Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thursday/Friday - April 24/25, 2014

Thursday -- Complete Rest

Friday -- For those going out of town/needing early scheduling:

1) Oly/Strength:
Oly Total:
3 Declared attempts at Snatch -- No more than 4mins between lifts (max 15mins to warm-up)
3 Declared attempts at C&J -- No more than 4mins between lifts (max 15mins to warm-up)
*Strict cap on attempts, no additional lifts may be done after 3rd attempt*
Back Squat -- 70% x 5, 75% x 5, 80% x 5, 5RM (2 attempts if necessary)

2) Conditioning:
With a 12 minute running clock complete:
6min AmRap:
10 Stone-to-Shoulders (180/115)
10 Burpee Box-Jump-Over (20")

*No Rest*
6min AmRap:
30 DB Push Press (35/25#)
200m Sprint



  1. 1) 220 (f), 220 (f), 230
    2) 305 (F x 3)
    3) BS - 295, 315, 335, 355, 375
    * Not a great lifting day*

    2) 1 + 6, 3 full rounds on second -- Stone kicked my ass

  2. 1) Snatch 157.5, 170 fail, 170
    2) C&J 180, 195, 205 fail (I really am going to start trying to power clean least maybe then I will catch earlier...)
    3) 175, 190, 200, 215- didnt feel hard to squat, but back didnt feel great toward the end so didnt try another set

    Back felt bad after dropping stone so switched to 12 min AMRAP 10 burpee bj, 30 DB push press, 200 m run. Got 3+7. In general my body did not feel good on this

  3. Oly Total
    Snatch: 185, 195, fail 207.5 (PR attempt)
    C&J: 235, 245, fail 255 (PR attempt)
    Still a PR for my total (was 415)

    2. BS
    250, 270, 290, 315 (fail)

    3. Tried with the 172# stone and tweaked my back so went done to the 142# pounder
    1+7 on stone/burpee workout
    2+30 on STO/Run, run was real slow after the stones
