Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuesday, September 1

In typical Tuesday fashion today will be a day you will prioritize differently from other days:
1) 2Pos Snatch (High Priority)
2) Class MetCon (Low Priority)
3) OHS Work (Middle Priority)
4) Functionality (Essential)

Extra work:
1) E2MOM16:
2 Position Snatch - 2" off Floor (start from floor, pick up to 2", pause 2-3s and complete Snatch) + Below Knee (pause for 2-3s at position):
Rounds 1-2 @ 75%
Rounds 3-4 @ 80-85%
Through Rounds 5, 6, 7 & 8 - Build to establish a max 2-Position Snatch. 

2) OHS -- In 15 minutes work up to a 4-5second pause OHS at the highest weight achieved for #1 -- A minimum of 7 sets must be completed, all with a single pause OHS rep, build to that weight. (i.e. If I hit 215 on #1 I would start at ~155 then 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215. 

3) Functionality:
4 Rounds:
a) 8 x Dumbbell Rollback Extensions - Demo
rest 90s
b) 20 Reps - Reverse Snow Angels - Demo
rest 90s
c) 30seconds As heavy as possible - Axle Bar DL Hold (overhand) (can put in j-cups and have set to DL height so all you have to do is unrack it -- Get heavy) 

Wednesday at ~10am I (Jeff) am looking for a cardio buddy to hit a workout with me.  It will be painful and unenjoyable in the best way possible, I will likely have my shirt off - let me know if you are in. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Monday, August 31

by Henry Rollins
I believe that the definition of definition is reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. 


When I was young I had no sense of myself. All I was, was a product of all the fear and humiliation I suffered. Fear of my parents. The humiliation of teachers calling me "garbage can" and telling me I'd be mowing lawns for a living. And the very real terror of my fellow students. I was threatened and beaten up for the color of my skin and my size. I was skinny and clumsy, and when others would tease me I didn't run home crying, wondering why. 

I knew all too well. I was there to be antagonized. In sports I was laughed at. A spaz. I was pretty good at boxing but only because the rage that filled my every waking moment made me wild and unpredictable. I fought with some strange fury. The other boys thought I was crazy. 

I hated myself all the time. 

As stupid at it seems now, I wanted to talk like them, dress like them, carry myself with the ease of knowing that I wasn't going to get pounded in the hallway between classes. Years passed and I learned to keep it all inside. I only talked to a few boys in my grade. Other losers. Some of them are to this day the greatest people I have ever known. Hang out with a guy who has had his head flushed down a toilet a few times, treat him with respect, and you'll find a faithful friend forever. But even with friends, school sucked. Teachers gave me hard time. 

I didn't think much of them either. 

Then came Mr. Pepperman, my advisor. He was a powerfully built Vietnam veteran, and he was scary. No one ever talked out of turn in his class. Once one kid did and Mr. P. lifted him off the ground and pinned him to the black board. Mr. P. could see that I was in bad shape, and one Friday in October he asked me if I had ever worked out with weights. I told him no. 

He told me that I was going to take some of the money that I had saved and buy a hundred pound set of weights at Sears. As I left his office, I started to think of things I would say to him on Monday when he asked about the weights that I was not going to buy. Still, it made me feel special. My father never really got that close to caring. On Saturday I bought the weights, but I couldn't even drag them to my mom's car. An attendant laughed at me as he put them on a dolly.

Monday came and I was called into Mr. P.'s office after school. He said that he was going to show me how to work out. He was going to put me on a program and start hitting me in the solar plexus in the hallway when I wasn't looking. When I could take the punch we would know that we were getting somewhere. At no time was I to look at myself in the mirror or tell anyone at school what I was doing. In the gym he showed me ten basic exercises. I paid more attention than I ever did in any of my classes. I didn't want to blow it. I went home that night and started right in.

Weeks passed, and every once in a while Mr. P. would give me a shot and drop me in the hallway, sending my books flying. The other students didn't know what to think. More weeks passed, and I was steadily adding new weights to the bar. I could sense the power inside my body growing. I could feel it.

Right before Christmas break I was walking to class, and from out of nowhere Mr. Pepperman appeared and gave me a shot in the chest. I laughed and kept going. He said I could look at myself now. I got home and ran to the bathroom and pulled off my shirt. I saw a body, not just the shell that housed my stomach and my heart. My biceps bulged. My chest had definition. I felt strong. It was the first time I can remember having a sense of myself. I had done something and no one could ever take it away. 

You couldn't say s--t to me.

It took me years to fully appreciate the value of the lessons I have learned from the Iron. I used to think that it was my adversary, that I was trying to lift that which does not want to be lifted. I was wrong. When the Iron doesn't want to come off the mat, it's the kindest thing it can do for you. If it flew up and went through the ceiling, it wouldn't teach you anything. That's the way the Iron talks to you. It tells you that the material you work with is that which you will come to resemble. 

That which you work against will always work against you.

It wasn't until my late twenties that I learned that by working out I had given myself a great gift. I learned that nothing good comes without work and a certain amount of pain. When I finish a set that leaves me shaking, I know more about myself. When something gets bad, I know it can't be as bad as that workout.

I used to fight the pain, but recently this became clear to me: pain is not my enemy; it is my call to greatness. But when dealing with the Iron, one must be careful to interpret the pain correctly. Most injuries involving the Iron come from ego. I once spent a few weeks lifting weight that my body wasn't ready for and spent a few months not picking up anything heavier than a fork. Try to lift what you're not prepared to and the Iron will teach you a little lesson in restraint and self-control.

I have never met a truly strong person who didn't have self-respect. I think a lot of inwardly and outwardly directed contempt passes itself off as self-respect: the idea of raising yourself by stepping on someone's shoulders instead of doing it yourself. When I see guys working out for cosmetic reasons, I see vanity exposing them in the worst way, as cartoon characters, billboards for imbalance and insecurity. Strength reveals itself through character. It is the difference between bouncers who get off strong-arming people and Mr.Pepperman.

Muscle mass does not always equal strength. Strength is kindness and sensitivity. Strength is understanding that your power is both physical and emotional. That it comes from the body and the mind. And the heart.

Yukio Mishima said that he could not entertain the idea of romance if he was not strong. Romance is such a strong and overwhelming passion, a weakened body cannot sustain it for long. I have some of my most romantic thoughts when I am with the Iron. Once I was in love with a woman. I thought about her the most when the pain from a workout was racing through my body.

Everything in me wanted her. So much so that sex was only a fraction of my total desire. It was the single most intense love I have ever felt, but she lived far away and I didn't see her very often. Working out was a healthy way of dealing with the loneliness. To this day, when I work out I usually listen to ballads. 

I prefer to work out alone. 

It enables me to concentrate on the lessons that the Iron has for me. Learning about what you're made of is always time well spent, and I have found no better teacher. The Iron had taught me how to live. Life is capable of driving you out of your mind. The way it all comes down these days, it's some kind of miracle if you're not insane. People have become separated from their bodies. They are no longer whole.

I see them move from their offices to their cars and on to their suburban homes. They stress out constantly, they lose sleep, they eat badly. And they behave badly. Their egos run wild; they become motivated by that which will eventually give them a massive stroke. They need the Iron Mind.

Through the years, I have combined meditation, action, and the Iron into a single strength. I believe that when the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts. Time spent away from the Iron makes my mind degenerate. I wallow in a thick depression. My body shuts down my mind.

The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it's impossible to turn back.

The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Championship Sunday, August 30

8:30am crew will be hitting it - End time needs to be around 10:15 so plan on having the clock started and working out by 9:15am, I will likely get there a touch earlier to begin my warm-up as today was not sufficient. 

1) 0:00-15:00 (Super Fun):
Bracketed Tournament - To be created ahead of time - 
Head-to-head against a partner complete:
1 Length down Sandbag Walking Lunge (Both Shoulders)
1 Length back Sled Push with both bags on sled

Everyone will go through at least 3-4 times, only one will be crowned the champion.

2) 15:00-35:00 (Very Fun):
GWB Practice:
Squat Clean Thruster
Mins 1-5 - 3 Reps as 1 SCThruster + 2 Thrusters
Mins 6-10 - 2 Reps as 1 SC Thruster + 1 Thruster (not back to ground each time)
Mins 11-15 - 1 Reps
*Achieving max weight at the end of the 1 Rep is the goal, rest is movement prep*

3) 35:00-55:00 (Zero Fun Sir):
20Min AmRap:
15 Burpee Strict Pull-Ups
30 Russian KBS (70/53)
45 Wall-Balls

Friday, August 28, 2015

Saturday, August 29

We will NOT be having skulls tomorrow due to a mass out-of-town-ness.  We will however be hitting some work at 8am in the side area and maybe progressing to the main area for a workout. Agenda as follows -- Maria and John Sans are also looking to put together a ~2pm group, get with them for that. 

1) Warm-Up / Barbell Cycling:
With a partner (or 2) complete an 8 minute Ladder as high as possible of:
Squat Snatch @ 115/75#
*If one teammate fails to complete a rung, they start over, other teammate continues on - Score is total reps per person*

2) E2MOM16:
1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Power Clean + 2 Jerks @ 65-75% -- Goal here is to catch the power clean with good footwork, and stick both jerks. 

3) E3MOM15:
400m/350m Row
10 STO 115/75#
5/4 Muscle-Ups
*Rest remainder of the minutes*

4) 4 x 50ft HS Walk - Not timed, for form. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Thursday, August 27

Trying to get to bed a little earlier after this grid league thing - Full breakdown tomorrow. Won 8/9 races and dominated all of the other teams in the majority of the events to go 3-0 on the season tonight. So far we have won 25 out of 27 races this season, and look to continue on next week! 

Class is some #Cardio Today, will be a great session to hit before lifting technique today - Though you can place things however you feel is best for you.

For class - If you know that 10cals on the Assault bike will not be overly taxing for you please self-scale up to 20/15/12.


1) Snatch Tech Work:
EMOM12 @ 40-50% Snatch -- 1 Halting Pocket Snatch (Pull off the ground slowly and controlled, stop at 2" off the ground, below the knee and at the pocket - each for 3 seconds - once at the pocket then complete the Pocket snatch.  We are working on building the proper balance in the feet and lat + shoulder position at each stop of the pull, then being prepped for an aggressive and fast pull under the bar in the pocket snatch.  Go by feel on the weight, you should feel totally in control on these. 

2a/b) Choose ONE of the following depending on your weaknesses:

a) Snatch Balance - 6 x 2 @ 65-80% of Snatch - Pause in the bottom of each catch to ensure footwork and balance. This is for people who struggle in the catch position more than the full position (another way to figure this out is to see if there is very little difference between a power snatch max and a squat snatch max you should do this drill). 

b) Snatch Pulls - 6 x 2 @ 100-115% of Snatch -- Use straps if possible, and work on a controlled pull off the floor, really drilling shoulder and core position.

3) 50 HSPU for time - Ending the day on these will be difficult and slightly frustrating - but forcing yourself to lock out and stay stable on reps when you're tired will be key.  Ensure you are under control when lowering if you are kipping - NO HEAD PLOPPING - Remember this cycle's goal is better movement! Sure up weaknesses on the kip if you have them or in body/arm positioning.  Try to achieve 30-50 perfect reps. If you know 50 is not a realistic number for you scale the reps back to 30 and do them right. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wednesday, August 26

Extra Work

1) EMOM15:
Squat Clean - First 5 minutes you must hold the catch in the squat for at least a 3 count before standing up. Begin around 50-60% and build each minute. No more than 90% until the final 2 minutes, no more than 2 misses. Try to put up a solid number for the day. 

2) Front Squats:
In 20 minutes build to a Heavy 3, or 3RM with no failures. Emphasis on mirroring your Clean footwork for your squat stance. Minimum of 3 sets above 80%.

3) Glute-Ham Raises - 3 x 12 while holding a weight (~10-50lbs) in front, drop the weight mid-set if you cannot achieve perfect positioning. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Tuesday, August 25

Today will be the same as most Tuesday's - If possible your day should map out like this:
1) Oly Form Work
2) OHS
3) Class MetCon (Low priority)
4) Function work (High Priority)

As Sunday's are to cardiovascular beatdowns, Tuesday should be to barbell function, form and volume beat downs.  I really do not care/mind if you guys do not get a Metcon in on these days and you shouldn't feel the need to. Don't forget about the Tuesday kids class/Personal training sessions between 4-5pm if you are aiming around that time. My apologies for not providing any Monday material for those who needed it. 

1) Olympic Form Work:
a) E2MOM14:
2 Position Snatch - 2" off Floor (start from floor, pick up to 2", pause 2-3s and complete Snatch) + Below Knee (pause for 2-3s at position) -- *Weights should be 5lbs higher on every set than last week* (Link to comments if you forget )

b) E2MOM14:
2 Position Clean + Jerk - Hi-Hang + Above Knee - *Weights should be 5lbs higher on every set than last week*

***Work to improve upon mistakes made last week***

c) EMOM10: ***Mark switch between E2MOM and EMOM here***
3 OHS (regular, no pause, still Snatch grip though) - Begin @ 70% of Snatch and build as possible. 

This week will begin our "Function" work - 2 days a week we will be working to attack foundational weaknesses, improve general movement patterns and increase joint health/strength. These exercises are absolute priority of the day.  This is where you can start to put together more quality reps to start erasing bad habits you've created.  

2) Function:

3 Rounds of:
a) Z-Press - 5 Reps @ ~50% Strict Press Max -- Emphasis on keeping the core perfect. Demo
rest 90s
b) Supinated Barbell Rows @ 8 Reps -- Shoulders down, no shrugging. Demo
rest 90s
c) Towel Farmers w/ KBs @ 60s - Keep shoulders set, and elbows locked - No shrugging or pulling with the elbow. Demo

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Championship Sunday, August 23

1) 0-15:

Partners complete:
Partner A) 20/16 Cals Airdyne/Rower
Partner B) Buy-In: 15 DL @ 195/145 then...Must hold the Axle Bar DL at the top for the remainder of the Row/Bike. Every Drop is a 5 burpee penalty. 

2) 15-35:
Power Clean + 6 Front Rack Step-Back Lunges + 5 STO w/ Axle Bar. 
*For this scale first to the barbell if the axle isn't doable for at least 50%+ of your 1RM C&J, guys the goal would be to try the 195/145 already on the bar, scale down if needed. Can still be partners*

3) 35-Finish
Full Tabatas at each station before moving on (4 minutes at each, 1 minute transition rest):
1) DB PP (55/45)
2) Pull-Ups 
3) WB 30/20 (11'/10')
4) T2B
5) Strict HSPU

Friday, August 21, 2015

Saturday, August 22

Try to arrive around 11am, we will begin roughly 11:30-11:45.

1) Warm-Up:
2 Squat Snatches @ 50% 1RM
10-15s Freestanding HS Hold

Take no more than 5 minutes to get to 85% of Snatch max

2) EMOM8:
1 Snatch Attempt - @ 85% - Goal, no misses. Dial it in.

3) 10 Minute AmRap:
60 Bar-Facing Burpees
30 OHS @ 120/90lbs
10 Muscle-Ups
*This workout will be judged to simulate an Open atmosphere*

4) Bring Yoke, Sled, Plates, Farmers Carry & Rope outside - Play time - On the docket:
1. OH Yoke Carry
2. Pinch Carry
3. Sled Pull (arm over arm)
4. Sled Push
5. Farmers Carry 
6. Sled Pull-Throughs

rest ~4hrs

Afternoon session:
Bring cleats if you have them, we will meet at Antrim park at the parking lot around 4pm. 

Friday, August 21

Today your homework is the following:

1) Put 30 minutes on the clock and move - This can be mobility, jogging, rowing, airdyne, whatever. No intensity requirements but you must move for the entire 30 minutes. Mess around, let your ADD run wild - enjoy the day.

2) Listen to BarbellShrugged podcast 190 and 191:  -- When skipped through properly these will take ~90minutes to 2 hours.  Julian is a wealth of knowledge and these podcasts have been something I've looked forward to since he was hired on at Invictus to help CJ with his competitors.  Some of this is definitely on the geeky end of the coaching spectrum - however as he says: Athletes must own their training, if they own their training they don't require hand-holding. (paraphrased from my notes)
On the positive side of listening to this, his generalizations about "CrossFitters" in a negative light often do not pertain to us as we do a great job of incorporating accessory strength exercises, fixing function and applying the global fixing concepts.  This is why, I believe, we have moved well ahead of other gyms and athletes in the area who may be more gifted athletically than us.  There is always room to improve however, and a part of owning your training is understanding the purpose behind it.  Hopefully hearing these words from a more intelligent and well-spoken source than myself (and one you are used to hearing harp on things) will have as much benefit as it did for me. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Thursday, August 20

Grid Breakdown below the extra work. Quick note on how this cycle/weeks will run.  Tuesdays will always be harder/heavier on the Oly work, Wednesdays will always hit one olympic lift + squats heavy - and Thursdays will always be a tech/lighter day.  Weekends will vary, but we will be hitting olympic lifting often on the weekends as well.

Class -- Be smart on deads, with the oly cycle we will be pulling plenty so keep things light and work on form -- Or you may do Clean Pulls: which focus on more of a vertical torso position. Use your best judgement. 

Scale DBs up as desired, 100/85/80 for guys, 65/55 for ladies. So long as you can still get a fair amount of DU in inside the minutes you should be scaled up. 

Extra work:
1) EMOM10: 2 Tall Jerks @ 30-40% Max Jerk.  Start with a slight strict press to get past the eyes, then snap the feet into a split jerk position.  If you are a Power-Jerker you should be able to do the same drill. This is a speed and footwork drill.


2) E2MOM16: 2 Pause Split Jerks (3s Pause in the bottom of the dip) - Begin @ 40-50% (slightly above previous drills weight). Add ~5% until weight gets to 70% of 1RM Jerk and stay there to finish the E2MOM.  

This is jerk skill work, aim to improve common faults - Bad footwork, back legs not being bent, poor vertical dip position.  Video, have a friend/coach watch, etc. Aim to improve, not to lift more weight. For today EVERY JERK CATCH WILL BE HELD for at LEAST 3 seconds before feet recover.  All feet need to recover Front foot back first, then back foot forward. Be perfect.


Race 1 -- After much conversation we ended up moving Jesse back to anchor.  Jeff and Chris set the tone, getting out to an early lead when the ladies took over.  All 3 kept up a solid pace and handed the baton off to Jesse with a 10 rep was a done deal when Jesse did the first 30 in under a minute and had extended his lead to a morale crushing 18 reps. Victory over all 4 teams.

Race 2 -- Chris and Jeff were up on the partner wall-balls...All the other teams worked on trading in and trading out...but we just went for all 100 without one no-rep, or missed pass. Victory over all 4 teams.

Race 3 -- In my opinion, as a coach, this was the most impressive and satisfying win of the night.  The communication, teamwork and effort shown throughout this race allowed the ladies to take a commanding 10 rep victory without one missed pass and only a few no-reps.  Great performance given the nerves of the event.

Race 4 -- Power time.  Guys led off to give the ladies a break after their WBs.  We set the vibe in the entire gym by opening up all three guys ahead of what all but one of the other 9 guys in the room hit @ 275.  275 and 290 were all makes.  We went immediately to a 5lb PR attempt for Jesse at 305 and it was more shot and he had it.  Jeff and Chris moved up to 320 and as the guys time ran long we slapped 10s on and Chris destroyed 340.  Jesse - 290, Jeff - 320, Chris - 340.
Ladies were up and with the mood set they were ready to put on a show.  Jade decided to open up at her previous "PR" (which will all forever be in quotations unless it happened in the heat of a competition...) at 135, which of course was a joke.  Sunshine then opened up at her old PR (155) - which was a joke...and Jade stepped up for a 20lb PR! Yea that's two weeks of grid and two ridiculously big PRs for her.  Next up was K$ who breezed past 185, 200 and then went 215 to tie her PR!  With just 5 seconds to lift, we strapped up 175 for Sunshine (who had already hit 165 for a 10lb PR) and of course...she dominated it.  A 20lb PR for her also (I believe)...pretty crazy! a lot.

Race 5 - Mystery workout - Combine Power throwing test...Chris hit a few line-drives that had the fans worried, but K$ showed up and got us the W.

Race 6 - Sunshine and CSans were up on the Partner Deadlifts and oh man...they walked through them finishing almost 2 full rounds more than any other team.  Beautiful teamwork and communication - no reps were even lopsided.  

Race 7 - K$ and myself were up to show what #BIGNASTICS is all about.  Sychro pull-ups ain't no thang and we worked through the goblet squats quickly.  As other teams struggled through non-butterfly rhythm issues we took it easily. 

Race 8 - Jesse and Jade started out at a nice casual pace...conversational you might say.  After about 30 seconds they were behind maybe 4-5 reps and we saw the Perfect Game going out the window....the crowd let them know they needed to speed up...and speed up they did.  They ended up winning by almost 15 reps. The speed was uncontrollable. 

Race 9 - Fun stuff, great teamwork and communication.  Everyone on and off the floor quick - yelling reps and picking up for others -- Jade had no DU mess-ups, Sunshine did the majority of the KBS, Jesse cleaned up my KTE and CSans/K$ put on a clinic on the Thrusters -- Again dominating all 3 other teams in this event.

Score - 9-18, Perfect victory, all 1pts for the night! Great showing, awesome cheering section. Fun night all around (minus the humidity!)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wednesday, August 19

Goal today is to hit the lifting before class, skip the strength portion of class and jump in for "Angie"...If you can make that work please do so.  If you cannot, and you have to do extra work after class, only do the Snatches. 

Extra Work

1) EMOM15:
Full Snatch - First 5 minutes you must hold the catch in the squat for at least a 3 count before standing up. Begin around 50-60% and build each minute. No more than 90% until the final 2 minutes, no more than 2 misses. 

2) E2MOM14 - Front Squat:
Set 1 - 4 @ 70%
Set 2 - 3 @ 75%
Set 3 - 3 @ 80%
Set 4 - 2 @ 85%
Set 5 - 1 @ 90%
Set 6 - 1 @ 90% + 
Set 7 - 1 @ 90% +
*For sets 6 & 7 base this off form and mechanics - if you are able to keep a good core position and not fold, move up...if not stay lighter and try to maintain a better core position at 90%*

**After every set of Front Squats perform 3-7 Muscle-Ups, working on a tighter body position.  Try to glue feet and knees together and have a strong head drive.  Improve form on MU, do not just rail through them**

Grid email will go out tomorrow afternoon-ish. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Tuesday, August 18

New cycle begins today. Start finding training partners, talking with folks to ensure a time to have someone to lift with - even if your weights are different having someone there to keep you on it will make a big difference this cycle.  We will also need to be smart about using the space - Biggest potential issues are:
Kids Class - Tuesday/Thursday 4-5pm in Barbell Club area
Barbell Club - Monday/Wednesday @ 6:30-7:30p, Saturday's 9am 
If possible try to plan around these and do not put your gear and/or congregate in that side area if/when those things are going on (this has become a bigger issue as of late).  

Use time wisely today...extra work will take some time, you may think about starting there instead of class (especially 5:30a) -- Remember if you plan on coming in before the 4:30pm class that the Kids are going on in the extra area until 5pm.  

0) With light KBs on the side, hold a PVC overhead attached by bands. Keep the leash short and work on settling into a pause OHS and finding stability - ( Semi-video - Though this guy has very bad ribs) Work for 3-5sets, holds should be taxing but not killer and no longer than 20-30s in the bottom. 

1) E2MOM10:
2 Pause OHS (3-5s in bottom) @ 70% of Snatch (Snatch Grip, no moving in for stability)

2) E2MOM14:
2 Position Snatch - 2" off Floor (start from floor, pick up to 2", pause 2-3s and complete Snatch) + Below Knee (pause for 2-3s at position) -- 70% Start weight, build to no heavier than 85%

3) E2MOM14:
2 Position Clean + Jerk - Hi-Hang + Above Knee - Begin @ 70% and build to no heavier than 85%

4) Optional Conditioning if you miss-time the class workout:
3 RFT:
400m Row
21 Burpees
15 Power Snatch @ 75/55 

Grid Athletes Wednesday Programming below --- ***if you would like to do more this must be done before 2pm***:

1) EMOM15:
Full Snatch - First 5 minutes you must hold the catch in the squat for at least a 3 count before standing up. Begin around 50-60% and build each minute. No more than 90% until the final 2 minutes, no more than 2 misses. 

2) E2MOM14 - Front Squat:
Set 1 - 4 @ 70%
Set 2 - 3 @ 75%
Set 3 - 3 @ 80%
Set 4 - 2 @ 85%
Set 5 - 1 @ 90%
Set 6 - 1 @ 90% + 
Set 7 - 1 @ 90% +
*For sets 6 & 7 base this off form and mechanics - if you are able to keep a good core position and not fold, move up...if not stay lighter and try to maintain a better core position at 90%*

3) 2 x Tabata AirDyne - 8 minutes, max calories. Guys Watts above 750, ladies watts above 400. 
rest 5 minutes
2 x Tabata AirDyne - Watts move to 650/350. 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Monday, August 17

For those of you who only view the blog on a mobile phone I highly encourage you to view this week on a computer...I have made many noticeable upgrades (one) to the web version.

This week begins a new 8 week block that will be extremely fun, taxing and exciting.  Olympic lifting cycles are a good time to re-evaluate some mechanical points, and do those things you're always saying you're going to do:
1. Hold my catch in the bottom of each snatch.
2. Spend my time warming up properly with PVC, empty bar, 75lbs, etc. 
3. Ensure ankle/shoulders are prepped daily for lifting...
*Those are some of mine*

The goal of the cycle is to get people back up to consistently hitting around their PR numbers and increasing the ability to hit the 90%-95% with consistency.  It is not about PR'ing - If you do happen to PR as a bi-product of this training that is awesome, but you should not expect it if you have been lifting for 3+ years and have come up to your physical potential. Ideally if you put on 90% you should hit 7/10 lifts, 95% you should hit 5/10 or better, and 100% you should hopefully hit 2-3/10 times...we want to get away from the "Oh, yea I hit 250 once like 2 years ago" (me, again).  

Extra work will be lifting heavy, so I need everyone to focus on keeping their cardio up on recovery days, Saturday's and Sundays when we hit the conditioning hard.  This upcoming Saturday we are looking to do a double-day (Skulls @ 11:30a + ~4p @ Antrim Park) - then having a BBQ at RT's around ~6p!  

Looking forward to a great week of training, and enjoy the upgraded blog. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sunday, August 16

There will be NO 8:30am crew tomorrow - Instead we will have a group going at 2:00p

Competitors see how you feel - Hit full session if you're up to it, or take 60 minutes and drill some skills / hit some stuff you want to. Talk with me tomorrow if you want to move but can't get to full Championship Sunday status:

1) 0:00 - 20:00:
a) 20/15Cal AD 
b) HS Walk 50ft
c) 10 Triple Unders (work them if close, or scale to 60 DU)

2) 20:00-40:00:
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes complete:
25 Sprint KBS (UB) - 53/35
1 Squat Snatch + 3 OHS @ 185/125 (Scale to ~75% Snatch Max)
*rest remaining time in the 3 minutes*
**Goal here is to tax the hips/shoulders/grip and then become proficient at hitting lifts and OHS**

3) 40:00-Finish:
3 RFT:
10 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65)
10 FS
10 STO
500m Row
10 Pull-Ups
10 T2B
10 Burpee Touch Jumps (to pull-up Bar)

Comp Crew Options:
25min Max Cal AD

1mile Sled Pull

Free-Standing HSPU work / Walk work

Ring HSPU Practice


Weighted Lunges (OH?)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Friday, August 14

First off, sorry for my pissy attitude surrounding the Plumber and issues that I am unable to fix...the control freak in me hates having to call some guy and be at their mercy for crazy amounts of money. But I need to be a more positive influence in everyone's lives and I let that slip tonight. Thank you to everyone for greeting me with smiles and turning my night around - I cannot wait to spend some time with everyone this weekend.  

Optional Cardio Recovery Day for those NOT competing:
5 Rounds:
1000m Row (Pace +:05/500m of your 2k pace - aka if you row a 7min 2k your pace should be 1:50/500m)
Rest 2 minutes
50 Cal Airdyne (Guys 450watts +, Ladies 300watts+)
Rest 2 minutes

Prep Day for those competing:

Row 1000m

3 rounds of:
1 Hang Squat Snatch + 3 OHS @ 50%
3-5 Kipping HSPU

rest 3 mins

3 Rounds of:
3 DL @185 (Guys) - Girls do 6 Jumping Back Squats
4 Pull-ups
5 Box Jumps
6 Burpees
7 KB Snatches (to floor, alternating)
8 Air Squats
30 Double Unders
rest 2-3 minutes

Thursday, August 13

In response to all of your Push-Up softness I will tell you what I used to tell my soldiers when they inevitably tapped out of this same workout (I used to make them do sets of 10 then stay in the Front Leaning Rest (aka plank) until I wanted them to do their next set, 90s full rest was generous): "One day, you will be able to accomplish this task and you will be a better man because of it, let's continue." Sometimes I miss the military...You guys would just laugh and smile at me if I said that to you.  Glad you all got to experience this, should you desire the full effect / a true re-enactment let me know. #GetBetterCrew 

If you guys are doing the competition Saturday decide between taking Thursday off, and hitting a Prep Day on Friday (which I will post tomorrow night) -- or Resting Friday and hitting a normal day today.

Class -- Take Jerks very light and work on form.

MetCon: Smooth, methodical. 

Preferably with a partner complete:
10 Rounds of 3 Burpee Muscle-Ups, then tag your partner.  Complete for time.

If you do not have a partner do this as: 10 RFT: 3 Burpee Muscle-Ups, rest 20seconds.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Wednesday, August 12

Take the Back Squat sets at:

5/5 on All T2B (If you can keep that up, 4/3/3 otherwise)
10 UB Power Snatches, but a slow/methodical pace - Ensure you are not "ripping the bar" off the ground, everything should be a solid power snatch catch position, stand up, then lower controlled. 
Walk to the WB, catch breath on walk and pick it up immediately when you get there, UB.
Walk back to the bar, chalk, take 3 breaths and continue on next round.

Extra work:
Power Clean + Front Squat @ 70% Max Clean - Drill footwork and work on not having to move/reset the feet for the FS after catching.


6 x 10 Push-ups with a 5 second lower, 5 second pause in the bottom, 5 second raise and 5second plank hold for each rep. Ensure perfect elbow/hand positioining, as well as a perfect plank. Rest 90s between efforts. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tuesday, August 11

Deload Week / Ego Check!

Tomorrow class is a board workout -- If you guys have hit the entire previous squat cycle, have been hitting competitions consistently and going hard I want you to take Tuesday-Friday as a deload week.  If you guys have been taking extra time off, etc. you may go at full intensity and hit extra work as desired. Here is how you will hit Tuesday:

Snatch Balance - Stay light, not above 75% of Snatch and hit perfect reps. Focus hard on perfect footwork, and pause in the bottom of each catch position for 3-5 seconds before coming up.  You should be perfectly balanced every rep, and not have to take ANY steps during recovery.  

MetCon - "Nancy" - 400m Runs should be done at ~10s slower than your mile pace (So if you have a 6min mile you should run 1:40 400m's), then begin with a Snatch and work through 15 OHS at a moderate to fast pace.  The runs should feel controlled, not rushed.  If you are doing a deload you should NOT PR.

Extra work:
1) EMOM12:
Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 65% - Perfect reps, pause in the hang above the knee for 3 full seconds.  Focus on a clean pull off the floor and footwork in your reps.  

2) HS Skill work - Put 10 minutes on the clock and work on standing in one spot, and lowering your head to a tri-pod position (where you could kip) from the top.  If you can, work on free-standing HSPU.  Have fun with this, but make sure you're drilling good body positions. 


Monday, August 10

I hear your request for content on Monday and I leave you with this:

Due to how much I enjoy that clip I will hold off Tuesday's post until ~4am tomorrow morning so this can reach its full potential.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Championship Sunday, August 9

Congratulations to everyone for accomplishing their tasks for the day and celebrating fitness. I am very tired, and am going to get the main piece out there for tomorrow -- if you competed today and want to come get moving tomorrow I would encourage that and you can discuss what that would entail with me.  

We will be having an 8:30a session, however we will likely have a longer warm-up than usual and maybe a 9:30-9:45a start time, be aware and come later if you don't want to warm-up as much.

0-15:00 -
Odd - 7 Thrusters @ 155/105#
Even - 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

15:00-30:00 - 
"Ben Smith" Practice:
1 Power Clean + Jerk - Begin at 155/105 and build each set as desired. 

6min AmRap:
8 Strict HSPU
8 DB Snatch 100lb/70lb (if scaling to 85/80/70/65's add 2 reps)

6min AmRap:
5/3 Muscle-Ups
60 DU

6min AmRap:
3/2 Rope Climbs
12 Step-Back Lunges with DB (from first 6min AmRap) in front rack

Barbell @ 155/105 + some plates for additions

HSPU Set-Up with DB close by

Jump Rope / Rope down

Friday, August 7, 2015

Saturday, August 8th

Good luck to all riding/competing tomorrow! Enjoy the day and have a lot of fun -- For those headed to class in the morning the 9am block will be relatively "Open" -- Barbell club will be going on, as well as On Ramp make-ups but if you communicate with the coaches you should be able to hit extra work out of the way from everyone.  Please ensure that you communicate with Tom, Kristen and Jay before beginning the extra work anywhere.  

Class -- Wear a 20lb Weightvest for the workout and #EmbraceTheSuck

Extra work: 
Snatch Cycling work -- Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 rounds):
Complete the following:
5 TnG Snatches
rest 10 seconds
5 TnG Snatches
rest 20 seconds
5 TnG Snatches
Rest remaining time on the 3 minutes. 

*Weight stays the same for all 15 snatches inside of the round, then you may choose to go up for the next round if you like*
Focus -- Work on achieving a fast and efficient power snatch catch position and lock out - Work on going straight from the overhead position down to the floor, without having to stop at the hips/quads to reset the bar.  Don't add weight if it forces you to have to stop the bar in its path to the ground.

ASK QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS -- I will not be there (nor will many people) but I will check the comments first thing in the morning if I can and respond to any questions about the programming there.  Have a phenomenal day -- Sunday will commence as usual! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thursday, August 6th

Class: Sorry to the Grid Crew - I told you the wrong strength for today -- Walking Lunges instead - Keep these at the RX weight for class.

Workout: "The Napper" - Love it. (Maybe only Cash and a few others will get this)

Extra Work:
1) E2MOM20 - 1 Clean and Jerk from the Floor - weights as follows:
Sets 1-2 - 60%
Sets 3-4 - 65%
Sets 5-6 - 75%
Sets 7-8 - 85%
Set 9 - 90%
Set 10 - 95%
Bonus set (If you made every lift up to this) - 101% (PR + 2lbs)

2) EMOM10 - 2 PP @ 80% Max

Grid Match breakdown:

Race 1: W for Friendship - Everyone was rowing at a pace well below what I expected of them and set us up for a nice W to start the night, Jesse PR'd his 500m we believe, John stuck to the plan perfectly and the ladies were well below 1:40 & 1:50 respectively -- Great effort.

Race 2: L for Friendship - The only loss of the night, something to be learned. We came out with a plan of 5s and switch - with 3-4 no reps out of the 80 Hang Cleans that was the difference (lost by ~5 reps) - Also realized that 5s were not the way to go, should have started with bigger sets.  Live and learn, poor coaching decision by me -- CFW also 'saved' their guys a bit more on the row than we did and that paid off. 

Race 3: W for Friendship - K$, Jenny and Jade stuck to the plan perfectly, had high quality standards and finished 3-4 reps ahead of CFW for the tightest race of the night.

Race 4: Push Presses were domination - Jade smoked 125, was good for 145 - Jenny and K$ walked through 165 - Were a bit rushed at 175 and Jenny hit it, K$ HAD. IT. in the bank, but the timing called that a day for the ladies. Guys went 225, 245, 255 with all of us hitting it - then Jesse nailed 265, and I hit 280 and 310 to wrap up a solid victory.  All PRs on the guys side - Great atmosphere from the cheering section!

Race 5: 30 Backwards DU for time - Initially this had us worried, but Jade and Jenny pulled through and picked the skill up fast (especially Jade who paired together I believe 8 at one point, with someone elses rope) -- We won out of every team.

Race 6: MU - K$ and I were by far the largest athletes chosen to do the MU's and while some may have thought that would be at a detriment to us, we put up the most of any team at 29 in 2 minutes!

Race 7: The show of shows....Jenny and Jesse got on that wall and it was a speed shit show of HSPU racking up ~79 in 2 minutes...unreal to watch the speed and proficiency here.

Race 8: John and Jade had a smooth plan of 10s and switch - their pace, poise and composure gave them the win as someone was in mid-Pistol at all times.

Race 9: 50 Calorie assault bike was my bitch...then immediately after...John's bitch. We finished a good 30s ahead of every other team and built a massive lead. The team had great planning and execution to maintain and build on that lead - and we ran the 800m a good minute or two ahead of anyone on any of the other teams...a true statement was made. 

10-17 was the score (perfect would have been 9-18) - so there is room for improvement, but a great FCF showing for night one! Hard work paying off!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wednesday, August 5th

1) Scale Pistols up to 14-16, Scale weight up to 135/95.
2) All DU Sets must be done unbroken, if you break before 25 start over. Don't scale up KB Weight, just go UB.


1) EMOM12:
High-Hang Snatch (Not pocket, meaning you can slightly move your chest forward) - Begin @ 50% and add weight every set up to no higher than 75%.

2) 4 x 4 Tempo Front Squats @ 65-75% 1RM FS - Tempo is 44x2 (aka 4s down, 4s Pause, up as fast as you like and 2s to catch your breath before the next rep) - Stay light and ensure flawless positioining in the bottom. 
rest 2mins between efforts

If possible today lift before class!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Tuesday, August 4th

Quick discussion on the upcoming month/weeks:

- So far I feel like since Regionals many of you have made drastic gains, strong PRs in weightlifting, vastly improved PR times on named workouts and improved gymnastics skill.  Going through Hatch was a successful venture for most everyone, lots of PRs in the specific categories we chose.  I found that an approach of generalities and global physical fitness worked better than separating everyone into categories.  Allowing people to hit the extra work together has resulted in greater intensity, more community in the gym/blog atmosphere, better frequency and thus better results.  We will be continuing with this approach in our next cycle, switching instead to Olympic Lifting strength (away from squatting, hoping that we have built that base properly). Instead of 1-2x/week of snatching/C&J you will be hitting every oly lifts every day.  Focus will be different day-to-day so ensure that you keep the focus of the day, sometimes that will be heavy, sometimes it will involve cycle speeds, sometimes it will be light and perfect reps only.  

- Nags/'dings'/injuries -- A lot of people are experiencing some joint issues, typically stemming from poor mobility/stability paired with an increased work volume.  There is a reason that most top tier athletes spend their lives recovering, mobilizing, healing and looking for the 'next best thing' from a recovery standpoint and this is it.  Spend the time warming up properly, cooling down properly and working your weaknesses as they pertain to joint health. These issues are not uncommon and my prescription for you over the next 2 months is to do everything in your power to remedy your nags.  More will come up throughout your year, 2-3 week issues, but if you are dealing with something that has lingered on longer than that you need to address it.  That might mean switching your 2hrs in the gym from just 15mins prep/CD time and 1hr45mins of workout to 1hr/1hr or just a conditioning piece and all rehab/joint health drills.  Talk with your coaches, doctors, massage therapists and heed their recommendations.  From October on it is full go, all the time, make it or break it...injuries will slow your progress into the Open - but right now you have an excellent opportunity to learn how to rehab/prehab and take the time off necessary to get your head AND body right.  

- The week of August 9th will be a deload week leading up to the competition on Saturday.  Due to the overwhelming lack of adherence and poor approach of everyone to follow my general recommendations last time, I will be hand holding everyone and giving specific daily instructions.  This will go from Sunday, August 9th - Friday, August 14th.

- Seminar style approach Saturday/Sundays -- This weekend (and ones before it) there were some glaring weaknesses exposed, and there are still a few we need to hammer down that haven't really been covered extensively from a coaching standpoint -- Legless rope climbs and handstand walks being the main ones that are highly likely to show up at regionals.  I would like to take some time out of our weekend training to further discuss how to improve both technique and training focus on these areas, instead of being rushed to get started and just having people kind of 'do whatever.'  Things like MUs and Butterflies that have been covered will not necessarily be covered. 

- Saturday Skulls (when we can do them at a maximum intensity) will be devoted to Open individual workouts, and Team Regional workouts over the next cycle.  I need everyone to simulate these days as best as they possibly can -- rest Friday and come in with a gameday approach. Yes, I will be chosing all of the worst ones...No, I don't want to do them again either - but it will make us better. 

- Saturday evening sessions -- Saturday evening sessions will start back up the week of August 22nd, with an evening Road March that I am trying to organize -- I would also like some help trying to organize an Open Water swim before the weather cools, as well as a longer bike (if Pelotonia doesn't burn me out). Ideally this will always be the day we get out of the gym to hit some general fitness stuff, have some "fun" and hang out.  

- The only thing that will be unique about this next cycle is that you will NOT always perform the class workout - Some days I may ask you to do the lifting portion of the workout but then break off into the extra work area.  Some days I may ask you to do full class, some days I might ask you to do nothing in class.  Remember, first and foremost, Class takes precedent over what we do, if you are planning on coming in the evening you MUST stay out of the way of the classes and not 'mosey' through them to get equipment or otherwise if it gets in the way at all.  You guys are free to continue to do class if you would RATHER do this point however, we need to begin having a greater focus on more competitive things...Understand this will sometimes mean choosing the less fun of two options, disappointing class partners that you are used to going head to head against and giving up board spots....

Tuesday, August 4th:
****Make SURE you LOG EVERYTHING, we will be using a progressive weekly system in this cycle*****

1) With class perform a 3RM OHS, then move to the extra work area and complete the following:

2) E2MOM14:
2 Position Squat Snatch @ Below Knee, 2" off the ground - Hold both positions for 2-3 seconds, then complete the Snatches.  Begin at ~65-70% and go no higher than 80% working on hitting perfect positions. 

3) E2MOM16: 
2 Position Squat Clean + Jerk (only 1 Jerk at the end of the 2 Cleans) @ High-Hang, Above Knee - No holding positions here. Begin @ 65-70% and go no higher than 80%

4) 2 Rounds:
3min AirDyne Cals
2min Ring Dips
1min Burpees
2min Rest

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Championship Sunday, August 2

Don't forget we will start at 2pm tomorrow, the seminar will last 9-~11:15a or so, then Open gym + kids then we will get going.  

1) 0-20:00
1 Seated L-Sit Legless Rope Climb (as high as possible) (Scale legless)
4 Strict HSPU (At a challenging depth)
rest 1min
Max Weight Co-Ed Axle Bar DL for 10 reps #communication
rest as needed
*Goal is to make it through 4+ rounds in the 20 minutes, working some tech/skill and pushing the weight.*

2) 20:00-40:00:
Odd: 15 Wall-Balls (30/20)
Even: Row 14/12 Cals

3) 40:00-Finish:
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Thrusters @ 75/55
10 DB Squat Snatch @ 65/45 (alternating)
100 DU
10 DB SqSn (alternating)
20 Thrusters
30 T2B