Monday, June 23, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

1) Scale to 5 Kips, 4 CTB, 3 T2B, 2 KtE, 1 Bar MU for all of 1 and 2
2) see above
3) Scale up in weight, use DB if necessary.

Extra work:
SuperSuperSet - 4 Rounds:
1) Kroc Row +10lbs from last week.
2) Bench Press 5RM - +5-10lbs from last week. (This will be your last week before beginning Bench in 5/3/1 - know your weights.)
3) Ring HS Holds - Work on getting into a tight HS hold position on the rings - Hold for 20-30s if possible, if you can try to do 1-2 strict ring hspu.
4) Band Pull-Aparts - 10 reps - palms facing up.


  1. 1/2)Rig complex. Made all connected first 4 rounds-got big blister so did 5th round strict C2B, T2B, K2E
    3) 44# KB- thrusters very hard (I'm sure that is not a surprise) 8:03-slow

    Extra Work:
    1) 70#
    2) last set 145# for 5
    3) Ring hspu went well! Sets of 2-5
    4) band pull aparts done

    1. Glad you were able to do the 44# thrusters tho! Back must be feeling better -- and GJ on RHSPU!!
