Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wednesday, July 1

Extra work is heavy today! Come with some high T-Levels!

1) Squats - Wk5D1
8 @ 65
6 @ 75
4 @ 85
4 @ 90

2a) FS
5 @ 70
4 @ 80
3 @ 85
3 @ 90

2b) Muscle-Ups - Perform 7-10 after each set of FS (goal is to make 30+ in the 4 sets).

If no muscle-ups perform Max Ring Dips, followed by 5 transitions w/ red band. 


  1. Today's Fun Fact (that really should have been yesterday's fun fact):
    Apparently the earth's rotation is slowing just a hair, and we need to add an extra second to the year. And that happened last night!
    Popular HBO comedy show host John Oliver created a website with suggested ways on how to spend your extra second:

  2. Solid day today. Haven't #Jerked heavy in a while. Felt good. Wanted 210# for 2 and Got. It.

    WOD jacked up the ole ticker. First set of dubs was a hot mess. Finished strong though. 6:14.

    It was good to have a Buddy for extra work today. #LITTLEST and I got after it.

    Got all my OHS, ending with a shaky set of 4 at 170. Then worked up to 210# for the set of 3 FS. Struggle bus but got them.
    MU sets were 7, 5-4, 5-4, 5-4.

    1. Wanted 210. Got 210. You own 210. You destroyed 210. You are 210.

      Proud of you.

    2. K… money, money, monnnnay… mooooonnnnaaaayyyy - go ahead and have yourself a day. proud. of. you.

    3. Holy cow! Congrats on the PR! #BeastMode

  3. Ummm!! Hello muscle up queen!!! Look at those sets baby, John has his work cut out for him tonight. Great day

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Don't you dare try to pull that passively aggressively selfless card on us. great work.

    3. Dammit K$ what did that deleted comment say! No take backs!!!!!!

    4. OH. I just triple stamped a double stamp.

  4. I have been a bit of a workout struggle bus this week.... Sorry guys

    Jerk was 170*2
    Tried 180 and got it up but didn't lock out... Not enough time to try again

    Wod : I did the Curtis p's all unbroken which was tough on the grip but I was able to finish in.... 6:31 I think.?

  5. Since you forgot... it is more than likely 7:31.

  6. Jenny.. if you have time to create 7 Instagram videos/photos/collages.. you have time to post on the blog about your 205 x 4 OHS before the 12 hour mark is up. #animal #roadto200 #communicationincreasesconcentration - say that 3 times fast.

    1. Patience! The IG is important! Gotta give the people what they want! (At least that's what Jeff says!)

    2. The people want Blog posts (these people are more important than THOSE people!)

  7. Great to be in the gym today after work crushed my soul yesterday. Did split jerks with Jay and worked up to 255 I believe. Not quite back to where I was but got some great feedback from Jeff and Jay on technique. Need to focus on footwork!

    WOD was fun. Looking back - I should have pushed harder and went for unbroken Curtis P's. Finished 7:39

    Extra work with Dru, Sunshine and Mackenzie- back squats felt good, front squats were awful. Failed twice on my last set. Something is defiantly wrong with my front rack position. Did a couple sets of 4 muscle ups and a few singles before the shoulder started to feel it so stopped there.

    1. Were you employee of the month in June?

    2. This one time when I got out of the Army I quit 4 jobs in a matter of 6 months, true story... It was liberating, you should try it.

    3. John - yes something like that. Jeff - I'm seriously considering it!


    Went in for open gym after failing to wake up for the 5:30 am once again and warmed up with the WOD - I finished it in 7:25 - I'm trying very hard to bite my tongue to not make any excuses so I'll just say it, I sandbagged like woah BUT it got me ready for my squats.

    Did the OHS and made everything - these felt good which surprised me for how sore and how much of a pansy I am today. Made my 90% for 4 (165#).

    Skipped the FS and muscle-ups to do yoga & mobility before I came back to work.

    Scared for how I will feel tomorrow - second day is always the worst. But excited to work out with friends -- open gym is not ideal.

    1. It's not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up that's most important. Most people would have just skipped all together today but you found a way to get in there and go through the motions. Nice job!!! I'm so proud of you. #grind

    2. I'll go ahead and take the 5:30am blame...I accepted your excuse way too quick so I could just go back to sleep.

    3. I've heard taking IG videos is the best way to self-motivate at Open Gym.

    4. When is the last time you Twerk'd....#GiveThePeopleWhatTheyWant

    5. The truth comes out.

      Ria - what about tomorrow BCOD?!

    6. Jeff-3 replies to one post? Couldn't quite get all your thoughts together tonight?

    7. Definite #GroupCommentPR today. Love it.

    8. Hahahaha we need a Maria #twerk video

  9. Push Jerks. 200# for 2 felt good. 210 was scary so I pussed out and just balked and dropped the weight after the dip. It just feels crushing in the front rack and I had no confidence in it :-/

    No metcon. Wanted to have good squatting and trying to limit back pain

    Made 4 reps at 205# for OHS! (Please see IG video....). And made 3 at 210# for front squats.... I think spent like a full min in that sticky spot in the 3rd rep... But way better than failing the 3rd rep at 190# like last week. No MU.... Just wanted to
    Focus on squatting. I know I need to get working on some big sets though .....

    Did Curtis P metcon when I got home. It sucked. 6:26. Curtis Ps make me tired

    1. 205x4 was a thing of beauty.

      Jenny's new goal is to OHS more than she front squats.

    2. No! It's to OHS more than any other lift! :P

    3. Really happy you went home and did the metcon so I wouldn't have to post something sarcastic on here.

    4. 4 @ 205 vs. 3 @ 210....judges ruling ------------> Yep, OHS is better, and you didn't really struggle. So....just go ahead and keep doing that.

  10. Fun filled day at the nooner! First did the split jerks with Kenz. Got 170 for 2 which was a 15# double PR and 5# off my current max... so I'll take it! Went for 180, rushed it and failed to lock out at the top. I'll definitely get it next time!

    Curtis Ps felt pretty good during the workout, I did sets of 3 or 2 for the whole thing. Double unders weren't awesome today, really slowed me down! I also forget when I finished but it was like around 10mins probably.

    Then came a very intense squat session and by intense I mean... All of us were hurting and really had to grind through.

    For backsquats I did 8x170, 6x200, 4x225, 4x240.

    Front squats were 5x160, 4x180, 3x190, 3x200. My goal was 7 MU attempts between each set, which worked out like this: 4/7, 6/7, then for the last two sets I wanted to do all 7 each round, which I did with only 3 failed attempts between the sets. These felt much better than they did Sunday... Biggest thing for me is making sure I have a solid grip on the rings and that I punch my head through aggressively at the top. Still have a lot of work to do on these but days like today definitely help a lot!

    1. Puttin in the work today. And so strong!

    2. Congrats on the PRs (I believe the 4x240 was a PR too, and not mentioned here)

  11. First super bad day since starting this programming. Can't win em all. Been working over 9 hour days a work so that can't help I guess. Stopped on squats heat into front squats cause during I felt lightheaded and my legs randomly felt weak and couldn't recover. During the workout as soon as I started double unders my left heel got shooting pains so I went slower on the workout. Overall bummed and ready to get back into the gym and improve tomorrow. Sigh. Keep up the good work everyone! You're totally my motivators to keep my spirits up! Also thanks Chris for giving my banana back lol. Sorry John for accusing you.

    1. I'm also icing my foot the paleo way... With peas....

    2. Why would I steal your banana when I always have 2 with me?

    3. Because 3 > 2 and you really like your potassium.

    4. Sleep sleep sleep! I'll keep staying on these dudes for stealing your naners and throwing them in the improper receptacle.

  12. Hit my squats and lunges at CrossFit liberty this morning. Only hit 4 of my 6 front squats at 310 but that's one better than last time. Unfortunately as fall draws nearer, I will be spending more time at CrossFit liberty. If anyone ever wants to join I only charge $200 an hour. We have 2 GHD machines though so you know it's legit.

    MUs before class alone 9-8-8-6. Like usual this was not good enough for Jeff-he reminds me of my father-just can't ever quite please him, which is why I continue to push myself and work so so hard. Always trying to accomplish the impossible.

    Class-split jerks-I guess I only officially hit 245 for 2. Failed 2nd at 265 and 275. I'm going to do some soul searching on those tonight. Jay had me work on a slightly different technique and my anal/OCD personality did not handle it well on rep 2 today.
    WOD-5:54-had some issues on first set of DUs after Jeff mind-fucked me saying I was going to have 8 mess ups on DUs today. Supposedly I did 10 reps on CPs for first set according to Jeff who somehow counted my reps and his at the same time (impressive).

    Great day to CrossFit at friendship CrossFit. Thanks for this opportunity Jeff.

    1. Was wondering why you weren't squatting...You're back up that notch I had knocked you down thinking you were sandbagging just to smoke us on yet another workout.

    2. - Always glad to push you, I believe you had 12 in you today...soon!
      - Smoked the workout - I knew you did more than 9 cuz you were way faster than me and I was done.
      - You're very welcome, thank you for your hard work and dedication.

    3. You actually think I wouldn't squat on squat day? What kind of people skip squats? I'll tell you-losers that is who. And I'm not a loser-at least when it comes to over training I'm not

  13. Struggle bus last two days.

    Mondays workout felt good last two days just felt drained.

    255x2 for push/strict press feet refused to move.

    8:10 for workout serious shin splints on du

    Squats went little light than planned w body just tired

    MU we're bright spot easy sets of 7 every round

  14. Great day indeed!!
    Felt good to be back. Came in with lots of back complaints....but that is pretty common for me.

    255-Failed my 4th rep...soft

    No front squats today. Did the MUs 10, 8,7,7

    Class split jerks- wewakness of mine but hit 265 for 2 then did 1 at 280. Hit it with the big dogs Jeff and CSans.
    Class- Did CPs without the clean due to back pain. time- 6:28
    Really solid crew tonight. Also happy to be back participating in the blog.

    1. Hey!! Check out the new guy!

    2. Hi I am Will. Would love to join your gym thingy. Tuesdays are back and bis right?

    3. You are on glutes and hammies until you rip all of your shorts and those frat guys leave you alone.

    4. Jeff. You and I both know that will only make them flock. Then I will be beating off frat guys with both hands.....phrasing

  15. Super proud of everyone today! Some good days, some bad days - but overall it was a very hard day 2 days of work and everyone is doing great in supporting each other to make it through it #ProudCoach.

    CSans and I are sick of losing to John in conditioning workouts so we started the day with some rowing intervals out in the sun.
    100m-200-300-400-500-600-700-800-900-1000m with 1min rest between. Fun note if you ever choose to do this...you have to get past the 700m interval to be half way done... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yP-IJZaY5gw -- That took us ~35mins or so, great sweat, gonna keep drilling away on this a few days a week.

    Second session -- Took some motivation to get prepped for OHS:
    8 @ 170
    6 @ 200
    4 @ 225
    4 @ 240 (missed first try, got all 4 second try) PR

    Class - Jerks:
    300 (F)

    Metcon: 6:54 - Fucking ouch. Tried hard to go UB with John, made the 9 set (did 10), then was pretty dogged for the rest of it. Jay has had some really great, sneaky metcons lately that have allowed for people to push the intensity while also being surprisingly painful.

    Gonna PR my sleep tonight.

  16. Two sessions today:

    AM: Jeff dominated my world with an ascending 100m rowing session. Increase 100m's and rest one minute in between sets up to 1k. Round of 700 on was full survival mode. I kept hearing Coach Urban Meyer asking me.. "Are you a competitor or not?".. (thanks clarky for the OSU highlight tape)

    PM: Squats were a doozy.. Finshed 315 x 4 on OHS and 365 x 3 on Front. Hands are torn up tried to do strict hspu and did a set of 10 which wrist has been bothering when going inverted. I am going to try parallettes next time. So I did 3 x 11 on weighted strict ring dips with 26lb kb.

    Class split jerk hit 300 for 2.. I think, 315 x 1. I need to dip a little slower and than use aggression on drive. Not a great day on this piece. (Jay and Jeff helped me with this - I appreciate them almost as much as I am proud of them). Workout: 7:01 head began to get compressed again on dubs similar to Saturday… need to work some things out when it comes to relaxing shoulders/trap. I don't think its my breathing but also sitting my hips down too when I jump is another possibility.

    I am beat the hell up from the past 48 hours.. Shoulders and Pecs.. wow.

    You're welcome for this master pieces of writing and Jeff when you rock your nemesis shades it makes me think of this.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEvLepKE2Ko

  17. Getting after it group tonight at the 6:30.

    Split jerk got 266 x 2 and 280 x 1. Need to continue to work on proper bar path.

    Workout: Curtis PS we slow and my DUs fell apart. Get better kind of day.

    No extra work today, the man has been bringing me down this week at work. Also a get better kind of style

    Good job everyone

  18. Getting after it group tonight at the 6:30.

    Split jerk got 266 x 2 and 280 x 1. Need to continue to work on proper bar path.

    Workout: Curtis PS we slow and my DUs fell apart. Get better kind of day.

    No extra work today, the man has been bringing me down this week at work. Also a get better kind of style

    Good job everyone

  19. Getting after it group tonight at the 6:30.

    Split jerk got 266 x 2 and 280 x 1. Need to continue to work on proper bar path.

    Workout: Curtis PS we slow and my DUs fell apart. Get better kind of day.

    No extra work today, the man has been bringing me down this week at work. Also a get better kind of style

    Good job everyone

    1. Well our comments are artificially inflated now...

  20. Wow well super impressive comment game today guys! Great to be back with the evening crew tonight, really good energy, although I'm pretty sure Joey Cash, K-Money, and Jenny would argue that 530am had better energy.....Workout wise I got 205 for 2 (small victory for me as I continue to get strength back), 8:23 for the Metcon. Only did a couple back squat sets cause I had to get to my cupping appointment.

  21. Split Jerks felt more like split jerks and not push presses. Still need to work on my aggressive up and out of my feet. Hit a small PR at 265# for 2 and 270# for a new 1RM.

    Wod: need to work on just moving and quit breaking. Didn't do the Curtis Ps unbroken and I regret it. DUs felt great but my endurance with them is still low. Finished in 8:29

    Every squat felt like a heavy squat.
    OHS - 165/180/205(only hit 3 in two sets. Moved on)
    Front squats - these were a soul crusher. 265/300/320/340 hit them all(check ig)
    MU - 7-8-8-8
