Monday, May 12, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

1) E2MOM - Hang Squat Snatch - 145, 145, 145, 155, 155, 155

2) 4 rounds through the superset:
2a) Front Squat - Speed Squats 4 reps @ 135
2b) Muscle-Ups - 4 Reps
Rest 1min

3) Strict HSPU Sets:
6, 5, 5, 5 - Rest 3mins
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 - Rest 2mins
3, 3, 3 - Rest 1min
3, 3 - Rest 30s
*Each set should be done at "Game Speed", then rest*

1) E2MOM - Hang Squat Snatch - Opening weight minus 15/10lbs for 3 rounds, Opening weight for 3 sets.

2) 2 attempts at Max HSWalk

3) Strict HSPU sets:
2 Rounds through - Break sets if needed but try to go Unbroken with rest
9 UB, rest 30s
6 UB, rest 15s
3 UB

4) 500m Row @ Event 7 Pace x 3, rest as needed in between. 

Extra Class Work:
1) Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS - 7 sets @ 70% ***Move Better!***

1 comment:

  1. 1) Make all 145. Miss 1st 155 (UGH!) made other 2
    2) All done in about 40 seconds. Tried to just get chalk and get right on MU
    3) Set of 21 1:24, 15 in 1:05, 9 in 19 sec, didnt write other times...finished all at 9:44. No fails. Tried moving a little closer to the wall and I thought that was good.

    after did 1 hstd walk...1 side of rig around to other side and back falling 2 mats short of rig length
