Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thursday, July 2

Quick programming note:
1. If you guys are competing and/or have competed and are feeling run down/beat down - Please consider taking 2-3 days off, or VERY light to let your CNS recover.  When you compete, especially in team comps, you smoke your CNS going full throttle so much - then coming back to a DL or heavy squat day will knock you into a funk that will be hard to recover out of.  If you are feeling this please trust me and know that you and your body will perform far better taking the days off rather than pushing through.

2. Due to Murph on Saturday I assume everyone's Friday/Saturday/Sunday schedule will be thrown off -- my only recommendation would be to only do 1 of those days full go, and look at maybe doing just Squats and some light cardio on one of the other days.  I will post this work as "skulls" on Friday, and allow some time for weakness work as well - I will also post a championship Sunday for those who are out for Friday/Saturday.  

3. I have been extremely impressed and proud of everyone over the past few weeks - there has been a ton of support, communication and work put in.  I love seeing people help each other out - this is what we were missing this past year and with this group and this positivity I really feel like we will improve more than we ever thought possible. 

4. Class on Thursday could be a real back smoker -- Pay attention to this and don't be a hero if you already have some tightness, take the day off or change it up. 

Extra Work:

With a running clock complete:
50 Kipping HSPU (must kip)
*Every break you must complete 15/10cal Airdyne*
From 10:00 to finish:
Get to 75 HSPU. *After the 10min mark all HSPU must be strict, and the AD Cals continue just the same*

**Head level should be even, I would prefer on the blue mats, but plates are a back-up**


  1. Nearly slept through #BCOD this morning. Nearly.
    Worked up to 185# for power cleans. Still need to work on getting lower instead of going wider with stance. That's been a chronic K$ bad habit.

    WOD was fine. Sit ups are getting speedier due to all our #CoreWork, and stone squats were real awkward.

    HSPUs went pretty good, though tri's are smoked. Got 27 and 23 for kipping sets. Then did 15 and 10 for strict sets. Funny how negative consequences motivate you to push through a few more reps.

    Feeling pretty beat up. Planning to take Friday and Saturday offsies.

    1. I feel bad that no one has directly replied to your original post so I'll throw one out there...2 days off? Really?

      And what does BCOD mean?

  2. Proud of everybody's comment game. My apologies for not being as active. Some of us have to work during the summer (**cough** John **cough**). Anyhoo.
    265# for 3. 275# for 2 + the 1 that got away.
    wod went well. ~8:30 with Matt
    HSPU - some of us need a reward and not a punishment for HSPU. I completed 40 kipping 15/10/9/6 and called it a day.
    I am planning to work while K$ rests. Friday at 9:30am class and Saturday 8:30am Murph.

    1. Will that be 6 days on for you?

    2. I'm so glad I worked out with John Sansbury and friends today! You should really try it sometime Cash!

    3. Who the hell is Matt Evans? Quit spreading lies-I worked out with a big guy named Drago, you know like the Rocky IV movie?

    4. And Ca$h I agree-there is no such thing as over training, only under recovering.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 9:30 class today. Hit 255 on power cleans for two. Grip slipped on third rep but it was in the bag. Would have liked to attempt 265 but ran out of time. Did WOD with star fox. He killed it. First time for me doing atlas stones and it was awkward to handle & do without looking like a hunchback.

    Extra work - 15/15/10/10 for kipping and 5's for strict. Shoulder felt good! Somehow I went from not being able to do 1 strict to sets of 5 in a week????? Good job shoulder

    1. It's nice when shoulders listen and do what they're told.
      Proud of you.

    2. "You will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep…"

    3. You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut the hell up.

    4. Check out the name tag-you're in my world now grandma.

  5. 3 PC at 175#, got 2 at 185# then missed the 3rd. I need to get a better in between power and squat position.

    did 100 ad cal with Jax for the workout

    Did not reach my hspu goal of all unbroken =( Did 50 kipping then 23 and 2 for strict. Good extra work today =)

  6. I'm a day behind. Squatted, hit 30 muscle ups in three sets (12,12,6)
    CurtisP workout 6:50
    Split jerk hit 255 for 2

  7. Power cleans I got 145# for 2 and missed the third due to my grip (just like Alex!)

    First time ever with the atlas stones so that was fun. extra work I tweaked a little due to never kipping before (sucha newb). So once I got the technique down sort of I basically just did 50 reps of kipping hspu. And some airdyne inbetween. Took awhile lol

    1. We're gonna have to get on that John Sansbury grip strength program!

    2. (It involves lots of bananas)

    3. They increase testosterone levels...

  8. First off I did a little research on the googles and found out there is no such thing as frying the CNS-or you would be dead. Just get 10 hours of sleep and you'll be fine. I also read that working out helps you recover from competitions. And lastly-you should always try and be a hero in class. Everyone loves heroes.

    Power cleans 275x3 and 295x2. Couldn't quite tame the third rep. Drago reigns supreme on Muscle/power cleans today.

    Completed stone squats w/Drago in under 5 minutes. He is very strong. I've had the pleasure of spending a lot of quality time with Drago lately. I've noticed (and I didn't think this would be possible) that I increase my sarcastic and a-holish comments by 25% when working out with Drago. I think I bring out the best in him too---just ask Ballin.

    Extra with like a hundred people today. Kipping-23/19/8 and strict 11/10/4. Finished at 15:04 mark. K$ you are a machine. Jenny is a freak-the good kind-how can she do 50 straight HSPU? That's impossible. Based on that, which I still don't believe-you should never stop on any workout-everything should always be unbroken always.

    Worked on snatch for about an hour and then shoulder care.

    Hope to see a few of you tomorrow at 1 sharp. I'll be squatting around 11:30.

    1. No sources sited, improper footnotes, you fail and lose all integrity.

  9. Felt a lot better today. Wrapped my foot up with tape and that solved the problem just icing after now. Got 145 for 3 felt really good since 155 is my power clean 1 rep. Then I try 155 for 3 and couldn't pull it up. Did a couple reps at 155 not touch and go. Workout was fun, I did it by myself so cut it in half and only used the 73 lb stone cause I couldn't get my shit together with the 93. Finished in 5:47. Extra I can't kip yet. I can't control myself down enough where I don't feel like I'm gonna hurt myself so did 50 controlled strict ones with a 25 lb plate under me. Need to work on kipping to get them down. Did some aerodyne in between. Overall mentally a much better day! And I got to play with Newman in between HSPU sets. Bonus.

  10. My workout today was 6 tedious hours of wallpaper removal (with more to come this evening as well). At about 6p I realized I needed a break or else I'd risk losing my mind and I decided that HSPU sounded like a great alternative.

    I may have taken that break too late because turns out HSPU and airdyning are only slightly more fun than wallpaper removal. In 10mins I got through 29 kipping HSPU on the blue mat and about 50cals on the airdyne. The remaining 46 strict HSPU I did with a 25lb plate. I broke those up into sets of about 6 or 7. I ended with a total of 100 cals on the airdyne sooo that was fun.

    Now back to the wallpaper! Being a grownup is overrated...

    1. we did 300+ the other day, and I actually did think it was fun....soooooo your sarcasm confuses me sunshine! DID YOU LIKE IT OR NOT?!

    2. I'm glad you're taking it down. Wall paper is so 1990's.
