Monday, August 10, 2015

Tuesday, August 11

Deload Week / Ego Check!

Tomorrow class is a board workout -- If you guys have hit the entire previous squat cycle, have been hitting competitions consistently and going hard I want you to take Tuesday-Friday as a deload week.  If you guys have been taking extra time off, etc. you may go at full intensity and hit extra work as desired. Here is how you will hit Tuesday:

Snatch Balance - Stay light, not above 75% of Snatch and hit perfect reps. Focus hard on perfect footwork, and pause in the bottom of each catch position for 3-5 seconds before coming up.  You should be perfectly balanced every rep, and not have to take ANY steps during recovery.  

MetCon - "Nancy" - 400m Runs should be done at ~10s slower than your mile pace (So if you have a 6min mile you should run 1:40 400m's), then begin with a Snatch and work through 15 OHS at a moderate to fast pace.  The runs should feel controlled, not rushed.  If you are doing a deload you should NOT PR.

Extra work:
1) EMOM12:
Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 65% - Perfect reps, pause in the hang above the knee for 3 full seconds.  Focus on a clean pull off the floor and footwork in your reps.  

2) HS Skill work - Put 10 minutes on the clock and work on standing in one spot, and lowering your head to a tri-pod position (where you could kip) from the top.  If you can, work on free-standing HSPU.  Have fun with this, but make sure you're drilling good body positions. 



  1. 1. 205#
    2. Tuesday, August 11, 2015 = 12:54
    No other entries which means I either have not done Nancy or I did not like my time. Both are equally possible.
    Extra. I did a few snatches.

  2. Look out for the Perseid meteor shower!

    Quite possibly the best meteor shower of the year — the Perseids — shoots through a sky near you starting Tuesday. There could be as many as 80 meteors per hour at the peak of the shower — most visible in pre-dawn hours (meaning you should get up early and come to #BCOD) and especially on Wednesday!

  3. Snatched and balanced with #Jade. Worked up to 115# and stayed there for sets of 2. Felt real solid and better than usual, which I'm attributing to all the OHS-ing I did during #hatch.

    I enjoy Nancy. Can't recall the last time she and I crossed paths. Started conservatively and still felt good after 3 rounds so I decided to Push. It. Push. It. Real. Good. for the last 2 rounds.

    Snatches went fine. Just fine. Need to work on getting low enough on the squat so I don't get my ass no-repped this weekend. Literally.

    1. Got a series of ugly uncoordinated single reps for the free standing HSPU, with encouragement and helpful tips from #Littlest along the way.
      Need LOTS of work here.

  4. Class:
    1) snatch balance: 225. Felt better the heavier I went. Could of went higher but time ran out
    2) Nancy- 12:15. My running sucks.
    Snatch125/155/175. All makes but the 1st few sets felt crappy

  5. Love me some deload weeks, roughly 2hrs of warm-up, some very light snatch work where I worked on catching and finding balance in the bottom. Note to self: Stick the bottom position more in snatches.

    Extra first:
    EMOM20 (first 8mins at 75lbs) @ 155

    HS Work: Unsuccessful, I got 2 good reps out of ~75 tries. This will demand every day practice.

    Snatch Balance - Worked up to 165, pausing in the bottom and focusing footwork, no balance losses.

    Nancy - Rowed due to some lingering ankle tightness/pain. 12:56, all UB on OHS, close grip and buried. Felt good, rowing also allowed me to ensure I was slowing my pace properly as outlined by the deload week parameters.

  6. Any guys want to do WODtoberfest on October 24? It's a guy and girl per team at buckeye CrossFit.

    1. Oh that sounds fun. I want to do strongest unicorn though....

  7. Silent blog today.
    This working thing is tough. I don't know how you guys do it all year round. I was dragging. And I didn't even have kids today. Tomorrow should be awesome.
    Snatch-145 entire time. Did not stay at EMOM pace.
    Messed around with headstands-not good.
    Snatch balance-230
    Nancy-12:25. Brutal

  8. Deload week:

    Came in at 630.. hit a 30 minute warm up. Hit Nancy at a cool casual place at 14mins. Snatch work, worked up to 205. No hs work but did crush about 20 minutes of shoulder care.

  9. Quick throw back to when Nancy was the first named crossfit workout I ever did, about 3 weeks after joining FCF 3 years ago. Got capped at 25mins, with the training bar, and it was the first time that working out ever made me want to cry.

    Flash forward to today and I finished in 15:56, which while not stellar, is definitely a marked improvement. I'll take it! Plus, as a bonus, today it did NOT make me want to cry.

    Oh, and before that, Kenz and I did snatch balances. Worked up to 105, focused on catching/holding at bottom per Jeff's instructions, and keeping head up/shoulders down per Jay's.

    After all that excitement, I decided to "focus on my recovery" and spent time mobilizing/stretching instead of doing the extra work. Got a few kinks I need to work out before this weekend's festivities in Kentucky!

    1. Gosh I love a good solid meander down memory lane.
      Proud of you!

  10. Last week was my deload week so going after it this week. Snatch balance at 205. Went for 225 and missed in front and behind. Should have nailed it, just gotta work technique. First time doing Nancy and finished 13:31. Worst running shape of my life so I'll need to get that turned around ASAP (I'm also heavier then I've ever been but that doesn't mean anything, right?). All OH squats unbroken.

    Stuck to 95 on snatch emom just hammering away at technique. It's getting there. Handstand holds were terrible. Didn't attempt any freestanding HSPU but did 30 strict HSPU to work on getting these shoulders strong again. Good job everybody!

  11. Came in and warmed up extensively. Nursing a bicep injury so I choose to only do extra work and ride the bike.

    Worked up to 135# and hit solid squat snatches. Jay was next to me and watched a handful. Pull, impact and extension all looked great. Just need to keep working on looking ahead or slightly up so when I finish I'm open at the top. Last few I really hammered that advice from Jay and they felt great.

    Did some handstand pushups and holds. Then ride the bike a bit. THEN I rode my bike home. Fitness!

  12. Snatch balance: worked up to 105...I think! Worked with Shelby... And really worked on being explosive, per K.Jones!

    Workout: running is hard... Short sprints are fun.... Took a leisurely pace in the last three runs... Back was getting tight. 15:something!

    Snatch+hang Snatch: worked up to 95lbs.
    Did HS work afterwards. Attempted some free standing handstand push-ups.... Can't find balance at all to do two....

    Things that need to be added to the "stuff to do list": running, dips, handstands

  13. Better late than never!
    Did the snatches for class and hit 85lbs each time and felt pretty great! Still trying to work on form by it felt light sooooo that's a big success.

    Class... Stuck to 105 snatch balance.. Did sets of 2.
    13:10 ? On Nancy. Not a PR but I was pushing it ... Maybe a little too hard ... But I just wanted to workout! #guilty #noegojusthardwork
