Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wednesday, August 19

Goal today is to hit the lifting before class, skip the strength portion of class and jump in for "Angie"...If you can make that work please do so.  If you cannot, and you have to do extra work after class, only do the Snatches. 

Extra Work

1) EMOM15:
Full Snatch - First 5 minutes you must hold the catch in the squat for at least a 3 count before standing up. Begin around 50-60% and build each minute. No more than 90% until the final 2 minutes, no more than 2 misses. 

2) E2MOM14 - Front Squat:
Set 1 - 4 @ 70%
Set 2 - 3 @ 75%
Set 3 - 3 @ 80%
Set 4 - 2 @ 85%
Set 5 - 1 @ 90%
Set 6 - 1 @ 90% + 
Set 7 - 1 @ 90% +
*For sets 6 & 7 base this off form and mechanics - if you are able to keep a good core position and not fold, move up...if not stay lighter and try to maintain a better core position at 90%*

**After every set of Front Squats perform 3-7 Muscle-Ups, working on a tighter body position.  Try to glue feet and knees together and have a strong head drive.  Improve form on MU, do not just rail through them**

Grid email will go out tomorrow afternoon-ish. 


  1. Grid Team: what are we wearing tomorrow night?!

  2. Does everyone have the new pink friendship shirt/ is there still a small available for me to buy?

    1. I like that idea.

      Also, since Jade has not purchased one yet, I think we should make her wear an XXL and tie it off on the side with one of those shirt clips from the 80s.

    2. She must also sport a scrunchy...for added pizzazz...perhaps bright pick to go with the shirt? So many options... thoughts?

    3. Gah I was thinking more along the concept of a specific color... That tshirt is huge on me and not ideal for working out in! Can make it work if it's a must...

  3. Sorry to miss today's programming!
    Looks like a bit of a bloodbath.
    Proud of everyone's unwavering fortitude.

    I got so much sleep last night.

  4. Snatching went fairly well. Felt heavy today. No misses up to 165 then i just DL 175#….just didn't feel good and I was a pansy….

    Front squats felt ok, but tiring. Made my 1 at 90% (210#) and felt pretty good. Tried 220# and didn't stand up =( feels so heavy in the front rack…there was a lot of back and forth brain talk =/

    Did Angie with 6:30 am. 15:57. Push ups were tough and the slowest part for sure.

    Hope to see everyone at GRID tonight! =)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Clearly my phone stinks, I do not know what is going on. Sorry guys!

  7. Snatches just one miss hit last one at 190

    FS/MU did 5 sets until time for Angie
    FS felt solid but was tiring

    Angie 17:50 pull ups were slow but stayed right behind Raph for everything else

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Snatch: 65,75,80,85,90,95,105,110,115,120,125,130,135, 140( a whole lot of NOPE), attempted 140 again with a whole lot of nope.

    Front Squat: 160, 175, 185, 195, 205, 210, 215
    Set 1 :did only 1 MU...oops
    Set 2-6: 3 MUs
    Set 7 :3 with and attempt to do a 4th until I slipped on the rings. #sweatproblems

    Angie: 23:36 ripped my hand 20 pull-ups in, and push-ups are clearly an issue for me.....took me the better half of a century to get through them.

  10. GOOD LUCK GRID LEAGUERS!!! Kick some booty!!!!!

  11. Good training day!!!
    Snatch- worked up to 225, all makes. Felt really good
    FS- 275/290/305/320/335/355/375. Did 3 MU's each set
    Angie- 15:05. Great push from Dru who was right on my ass the whole way. Good luck Grid Peeps!!!

  12. Did hatch squat today at the zanesville gym I have been working out at so I skipped the programmed front squats. Worked up to 110 for the snatches. They were not feeling so good today so I stayed light to work on form.

  13. Did the extra work before class and leading up to Angie. Snatches I kept light to work on form, got up to 155, and only failed once on a 135lb attempt.

    Front squats went well, did two sets at 95% which for me now is 250lbs. Did 1 muscle up after each set except the last in which I did 3 unbroken! (Post shoulder injury PR)

    For Angie Jay had me do 100 ring rows instead of pull ups because we thought that might be more beneficial for me. I now would argue that was the RX+ version of the workout, they took forever and smoked my lats! Push-ups I broke up and got through at a good pace and then went unbroken on the sit ups and squats to make up time. Finished with a 26:50. Good day today though! Wondering if this is our extra work for tomorrow though. https://www.facebook.com/tabatamusic/videos/1013512298681149/

  14. Sorry forgot to post. Hit this class at 930am.. Thrusters were done at 75# it was hard.. Did sets of 28,17,17

    Class was done with 10x10 pull ups
    20sets of 5 push ups
    All squats and sit ups done unbroken
    Finished in 23:09

    Tried to dominate the snatches after and that was an epic fail... My lats were a smoke show: only did 11 min and got up to 105 :(
    ^ felt okay for as bad as my lats fet

  15. Did front squats and muscle ups on Friday morning.
    Worked up to 220# on FS for last three single sets, and I really hoped they'd feel lighter. But they didn't.
    Did 3-4 MUs each set. Felt pretty good.
