Sunday, April 13, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

1) Oly/Gymnastics
Snatch Balance + 2 OHS @ 85-90% to start, up to 100-110% x 5 Sets
** After each set do 1 Max UB Set of Ring MU** -- Take each to complete failure.

2) Death by Rope Climb 15'
*(If less than 4 rounds go back down the ladder, i.e. 1-2-3-4(f)-3-2-1)*

3) For time:
30 DB Snatch 85/65#
30 HR Burpees
30 DB Goblet Squats 85/65#
30 V-Ups
Rest 1:1 then Repeats w/ 15 reps/exercise.

Extra Work for Class:
Death by Rope Climb (If less than 4 rounds go back down the ladder, i.e. 1-2-3-4(f)-3-2-1)


  1. 1) Wow.
    185 - 14
    195 - 11
    205 - 9
    205 - 7
    205 - 10
    205 - 6 *Ripped/Stopped*

    DBRC - 4 Rounds + 2 Climbs -- Hand/Gloves issues, probably wouldn't have gotten 5 regardless.

    7.50 first round
    2.58 second round
    Really awesome/tough workout.

    Hard day, chest/shoulders smoked.

  2. 1. 160-170-180-190-failed 200-195
    8-7-6-6-8 muscle ups
    2. 3 rounds plus 3 rope climbs.
    3. MetCon
    10:17 first round
    4:12 second
