Sunday, May 4, 2014

Monday, May 5th, 2014

1) E2MOM for 20mins Hang Squat Snatch:
Sets 1, 2, 3 - First attempt weight
Sets 4, 5, 6 - Second attempt weight
Sets 7, 8, 9 - 5lbs above second attempt weight
Set 10 - PR attempt

2) 5 rounds of:
1min on, 1min off:
HS Walk

3) Every 20seconds for 7 rounds complete 7 pull-ups then immediately following do:
7 OHS @ 185/115# Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 rounds).

1) 3 rounds:
50 Calorie Row
Rest 2mins

2) Keep the 2min rest from #1 and go into:
15 seconds on, 15 seconds off for 30 minutes (60 rounds) of:
5 rounds (of the intervals) Box Jump Overs
5 rounds Deadlifts 185/120#
5 rounds Wall-Balls
5 rounds Ring Dips
*Total will be 3 rounds through the entire thing, aka you will end up doing 15 rounds of all 4 exercises.*

3) (2) 60ft HS Walks

Extra Class Work:
1) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk 7 x 1 @ 85% of max PP, work up if you can.
2) Kroc Rows 3 x Max Set/Arm with 100lb/70lb


  1. 1. Sets 1,2,3- 115
    2. Sets 4,5,6 -120
    3.sets 7,8,9 -125 (missed first try on 8 but I was just being stupid so I did it again and it was a good!) all in all it went well!!!
    Set 10- PR 127.5 stayed on my
    Heels felt pretty good .... Could of been a little bit more tight... My right arm gave in a little)

    Handstand walks... Went okay... Went about 50 ish feet

    Pull ups were consistent at 7.... Elbows and arms got tired. Heart rate was up

    OHS- woah baby I need to work on these more when my arms are tired cuz it felt heavy.... I failed on the first rep and only got 3 ... Wrists really hurt... Managed to get my crap together and get 7 in the next 4 times

  2. 1) Sets 1,2,3- 140
    Sets 4,5,6- 150
    Sets 7,8,9- 155(PR), completed 2, failed 1
    Set 10- 160 (PR!)

    2) HS Walk (5 Rounds)
    1: 50ft
    2: 55 ft
    3: 20 ft
    4: 60 ft
    5: 55 ft

    3) Sets of 7 pull-ups consistently
    All sets of 7 OHS unbroken (clean grip)

  3. Outlaw Oly and strength
    Hang Clean worked to a new 3rm: 235
    Jerk from blocks worked to a new 3rm: 240

    Alternating PP and weighted strict pull-ups 5x3
    Used 185# and 62# KB

    25 cal row
    25 burpee over box
    25 DL 180
    25 wall ball
    25 ring dips
    25 wall ball
    25 DL
    25 burpee over box
    25 cal row

