Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mobility - Partner shoulder stretching.
Option 1: Video1
Option 2: Picture #2
Option 3:

Then attempt to Sotts Press for a 2RM first from Snatch Grip
Then attempt to Sotts Press for a 2RM from Clean Grip & Front Rack

1) Every 2mins for 10mins:
 10 FS @ 195/125#
10 Burpees over Bar
*Scale reps/weights as needed to finish first two rounds by 1:30*

Rest 5mins

2) Every 2mins for 10mins:
1 Legless Rope Climb
200m Sprint

Rest 5mins

3)Every 2 mins for 10mins:
Walking Lunge w/ Axle 115/95# - 1 rig length
Air Dyne 3 cals

Extra Class Work:
1) Every 2mins for 10mins:
1 Legless Rope Climb
200m Sprint

2) Heavy 3 DL (Not too close to failure, form should be flawless).
Set of 5 @ -5%
Set of 8 @ -10%


  1. extra work - 1. legless turned into using legs pretty quick.
    2. 365 x 3
    345 x 5
    325 x 8.

  2. Getting a little better on legless ...... Mmmmm still got some work to do had to use my feet last 2 pulls Atleast.

    Did the dead lifts at
    215 *5
    ^^ my hands were raw I could hardly grip the bar! Ha oops

    All in all :) was fun
