Friday, July 31, 2015

Saturday, August 1

Skulls! Start time - NORMAL! 11:30-11:45a:

1) EMOM12:
1 Hang Snatch beginning at 60% normal snatch max and building.

rest 4mins

1 Hang Squat Clean beginning @ max Snatch weight and building. 
*You are done if you miss any weight twice*

2) 100 Bar Facing Burpees for time
*Every odd minute complete 3 Clean and Jerks @ 185/125*

Rest 8 minutes

3) 75 Pull-ups for time
*Every drop off the bar complete 10 OHS @ 135/95*

1 comment:

  1. Have not posted much this week but it was a pretty good week overall.
    PRs for the week:
    Nasty girls: 6:38 (;30 PR)
    30 UB butterfly pull ups
