Monday, June 2, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

1) Go Heavy bro.
2) Same as #1
3) Scale 5 MU to 15 CTB if you did the MU workout yesterday.

4) Extra:
1. 8 Pendlay Rows @ 65% max clean
2. AmRap UB Strict HSPU (Parallettes to an even abmat (~3 45s under abmat))
3. OHS 5 Reps @ 70% of max out of rack - STABILIZE WHEN TIRED!!!


  1. 1. 245. Done as hi-hang sq clean/push jerk, below knee sq clean/split jerk, thruster jerk. Giving Kit a little love!
    2. Green band + blue band (I think)
    3. 9:40 with c2b - wb unbroken and c2b done 5/5/5, 5/5/5 and 6/3/3/3 - good workout.
    4. a. Rows done at 185#
    b. 5/7/5/6 - sets 2-4 done with 15# plate and abmat set 1 head to floor no parrallettes
    c. done at 165%
    The extra work was the worst part of today. By far.

  2. 1. 175# high hang. Didn't get low hang. Cleans felt very hard
    2. Thick black band
    3. 9:34 Lots of DU mess ups with ponytail hitting rope! C2B 5/10, 15, 15

    extra work:
    Rows at 135#
    HSPU on paralettes 4,3,3,3 (these felt terrible)
    OHS 125# (little lighter than 70%-didnt feel great)

    Overall just did not feel strong!

  3. 1. completed above,below, floor at 190, completed above and floor at 200 (PR for hang C&J) and blue band
    3. 9:40- did bar muscle ups instead

    no extra work today

  4. 1.Completed high, below and ground at 155 (seems to be a consistent weight for me right now with C&J
    2. 9:45 -- first 2 sets of WB unbroken.. Last set I kind of fell apart
    Sets of 5 on chest to bar except last set I tried to do butterfly (fail) and hands were killing me!

    No extra work. My body feels like it's Thursday

  5. Oh ^^ black band for planks!

  6. 1) Did positions up to 225, and from the floor to 275 - all power cleans, still cant squat.
    2) Used Black + Blue + Red + Purple for final set
    3) 5:48 w/ MU since I didn't do them yesterday #Wheelhouse

    4) - Extra work - Did some light Pendlay Rows, and P-HSPU, can't OHS just yet.(Tried though)
