Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wednesday, September 30

Hit class sprints hard.

Extra work:

1) E2MOM20:
Sets 1-5: 2 Clean & Jerks @ 65-70%
Sets 6-7: 1 C&J @ 75-80%
Sets 8-9: 1 C&J @ 85-90%
Set 10: 1 C&J @ 95-100%

2) 100 GHD Sit-Ups for time. You may not get out of the GHD to rest at any time. This means if you are working with a partner you should judge each other / cheer each other on. Standards are:
Guys - Touch 1 Blue Mat (double up) at the bottom, touch the pads at the top with both hands.
Girls - Touch 1 Ballistic Block (laid short ways) at the bottom, touch pads at the top with both hands. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fun morning at FCF. Hands were still a bit tender so had a little trouble with grip on snatches. Worked up to 125#.

    There was the softest hint of a chill in the air - running outside felt nice. Tried to chase down Amanda and Jade, but could not.

    100 GHD sit up time: 5:42
    This week's testings have sure been humbling.

    Grip/ hands were an issue so just did jerks. Felt heavy today. Worked up to 185#, made one missed one.

  3. Body feels pretty trashed today! I don't usually feel like I'm a baby about my hands but they really hurt today! 135# on snatches

    Cleans stopped at 195#. Just didn't feel good.

    GHDs 4:05

  4. Running went best it has in long time 12:43 Dru passed me on last 200 meters hamstrings had nothing left.

    Snatches up to 175 shoulders n lats were tired.

    C&j felt good up to 85% finished at 255

    Ghd had some back pain around 6 min I think I was a baby with lower back

  5. Didnt due class. Didnt want to push the groin.
    C&J: 205/245/265/285. Did all PCL. All makes
    Snatch: did PSN. Worked up to 185. All makes

  6. Body felt pretty terrible going into the gym today but then Jeff showed me a post from Khalipa pretty much saying to not judge how your body feels until you warm-up first. So I warmed up and started feeling better..... 'magine that! Thanks Khalipa (and Jeff)

    Did snatches and those went pretty well - I worked up to 105# for the 2 position, then did a few from the ground at 110#. Not high numbers for me, but felt kinda good about my positions.

    My body was not feelin' the clean & jerks today so I moved on after a few at 120-130#

    GDH sit-ups...... LAWDY! These took me 7:56. My shins were making me feel so uncomfotable? Did this happen to anyone else? Definitely need to work on these a lot more.

    Overall, a pretty pansy day of training but I won't let it grind me down.

    Love you guys. Anyone want to celebrate Ca$h's 30 years of life tomorrow morning at the 5:30 am class?!

    1. 2 things

      1) your body lies to you. Read a book about it.

      2) you gotta have some rainy days to make those sunny days special.

    2. Boobie, we can do these together too!!! We can work on our butts and guts together!!!!

  7. Snatches felt great today. 120# for pocket and hang! Probably a PR for pocket!

    Class wod finished in 12:43

    Rotator cuff/Lat felt right so I stopped doing the jerks at 130# and immediately scheduled an appointment with Sarah.

    gHd I think the settings were off because seriously my lower back and shins were the only thing that hurt and I was pissed I finished in 5:19 I wanted to punch someone .. And then I yelled at Clark to stop talking to me ... Sorry :(

    Cheered on everyone else as I had a headache after!

  8. Didn't get to class today. Did extra at work. 9:35 for GHD sit ups. Killer. Lower back was straining so must not be staying in a good position

  9. Like, WHOA! Class today 14:12...woof need to work more on that running!

    Just squat cleaned worked up to 185# where I hit a mental block and danced around the bar before actually completely the lift. Still catching it a little high and need to work on dropping faster. Thanks for letting me work in with you, Kenz and Shine!!! :)

    GHD sit-ups: I guess I won't be pooping, laughing, sneezing or breathing anytime in the near future!! My tummy and hip-flexors are trashed!

    Overall, a challenging day but uber fun!

  10. Completed GHDs at crissfit liberty this afternoon-7:50. Miserable. Quads. And my quads hurt. Quads. Didn't realize it was both blue guys stacked? Obviously not clear directions from whomever writes this blog. So I got 2 inches better I guess?
    Class-185 for snatches.
    WOD-12:49. Love that running.
    Clean and jerks. Up to 270 then failed 285 twice.

    Also got my decline bench on at CrossFit liberty-it really is a great place. You should try it sometime.

  11. Started the day with some extra work with Kenz, Jen, Clark and John non-sansbury (he needs a nickname!). Worked up to 150 which felt great on the clean and meh on the jerk. Then went for 160 which was again good for the clean and a big NOPE on the jerk.

    Everyone has said all there is to say about the GHDs: Shins, hips, quads, back, core. ALL DEAD. Finished in 4:50, thanks to a great cheer squad.

    Then hit class. Snatches felt pretty good today... Approached this like skulls, going up really in small 5# increments but trying to complete a lift every min. Got to 110 for both, unbroken, which was better than where I ended Sunday. So I was happy about that!

    Turns out GHD sit-ups before running and more core work wasn't the most awesome choice. Goal was to keep or improve my pace on the runs as the workout progressed which worked well. Subbed one of my Jenny core exercises for the hollow rocks but these weren't pretty :/ Finished in 14:10 I believe.

    Great day overall! Hopefully I can move tomorrow. Proud of everyone.

  12. Today was really tough after yesterday my legs and ass were so sore but I mustered up a 13:24 for the metcon.

    Extra work for the cleans and jerks I got 185 but failed at 205.

    Then the lovely GHDs made sure to rock me, and yes it's ok Kenz it was just "the heat of the moment" (illustrated best by this video http://youtu.be/-up8ebz06yA in honor of J. Sans needing to watch South Park). I did however power through the 100 GHDs with a 4:30 time. Turns out all that GHD practice while rehabbing my shoulder came into handy!

  13. Same as college I am still the slow thrower living with a sprinter Jesse 12:16 who also prd his pocket snatch
