Sunday, April 20, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

1) Gymnastics
10 minute AmRap:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 T2B

2) Conditioning:
50 Back Squats (135/95)
40 KBS (96/70)
30 STO
20 KBSn *Alternating*
10 Front Squat
5 KB OHS  (5 per arm)
***If you need to scale the OHS or Snatch KB weight, do so separately.  Still swing the heavy bell.  I want you to test what you are capable of on these movements comparatively to the DB snatches and DB OHS we have been doing.  This should test you very hard - choose your weights wisely, make it something you can do but on the upward limit of failure.  Don't be stupid though, if you fail more than 2-3 attempts you picked the wrong weight.***
If you have a group of 2-3 (no bigger than 3) treat this as a Relay, "For Time" event - Once Partner 1 finishes his/her KB Snatches, Partner 2 can begin on the 50 Back Squats. Rest until all partners have finished, then...

Repeat w/ Reps as: 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 3/arm.

3) Oly:
EMOM 8 complete:
5 TnG Squat Snatches 135/75

Extra Class work:
10 minute AmRap:
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 T2B


30 Strict Pull-Ups for form.


  1. 1. Lost count either 6+1 or 7+1
    2. First round 17:05, rested 10 mins, final time 36:00
    3. Didn't have time to do today. Work got in the way.

  2. 1) 7 rounds even
    2) First round in 18:00 -- Used 96lb KB through, missed L-Arm OHS -- Rested 14mins, 8:10 second round w/ 96lb (finished)
    3) 2 was plenty for me today.
