Sunday, August 16, 2015

Monday, August 17

For those of you who only view the blog on a mobile phone I highly encourage you to view this week on a computer...I have made many noticeable upgrades (one) to the web version.

This week begins a new 8 week block that will be extremely fun, taxing and exciting.  Olympic lifting cycles are a good time to re-evaluate some mechanical points, and do those things you're always saying you're going to do:
1. Hold my catch in the bottom of each snatch.
2. Spend my time warming up properly with PVC, empty bar, 75lbs, etc. 
3. Ensure ankle/shoulders are prepped daily for lifting...
*Those are some of mine*

The goal of the cycle is to get people back up to consistently hitting around their PR numbers and increasing the ability to hit the 90%-95% with consistency.  It is not about PR'ing - If you do happen to PR as a bi-product of this training that is awesome, but you should not expect it if you have been lifting for 3+ years and have come up to your physical potential. Ideally if you put on 90% you should hit 7/10 lifts, 95% you should hit 5/10 or better, and 100% you should hopefully hit 2-3/10 times...we want to get away from the "Oh, yea I hit 250 once like 2 years ago" (me, again).  

Extra work will be lifting heavy, so I need everyone to focus on keeping their cardio up on recovery days, Saturday's and Sundays when we hit the conditioning hard.  This upcoming Saturday we are looking to do a double-day (Skulls @ 11:30a + ~4p @ Antrim Park) - then having a BBQ at RT's around ~6p!  

Looking forward to a great week of training, and enjoy the upgraded blog. 


  1. I'm excited to check out the new fancy blog when I get to my place of work. Thanks for putting so much #heart into it lately Jibs. Means a lot.

    So I thought I'd ease back into this by doing class this morning, and then I arrive to learn that the wod is none other than the Jibb$ Special.

    Thoughts and observations:
    1. There is nothing as terrible or as painful as 2 minutes max effort row. Unless it's a 2 minute max row immediately followed by wall climbs.
    2. Ca$h is a beastly manimal. He rowed 70 cals with 3 seconds to spare.
    3. Since my last time doing this one, I have made zero improvements in my rowing, but I have gotten better at wall climbs.
    4. The 630a crew all shit their pants upon entering the gym because literally everyone from the 530a class was writhing on the floor in a pool of their own vomit.
    5. I wonder what PGA Champion Jason Day would get on this workout.

    1. You're still a BA, K$!!! Way to dominate and do work!!

  2. 1. The improvements to the blog would be much better if I knew who this creepy Will character was in real life. Will, I have met you once. Come to 5:30am, where you can creep as hard and as often as youd like without being judged.
    2. Disappointed the JIBs special was on a non-competitors training day. Come in and get after it. I might be Rich Froning good if each workout had the possibility of not doing wall climbs. So motivating but 2 mins of rowing = 20 mins of pain.
    Proud of everyone who competed this weekend.

  3. Jeff you have outdone yourself with these modifications. Thanks for making my Monday awesome!

  4. You forgot to add "visiting Maria on Saturday to bring her jello"

    (I'm getting my teeths out FYI)

    Love Willie collage x 100 by the way

  5. Maria... milkshake?? Ya know, because it brings all the boys to the yard, and damn right you'll have to charge??? Although, if they give you looks like Will in his pic... I'd be frightened and run.

    Jibb$, job well done sir!!! I seriously can't stop laughing! #captainkirkbeams

  6. I'll do a workout named after Jeff when he does one named after me. #soHumble #workoutsNamedAfterMyself
    We should just start calling it CFJ---CrossFit Jeff

    1. John weren't you supposed to rest today?

    2. Not named by me...named because of me, I programmed this for class a long time ago and everyone did it really wrong and it took people like 25mins, got a lot of feedback. So I had to show people it could be done in under 2mins and when we repeated it everyone knew it as "that one Jeff workout" - This was easier to say....if you want me to write a "Mini-Sans Special" workout for you I can do that

    3. "Mini-Sans Special"
      5 rounds for time:
      30 Squat Cleans 95lbs
      1 Ben Smith @ 275#

  7. Just now got on the blog from a computer. Thanks Jibbs for this one. Now you all get to enjoy my gorgeous stare everyday. Youre. Fuckin. Welcome. #WishIHadMoreFitnessFace
