Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

1) Scale to 85/65lb DB
2) 5/3/1

Extra Work:
Superset - 5 Rounds:
1) DB Strict Press 55/35# x 10 Reps
2) Strict Ring Dips x 8 Reps
3) Morning Crew: 10 OH Walking Lunges w/ Axle @ 135/95# - Try to Snatch it up.
Evening Crew: 5 Speed Squats w/ Safety Squat Bar @ BBB Weights for BS


  1. 1. 9:58
    2. Back Squat - 305 x 5, 345 x 3, 385 x 5
    Strict Press - 145 x 5, 165 x 3, 185 x 3
    3. Only completed 3 rounds of walking lunge and db sp. 1 round of ring dip. Shoulders were not boulders.

  2. 1. 12:14 i think....DB snatches slow
    2. BS 175x5, 200x3, 220x1 =( just didnt feel good squatting today
    SP 85x5, 95x3, 105x4 (was supposed to be 110 but didn't see that until after)
    3. 5 rds -all dips UB

  3. 1. 9:45.. I was trying to go really fast on the burpees... I could of extended more.
    2. Back squat:150*5 170*3 190*5
    3. Strict press: 60 *5 75*3 80*7

    Extra work.... Had to use 25 for the dumbell strict press... My arms were dead.. Also didn't snatch the axel bar but I practiced my cleaning and scooting my hands out :)

    My legs are sore.
