Saturday, August 8, 2015

Championship Sunday, August 9

Congratulations to everyone for accomplishing their tasks for the day and celebrating fitness. I am very tired, and am going to get the main piece out there for tomorrow -- if you competed today and want to come get moving tomorrow I would encourage that and you can discuss what that would entail with me.  

We will be having an 8:30a session, however we will likely have a longer warm-up than usual and maybe a 9:30-9:45a start time, be aware and come later if you don't want to warm-up as much.

0-15:00 -
Odd - 7 Thrusters @ 155/105#
Even - 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

15:00-30:00 - 
"Ben Smith" Practice:
1 Power Clean + Jerk - Begin at 155/105 and build each set as desired. 

6min AmRap:
8 Strict HSPU
8 DB Snatch 100lb/70lb (if scaling to 85/80/70/65's add 2 reps)

6min AmRap:
5/3 Muscle-Ups
60 DU

6min AmRap:
3/2 Rope Climbs
12 Step-Back Lunges with DB (from first 6min AmRap) in front rack

Barbell @ 155/105 + some plates for additions

HSPU Set-Up with DB close by

Jump Rope / Rope down


  1. We came. We fucked shit up. We left.

  2. Replies
    1. Couldn't agree more. As if Mondays weren't hard enough, there's nothing on the blog to look forward to/keep me entertained. Can we start guest blog post Mondays? I would nominate k$ for the first post

    2. I can make myself available for a nominal fee.

  3. I attempted this nasty biz-nass this morning. First part went ok - thrusters felt very slow, and I really wanted unbroken chest to bars each round. Did. Not. Get. Them.

    I could only do the BSmith style jerk until 165#, then there was no extra bounce. Did 175 and 185 as regular, boring non-Ben Smith jerks.
    HSPU felt good. DB snatches felt real heavy, probably cuz they were.
    MUs and dubs went ok, but I probably rested too much before each MU set.
    Went on to PR my couch stretch. I usually can't last more than 30 seconds per leg.
