Thursday, July 2, 2015


1) EMOM20 - 1 Hang Snatch
Mins 1-5 @ 75% (% go off your best snatch, hang or floor)
Mins 6-10 @ 80%
Mins 11-15 @ 85%
Mins 16-20 @ 90%
Goal is no misses -- Drill footwork and sticking the catch position.

2) 21-15-9:
OHS (115/75)

3) 5 Rounds:
:30 on/:30 off
a) Ski Max Effort
b) Max GHD Sit-Ups
*Alternate back and forth for 10 minutes (one round is both through)

4) :15on/:15 off for 10 rounds - HS Holds


  1. What time are people doing this today if any? I want to do this but I'd like to have a buddy! :)

  2. We are coming in today around Noon-2:30p!

    1. My bad on leaving half of my granola bar on the box behind the Ghd. Sorry!!! I'll have to owe you one!

  3. Emom: 1-5 @210 6-10 @225 11-15 @240 16-20 at 250 (1 miss on the second minute.. lack of focus and want).

    C2B/OHS Jeff and I attacked this together… as one, thigh to neck Went unbroken with everything and felt pretty good with it. Heavy OHS's are helping with everything.(

    Flat surfaced hand stands bother my wrist so I used parrallettes and did weighted GHD's in-between each set. 13, 11, 11, 10, 9, 6..

    Just another clip of a movie I appreciate and John plays from March on to wrap up his school year. It also connects with the previous clip.. cray cray!!

    1. Phalanx was no fucking bullshit. Spartans were genius's...and in all likelihood super homosexual so I totally get the full circle reference.
