Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Prep Day

1000m Row - 8 Hard Pulls/Min, rest easy/conversational pace.

3 Rounds (PVC/Barbell/85# Men / 65# Women) - Outlaw Warm-Up

4 Rounds of:
1 Bear Complex @ 135
2 Wall-Climbs
4 Burpees
6 Wall-Ball
8 Box Jump
10 KBS 53/35
12 Air-Squats
Rest 2mins

Mobility / Smashing


  1. Minimal gear day - Wrist Straps, Arm Sleeves (optimal).
    Clothing - Compression tights preferred.
    Shoes - Reebok Lifters

    1. Unfortunately I didn't get totally geared up today. Oly shoes and blue wrist-warmers and that was it. But man, I'm gonna get on my compression sleeve/tight game tomorrow - just hoping Cash can get up his recommendation when they release 14.3

  2. Jeff. I know you will own 14.3. BUT nobody owned that prep day workout like I did.
