Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Do class as RX -- PR that BS/Bench!

Extra work:
With a partner complete for time: (If no partner complete 20, 20, 20)
30 Strict deficit HSPU
40 Stone to Shoulder (150/110)
50 Cals on Rower (swap at 25)


  1. 1. Done as Rx - Love of the game - Pizza game was where its at.
    2. BS - not a great morning fail 435
    Bench 255 x 5
    Extra workout - done as prescribed with Jenny. Not sure on time but we moved through it.

  2. Bench went well! 10 at 140# 3RM backsquat! with 4 reps at 230# ( so i guess 4RM?) and PR'd my no crying during squats! =)

    Extra work:
    With Ca$h...hspu on 45s...moved pretty well through it
