Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, Sept 16, 2014

In class perform the following if possible without disrupting instruction/time:
Max Muscle-Ups in 2mins
rest 60s
Max MU in 90s
rest 60s
Max MU in 60s
Rest 60s
Max MU in 30s

after class complete:
10 Rounds:
3 Power Cleans 225#/155#
6 Strict HSPU
9 GHD Sit-Ups

1 comment:

  1. Jason had us do 3 sets MU on the rings from the ceiling. Didn't feel great. 6-5-4

    After class WOD:
    20:35 Mack and I shared a bar and ghd so some wait time.
    first 2 rounds did single cleans, rest of rounds did 3 tng. Really felt pretty good. HSPU got hard around 5th round. cleans felt better than hspu....not sure if this is exciting or upsetting?! =) GHDs fine.
