Thursday, July 23, 2015

Friday, July 24

This post is solely for the weekends events. 

1) Saturday Skulls is a MAYBE at this point. We are working around some potential people to host it since K$ and I are OUT unfortunately.  I still want you guys to get some work in, and with the 9am Bring-A-Friend it won't work to hit anything during that time period.  Look for updates in the comments tomorrow.

2) Saturday's casual get together at JBaehr's house is a GO. I will let him post his address and information below.  The night event begins at 7:50pm, the event before that ends around 6:45pm. The final event is scheduled to end around 11:45pm our time - So it will be up to JBaehr if he will allow us to stay that long or everyone else I suppose (I know Cash's bed time is ~6:30p, Maria's isn't far behind that).  Arrival time around ~6:30pm might be fitting given the schedule, but if he has any issue with that we can change it.  
We have decided on HEALTHY food options! I will be bringing Bacon wrapped sweet potatoes, if people can post below something they might be able to bring that would be great!  

3) Sunday we are still aiming for an 8:30am group (9:15a start time) 

Love you, Jeff


  1. Boooo healthy.

    Yaaaaaaaay ice cream cookie cake with sprinkles and donuts on top.

  2. K $ you just said my Friday dinner

  3. 5786 Oldenburgh way dublin oh 43016

    No worries on the late end time

    If the weather provides we can set up on the deck when the sun starts to go down

    I'm thinking dry rub grilled wings
    That's healthy-ish right?

    Not making it to class. Going to kentucky for the day to see my sister jump on a horse extremly high and fast. Doesn't worry me at all.

    See everyone tomorrow!

    1. I was just going to ask if you had a grill!! I can bring hamburger meat for grilling purposes too.

    2. cinnacake is definitely healthy

    3. Oh my gosh! JBear does she dive with horses?! Like that one movie?!

  4. I can bring gallon waters for everyone and we can have a chugging contest #hydration

  5. I'll going to bring an entire pig to roast. It will be alive when I arrive. The sacrifice will be made at 7:00. It's gonna be a blood bath.

    I'll probly bring some veggies and guac as well.

  6. So I am guessing the maybe skulls is a no skulls at this point?! Assuming yes, hopefully I will see some of you guys at 10a!

  7. No skulls, I'll post when I get home

  8. Forgot to say pups are welcome as well
    Fenced in backyard

  9. Thanks for hosting Jbaehr, I'll bring the fruit salad!

      I'm gonna put the pressure on for him to switch to FCF TONIGHT.

  10. This is a funny video please:
