Friday, September 25, 2015

Saturday, September 26

Skulls - 11:30am
Due to Bring-a-friend the gym will not be open during the 9am hour. If you are planning on coming in early please plan on being done by 9am and clear out so the coaches can have the full attention.

1) E90s for 15mins:
2 Jerks 
Sets 1-4 - 65%
Sets 5-7 - 75%
Sets 8-10 - 80-85%

2) For time complete:
"Fucked Up Jackie"
Row 1k
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
50 Thrusters @ 45/35
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters @ 45/35
45 Pull-Ups
Row 1k

3) 5 x 50m HS Walk (Utilize partners if you struggle to keep balance throughout this walk) - Goal is UB and form improvement (aka body position) - Rest 90s between efforts. 


  1. Did class today! Had a group of 5 so we did 250 axle bar clean and jerks! Was a good little burner... Not sure how long it took us.

    Thanks to Chris I did muscle up attempts made 2/4 made my first and last one! Last one j made without setting myself up with a box ! :)

    Thanks Chris

  2. Workout was good, 20.25, need to retest around open time. Second set of thrusters and last row needs to be better -- solid test

  3. Class fun group with cash mirth and clark.

    Did ghd sit ups after

  4. I liked today!

    Jerks: 145, 175, 195. All makes

    21:32 workout. Last row was rough!
