avoid, classic 20/14# to 10'/9' target).

From 7-12 minutes you must complete:
Max lengths of FR Walking Lunge with Axle (115/75) (Down = 1 round, back = 1 round) (Must be unbroken lengths, steps should be continuous, i.e. no gathering feet after steps)

From 12-20 minutes:
Get as far as you can in the ladder (1-2-3-4-5, etc.)
Strict Pull-Up
OHS w/ Axle Bar (115/75#) (Mandatory Squat Snatch to start from ground)

Class Extra Work:

1) Reverse Tabata: Bar MU
2) 7 Minute AmRap of:
25 WB Unbroken (Mandatory break at 25, no less, no more. Get as many sets in as you can.  Cannot stop and rest with ball, only acceptable break would be a complete loss of balance but try to avoid, classic 20/14# to 10'/9' target).

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

Running on a reverse tabata clock (:10 on, :20 off) complete:
5 rounds of 2 Power Clean @ 155#/105#
5 rounds of 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean @ 185#/125#
5 rounds of 1 Squat Clean @ 205/135#
5 rounds of 1 Squat Clean @ 235#/160#

2 Legless Rope Climbs
4 Strict Ring Push-Ups (feet highly inverted)
6 OH DB Squats (70/55#)
8 Triple Unders

Complete 50 DB Thrusters for time (65/45#)
*EMOM complete 5 burpees, begin with a set of burpees*

Class extra work:
Chose one of the three pieces above to complete after class - Look at it like this:
If you are a ninja do Oly
If you are a beast do Skill
If you need cardio/intensity work do Conditioning.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

1) Power Snatch - 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 3RM
2a) Sn Hi-Pull - 80% - 4s x 2r
2b) Sn PP + OHS - 5+1 @ 70, 75, 80, max

Tabata (16 rounds, alternating movements):
1. Back Squat 225#/155#
2. T2B

7 Rounds:
400m Run
Max Set HSPU
*Rest 2min between sets*

Extra Class Work:

7 Rounds:
400m Run
Max Set HSPU
*Rest 2min between sets*

Monday, April 7th, 2014

This week you will need to figure out your own schedule based on a few things:
#1 - If you came all weekend and need to rest today DO SO! Figure out what days you will come the rest of the week, and try to make Skulls on Saturday.
#2 - If you need to do any of the remaining workouts you should plan to do so this week as either extra work from class, or in place of a metcon for the full competition training.
#3 - Remember to be smart as you begin adding volume back into your training, think about it in "workouts per week" - if each labeled section on here is 1 workout, class will typically have 2, this will typically have 3.  If you have been hurting from the Open you should be looking to add one workout per week over the next 3-4 weeks (i.e. don't jump onto this blog full go and get straight to 15-18 workouts if you aren't ready for that) Do class and add in some work gradually, get to 12-13 this week, then 13-14 next week, 15 in 3 weeks, then we will deload for regionals.

1) 3-Position Clean + Jerk: 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, Max
2a) Clean Pull - 100% of Clean x 4s x 3reps
2b) FS - 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 3RM

1) Hang Power Clean 225/155 x 4
2) Muscle-Up 3 + 3
3) 10-12 KBS (100/70#)

4 RFT:
Max Rep Bench Press, bodyweight
50m Sled Push w/ (2) 45s

Class Extra Work:
EMOM 15:
1) Ring Dips: 5 Kipping + 5 second hold in support then Drop, complete 2-3 sets per minute.
2) 50m Sled Push w/ (2) 45s
3) 10-12 KBS (100/70#)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Saturday, April 5th, 2014


1. 20 255#/155# DL UB, 12 HSPU UB, Rest 2min, 12 HSPU UB, 20 255#/155#DL UB

2. Thruster Ladder - 20 seconds to make lift, 10 seconds to transfer.

Women's weights (pounds): 105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185.
Men's weights (pounds): 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295.

3. 3 rounds of:
2 Rope Climb
3 225#/135# Squat Cleans

4. 3 Burpee MU + 30s Rest Amrap in 7mins.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014

1) Power Clean 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 3RM
2) Power Jerk 60% (of Split Jerk) x 3, 65% x 3, 70% x 3, 3RM
3) OHS - 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 3RM

EMOM 14:
1) 14-16 Pistols (or scale to goblet squat weighted 30" step-ups - try to mimmick pistol position)
2) 100/70lb DB Snatch - 3-4/arm

**If you can separate into two different sessions do so -- or rest ~1hr between these two sections**

3 rounds of:
Hang Power Snatch @ 115#/85#
*Rest 3mins after each 12-9-6 round, then repeat x 2 -- This is going to smoke the grip, so manage it as you would an Open/Regional workout*

Class assistance work
From here on out I will be posting additional work if you are deciding to do class, but still want to do extra work.  This will mainly be for people in the early morning or late afternoon who are doing team.  If you are able to come during the 'mid-day skulls' you can choose to do the full day above or class + assistance work (or in reality whatever you like).  Teams do not need to volumize for Regionals like Jenny/individuals will, so switching to this program if you have seen success with class programming is not entirely necessary.  However each day there will likely be something posted that you could and should benefit from.  This will alternate between gymnastics, olympic, and strength work so try to not pigeon hole yourself into just doing the gymnastics assistance everyday.

Do class (Scale KB Snatches to Heavy DB Snatch for Class Death By) then complete...

1. 14-16 Pistols (or scale to goblet squat weighted 30" step-ups - try to mimmick pistol position)
2. 6-8 Chest-to-Bar
3. Hang Power Snatch 7 Reps @ 115/85#


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Complete Rest

Use it you earned it!

Jay and I are discussing ways in which we can better work Regional work into classes for the next 3-4 weeks.  We will have 1-2 weeks to train as a team with the workouts before we deload and prep for regionals -- keep up the hard work, I'm excited to watch our hard work pay off and have some fun!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

1) 3Pos Snatch (Floor up) - 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, Max
2) Snatch Pull - 100% x 4s x 3r
3a) Back Squat - 70% x 5, 75% x 5, 80% x 5, 5RM
3b) Push Press - 70% x 5, 75% x 5, 5RM

1. AmRap Sets of 5 T2B *Do 5 T2B, drop, short rest, repeat, exactly as done in 14.4*
2. 5/3 MU
3. 5 Bridge-Ups (try to push further, and hold for 2-3s at top, working mobility)

2mins on, 1min off for 5 rounds (that is 5 rounds of the time intervals, not 5 rounds of the workout):
3 DL @ 365/235
6 burpees
9 WB (10ft Target, 30lb/20lb ball)
12 Cals on Rower
**Finish where you left off**

Monday, March 31, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Class Strength

10min AmRap:
5 Strict Ring Dips
1 Legless Rope Climb

rest10min then complete with a partner...

5min AmRap:
1-2-3 Ladder (Partner A does 1, B does 1, A does 2, B does 2, A does 3, B does 3, that is one round)
HPC @ 225/155#

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

1) Snatch - 60% x 2, 70% x 2, 80% x 2, Heavy Single
2) C&J - 60% x 2+1, 70% x 2+1, 80% x 2+1, Heavy Single

1) Back Squat 3reps @ 80%
2) 10 Strict Pull-Ups
3) :45s of DU (goal 70-80)

Class MetCon

Friday, March 28, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

14.5 then...


1) Power Snatch 5 x 3 TnG @ 75%
2a) Sn High-Pull 5 x 3 @ Same wgt as #1
2b) Snatch PP + OHS (5+2) x 5 (begin @ 75%)

As a team of 3 go as far as possible on:
1-2-3 Ladder of C&J:
155, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 285, 305, 315
105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205
**Must be TnG**

With the same team of 3 - immediately following the C&J Ladder begin:
750m Row
750m Row
**Each athlete rows 750m, must keep A, B, C order entire workout**

Complete for form x 3 rounds:
a) L-Sit - Max Sit
b) Ice Cream Makers x 6 Reps
c) Skin the Cat + Muscle-Up + Muscle-Up Negative (Slow)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Friday, March 28th, 2014

14.5 -- Get the Open done right!

Rest 20-30mins then...

1) 3 Position Clean (Bottom up) + Jerk: 60%, 65%, 70%, 75% x 3sets
2a) Clean Pull 3 x 2 @ 100% Max Clean
2b) FS 3s x 5r @ 75%
2c) Good Mornings 3 x 5r @ 155#/105#


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Prep Day

2 Rounds of:
500m Row
0.5miles AirDyne

3 Rounds of:
Outlaw Warm-Up - 45#, 65#, 85#

3 Rounds of:
1 Squat Clean Thruster 115#/85#
2 Thrusters 115#/85#
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"
6 WB
10 Air Squats
30 DUs
*Rest 2mins*

Mobility as needed

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

Rest Day
Complete Rest

Monday, March 24, 2014

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

With a 25 minute running clock...
1. 100 Ring Dips for time or AMRAP 5, which ever comes first.

At the 5 minute mark...

2.  80 Wall Balls, 30/20 or AMRAP 5, which ever comes first.

At the 10 minute mark...

3. 60 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20 or AMRAP 5, which ever comes first.
Face the box, show control and full stand on top of each box jump.

At to the 15 minute mark...

4.  40 Clean and Jerks, 155/105 or AMRAP 5, which ever comes first.

At to the 20 minute mark...

5.  1200 meter Run, or run as far as possible in 5 minutes, which ever comes first.

Monday, March 24th, 2014

Take 10 minutes to establish a new 5RM Jerk Grip OHS (try to tie or beat your last 3RM)

1) Power Clean 75% 3s x 5r
2a) Power Jerk 65% (Of max Split or Power Jerk) x 3s x 5r
2b) OHS 75% x 3 x 5

1) (2) 70# KB FR Walking Lunges - x 18, 16, 14, 12 Steps
2) Max UB Pull-Ups
3) 20 Hollow Rocks + 10 Superman Rocks

Skiing - 2 rounds of: 750m, 500m, 250m **Rest 1:1**
Rowing - 1 round of: 750m, 500m, 250m **Rest 1:1**

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sunday, March 23rd, 2014


1) Front Squat - Heavy 2
2) 5 x 2 Pause Squats (5s Pause) @ 80% of #1

With a partner complete:
30 Bar-facing burpee Buy-In (think in sync burpees, jump over bar at same time, chest to ground at same time)
then...(with a partner complete):
30 Alternating Squat Cleans @ 185
20 Alternating C&J @ 185
10 Alternating Snatch attempts @ 185
30 Bar facing burpee Cash-Out
**Must wait on partner to finish buy-in burpees to begin barbell work, 1 barbell per team**

Score is time + Snatch % - Hunky/Jibs were 11.02 and 70%


50 HSPU for time
*Every drop off the wall is 10 DB Rows in Plank (65/45#)*

Friday, March 21, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Complete 14.4

After 14.4 rest ~30mins-1hr and complete:

1) Snatch - 60% x 2, 70% x 2, 80% x 2, Heavy single
2) C&J - 60% x 2+1, 70% x 2+1, 80% x 2+1, Heavy single

Every 90s for 9 minutes (6 rounds):
a) Back Squat 5reps @ 75%
b) Straight-Leg Deadlift 5 reps slow/for form, not super heavy.

***If done yesterday, complete Skulls***

Oly --
1) 3-Position Snatch - 60%, 65%, 70%, 75% x 3 sets
2a) Snatch Pull - 100% x 3r x 5s
2b) Push Press - +10lbs from last week for 5 x 5

1)  AirDyne 6cals
2) Max UB Strict L-Pull-Ups
3) Deadlift 315 x 10, 8, 6, 6 Reps TnG

Rest exactly 12min then complete:

50 Bar-facing burpee Buy-In
then...(with a partner complete):
30 Alternating Squat Cleans @ 185
20 Alternating C&J @ 185
10 Alternating Snatches @ 185
50 Bar facing burpee Cash-Out
**Must wait on partner to finish buy-in burpees to begin barbell work, 1 barbell per team**

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Friday, March 21st, 2014

Prep Day OR 14.3

Prep Day:

1k Row - 5 hard pulls each minute

3 x Outlaw Warm-up - 45#, 65#, 90#

3 Rounds of:
1 C&J @ 155#/105#
2 BS 155/105#
4 Burpees
6 WB
8 KBSn (alternate) 44#/35#
10 Air Squat
12 KBS 44/35#


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

1) Power Snatch 3sets of 5 reps @ 70%
2a) Snatch Hi-Pull (finish with arms) - Wgt same as #1 x 4s x 5r
2b) Snatch PP + OHS - 4s x 5+1r

Gymnastics -- 4 rounds - ** To be done off the clock for form **:
1) Front Lever work - any apparatus, any scale -  10 seconds (Video )
2) Ice Cream Makers - 5 reps (Demo )
3) Ring Push-ups - 12 reps
4) Jumping Pistols - 10 Reps Alternating - for explosion!

Squat Clean Thruster 115#

rest 3min

Squat Snatch 115#
Bar MU

Monday, March 17, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Oly Work:
1) 3 Position Clean + Jerk (Floor, below knee, above knee) 60, 65, 70% x 4sets
2a) Clean Pull 95% x 5 x 2
2b) Good Morning 3 x 5 - Light for form

Strength - EMOM 10:
Odd: Front Squat 5 Reps @ 70%
Even: 5 x Weighted Ring Dips (25#) then finish with one slow MU Negative (high rings)

400m Sprints x 4 rounds - Rest 1:1
200m Sprints x 4 rounds - Rest 1:1
then as soon as last rest period is over complete:
5min AmRap of DB Snatch 70/55#

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Impromptu Rest Day or 14.3 Repeat if needed

After 14.3 or as mobility work complete:

1k Row - 10s Hard, 50s Soft

3rounds of  45/35# Outlaw Warm-up

7 x 3/leg of 3 second lower, 3 second pause Pistols @ max from last week.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014

1) Mobility work -- 10 mins to establish more weight in your 3-rep jerk grip OHS - try to pause in the bottom.

1) Power Clean + Push Jerk - 3 sets of 5 - Not TnG but for time - Begin at 70% of 1RM C&J
2) OHS 70% 3s x 5r

Gymnastics: (5 rounds through, off the clock - everything for form/position)
a) Weighted Muscle-ups (AHAP) for 2, 4, 6, 4, 2
b) L-Sit x 20seconds
c) Skin the cat - 3 reps for form
d) 30 Hollow Rocks (Rounds 1, 3, 5), 30 Superman Rocks (Rounds 2, 4)

5 Rounds w/ partner:
100' (D&B) Partner Walking Lunges (Front Rack) (205/145#) ( Picture )
30 T2B as a team

Friday, March 14, 2014

Saturday, March 15th, 201

1) 3-Position Snatch (Floor, Below knee, above knee) 60%, 65%, 70% x 4 sets
2a) Snatch Pull - 95% x 5 x 2
2b) Push Press - 70% x 5 x 5
**For all exercises this week, if the prescribed weights feel good, you can increase weights on your final sets.**

Strength/Gymnastics - EMOM10:
1a) Back Squat 70% x 5
1b) Max UB Set HSPU:
Sets 1 & 2 - Just Abmat
Set 3 - 25's on side of abmat
Sets 4 & 5 - 45's on side of abmat

Partner Battlemode - 90 second intervals:
2 Rounds -- 2nd Round handicapped by rep differences (i.e. if you win round 1 by 4 reps, loser gets a 4 rep handicap in the second time through)
Round 1 - 5 Cleans (225/155#), Amrap time remaining Burpees **Loser completes 400m Run**
Round 2 - 15 Front Squats (155/105#), Amrap time remaining Sled Push D&B **Loser completes 400m Row**
Round 3 - 15 STO (155/105#), Amrap Time remaining Sled Pull D&B **Loser completes 8 Airdyne Cals**
Round 4 - 5 Snatches (155/105#) Amrap time remaining Air Squats **Loser completes 10 Wall-Climbs**

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Prep Day

1000m Row - 8 Hard Pulls/Min, rest easy/conversational pace.

3 Rounds (PVC/Barbell/85# Men / 65# Women) - Outlaw Warm-Up

4 Rounds of:
1 Bear Complex @ 135
2 Wall-Climbs
4 Burpees
6 Wall-Ball
8 Box Jump
10 KBS 53/35
12 Air-Squats
Rest 2mins

Mobility / Smashing

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

1) Hang Clean + 2 Jerks AHAP -- Hang Clean below the knee
2a) 3 Strict Press + 5 Push Press AHAP
2b) Hang Power Clean TnG Triples

Depending on hands:
Option A - EMOM 12:
3 Muscle-Ups
7 T2B


Option B - EMOM 12:
Odd: Max HS Walk for 3 mats, work on turn around and try to go back
Even: 5-10 Bridge-Ups with 3second hold at top, 5-10 Hollow Rocks

5 Rounds of 3min on, 1min off:
250m Row
10 DB Snatch (5r/5l) 100# (or 15 @ 70lb)
1 Rope Climb
*Continue where you left off*

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

1) Hang Snatch - Heavy Single, Below the Knee
1b) 6 x 2 @ 80% of #1 for form
2a) 2 Position Pause Snatch Pull -- 3 x 3 @ 110% of #1 - Pause below knee, Pocket, then finish pull.
2b) Sotts Press 5 x 3 AHAP

Odd: 3-5 BS @ 315#
Even: 1 Max UB Set of Kipping Ring Dips

Class Metcon

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Non-Open Redo'ers:

10 min Mobility Warm-Up:
Goal -- Pistols -- 5 second lower to bottom of pistol, 3 second hold in bottom, raise up.  Each leg should be able to do 2-3 reps -- complete with KB once it can be done with good form weightless.

14min EMOM:
Odd: 10 DB Bench Press (55#/35#) - or heavier if can handle it.
Even: Pistol Ladder -- Begin at 12, each set you make go up 2 reps.  (i.e. 12, 14, 16, 18, etc.) Alternate legs

With a partner complete:
100 HSPU
*EMOM alternating partners need to complete 5 Airdyne Cals.*

3 rounds through :15 on / :45 off:
L-Sit (parallette)
Weighted Ring Planks
90-Degree Pull-up hold (rings or bar if hands can handle it) - *Scale to Band Pull-Aparts*

Open Redo'ers:

Row 1000m - 8 hard pulls/minute - rest should be conversational pace.
OHS x 15 (PVC)
Passthrough x 15 (PVC)
KB OHS x 10/Arm (53/35)

5 x 5 FS @ 50% - Fast, deep.

Shoulder mobility / Arm Mashing.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Friday, March 7th, 2014

Possible Prep Day:
1) 1000m Row - 5s Hard Effort, 55s Easy effort

2) Outlaw Snatch Warm-Up x 3 - PVC, Empty Bar, 75/55lbs

3) 3 Rounds of:
1 C&J @ 165
2 FS
3 DL
4 Burpees
6 Box Jumps
8 WB
20 DU
Rest 2min

4) Mobilize for Open


Open Day:

1) Open 14.2

2) TBD

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Double Session:

1a) Tall Snatch - 7 x 2  For form
1b) Snatch Balance - 7 x 2 AHAP - Pause in bottom

2a) T2B -- 3 x 20 - UB if possible, if you break before 20 don't finish, instead add a 4th set and do a ME 4th set. 
2b) Strict Ring Dips 3 x 10 Weighted if possible
2c) Hollow Rocks 3 x 35
Rest 90s between each


1)  Front Squat Heavy 5
2) 5 x 3 Pause FS @ 75% of #1 -- 3s Pause

3) Metcon: Class Metcon from Wednesday, March 5, 2014 w/ Box Jumps

4) Tabata DU

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Single Session Today:

Warm-Up Goal: Shoulder Mobility overhead

1) Work to a light working set for 3 reps of Jerk Grip OHS - 10min Max
Stay light, move better - Stay on heels and try to keep bar extended and locked, not held forward.
*Pro points for clean Grip Sotts Press in the bottom of each rep*

Oly --
2) C&J Establish a Heavy Double
3a) 3 x 3 - 2-Position Pause Pulls -- Pause at knee, pause in pocket, finish pull @ 100% of #2
3b) 3 x 3 Jerk Balance at 80% of #2

Gymnastics (Emom14) --
4a) 7 x 1 - Kipping MU, then Strict Negative for form:
5s at support
3s Lower in Dip
3s in bottom of dip
Hold to chest for 2s
3s Lower to extension
Explode chest to ring pull-up.
4b) 7 x 3 Strict + 5 Kipping for Max Height HSPU

Metcon --
5) 4 x 1500m Row - Rest 1min, Row softly for ~1min, then continue - paces below:
6:30-7:00 2k Time: 1:48 Pace
7:00-7:30 2k Time: 1:53 Pace
7:30-8:00 2k Time: 1:58 Pace

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Testing own programming

Morning session:
1) Establish a max Snatch for the day - No more than two misses
2a) 5 x 3-position Snatch at 75-85% of Max
2b) 5 x 5 SnGrip Push Press AHAP

A) 5 x Banded Connection Kick-Ups --(   Video  ) Max in 1min
B) 5 x Max Set of complex: 1 Strict Pull-up, 3 Butterfly Pull-Ups

Afternoon Session:

1) Back Squat - Establish 3RM, then Max Set at 330.

2) Class MetCon from Monday, March 3 2014