Sunday, June 8, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

1) Focus on movement, and go heavy.
2) Scale DB Snatches to DB Squat Snatches 65/45, 20 Muscle-Ups instead of Shoot Thrus, and 10 Sled Sprints with 3/2 45's on the sled instead of the run (one length of the rig or from the garage to the side walk is one sprint).

3) SuperSet - 4 Rounds:
1) Kroc Rows 100/70lbs - Max R and Max L arm
2) Bench Press (Close Grip) x 5 Reps at 75-80% of max
3) 30s HS Hold (Facing Wall)


  1. 1. 315 (fail 330 jerk)
    2. 23:25 - DB Squat Snatches at 55# - standards questionable. MU ~ 8 minutes/ ~ 3 fails.
    3. Extra Work done - 3 rounds
    8 kroc rows
    225 x 4 reps
    hs hold ~ 10 - 15 seconds

  2. 1) 95, 135, 185, 225, 255, 275, 295 -- No misses, somewhat rushed but all felt surprisingly solid and good.
    2) 21:46 -- WB UB, DB Snatches @ 55# and very very slow (6-7 mins), rest was fast, MU 5, 5, 5, 5.
    3) Kroc Rows w/ 100lb -- 14-15R, 12-13L each round.
    Bench 225, 245, 255, 265, all made
    HS Hold - Free standing final 10 seconds each round, getting better at these!

  3. 1. No misses (not quite sure my weights )for the clean and jerk only I did 140-150-160-175 (PR)

    2. WOD. Did 14 lb ball In sets of 10.. Got off the wall ball around 1:50... Then the squat snatches were with a blue KB (no bum bells were left) those took me a chunk of time.
    Burpee pull ups were more cardio intensive.
    Did 20 attempts at MU and got 17/20
    Sled pulls-- holy calves and lower back! I finished in 27:11

    Extra work: used 55 dumbell and did sets of 6
    105 for bench press
