Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wednesday, September 9

Semi-Finals + Finals tomorrow night for OAL at 7pm and ~8:20pm start times.

Extra work:
1) EMOM10: 
2 Position Snatch - Pocket + Above knee, drilling speed under the bar and footwork.  50-60%

2) E2MOM10:
2 Position Snatch - 65, 70, 75, 80, 80% - Do not move up to a higher % if you do not SMOKE both lifts. These are high percentages if you struggle with the pocket position. 

3) Front Squat:
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 85%
3 @ 80%
*Rest 2 minutes exactly between sets*


  1. I no longer do any actual blog work. Just here to post comments.

  2. welcome to the club.... #JustHereForTheComments #BetterThanFacepage

  3. Rest day for me with doing CFT Monday body is pretty worn down. Just did blog work only yesterday.

    Will hit tomorrow then Saturday doing Becky at buckeye with Mirth n lis before watching bucks at the shoe.

    1. Omg everyone is going to thr game except for me

  4. Class workout was death ... Hot and sweaty death. But a fabulous one might I oddly say!

    2 pos.Snatches at 60% went well... Really tried working on form , especially with going UP and not back on that last pull.
    The next e2mom I only did 2 rounds of...85,90 because I had to jump into the class AMRAP.

    Class AMRAP:
    I kept telling myself to just blaze through the wall climbs and catch my breath on the rest but with a steady pace. It seemed to work ok, other than me wanting to die after the wall climbs (I should probably start breathing during those)
    Got through 7+14

    Then did the squats! ... Haven't front squatted in awhile... Pretty sure 85% felt like 100%

    155,165,175,180,185 were my weights used during the front squats

    Good luck to grid tonight!!! #Dominate

  5. Good luck Grid team, although you wont need it. See you all next week
