Monday, July 20, 2015

Tuesday, July 21

1) Helllllllllllllllllllllo everyone! We are looking at hosting a dinner / family dinner / hang out / Games viewing session on Saturday evening around 6-7pm until the Games are completed. The gym is always a back-up option and we can watch in the Golf Room if needed, however I would like to open the floor to see if anyone has a place that could house our regular Sunday crew + significant others who might want to join (max 20, more likely maybe 12-16 - if you guys are interested).  We can cheat and do something easy like Pizza -- Or we can blow it out and everyone makes some healthy snacks/treats and we dominate that way.  Just an idea we kicked around at paddleboarding that it might be fun to get together socially and it just paired up nicely with the games.  

2) In the comments if you guys can leave your team info for NewCov that would be awesome! I think we have 4 or 5 teams signed up but I can't get them straight. 

Extra work:

1) 5 Rounds of:
250m Row
10 Squat Cleans @ 135, 155, 155, 185, 185 /// 95, 115, 115, 125, 125 (weights listed as it changes per round)
15 Chest-to-Bar
*Rest 3 minutes after each effort - These are to be done at absolute max effort - Scale as needed to increase intensity*

2a) 3 x Max Set - Ring Dips
2b) 3 x Max Set - Glute-Ham-Raises
*alternate movements, rest as needed in between to give max effort*


  1. When I read the first word of this post I immediately thought of this.....

    1. One of my favorite things to do on the telephone with people.

  2. The Baehr family is down to host a games party on Saturday night!

    1. JBear!!!!
      You endlessly generous, welcoming creature you!
      I didn't know you followed the blog!
      I want to hear what's on your mind. Constantly.

  3. 1. Done at 165#
    2. ~ 2:19. unbroken.
    Pizza and ice cream extra work type week for me. #LetCashLive #ImLiving!!!!!

    1. Dude!!! You know Kara stalks this in case of any slip ups like that! Delete this immediately. No evidence

  4. Snatchings felt good today. Made all reps at 115#. One of the harder EMOMs we've done in a while I.M.O.
    I messed up the WOD - thought it was 50 total reps and you were supposed to game the fastest way to get to 50. I did 36 OHS and then 14 burpees real fast.

    I had trouble catching my breath between each piece on extra work and did not complete with the intensity and speed for which it was intended. Kept barbell at 95# until last set 115#. #LOTG and back at it tomorrow.

    1. When are bar facing burpees ever faster than OH sqts?

    2. I have no idea why, but I've had this stuck in my head all day:

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Ah the beautiful poetry that is rap music.

    5. Snatches were phenomenal, I was a big fan of kraken pose after the "Skill work" snatching lol. Definitely a ton of snatches, especially if you squatted every single one.

    6. Oh, and you did the workout right....I 'bullied' you guys, as cash would say...and made you do a much harder version in the morning. You're welcome?

  5. Little Kid camp was a success as I was able to escape without getting kicked in the nuts. Now I must get through middle school camp tonight with the same goal.

    Class-snatches at 135/145. Dropped to 2 reps a minute to work on eliminating early arm pull with ballin--supposedly it's getting better?
    WOD-1:33 UB
    EXTRA-completed. Row started at 1:30 pace but quickly slowed as rounds went. Ended with a 1:45-7 finish on last row. Cleans all singles--legs felt crushed? C2B-first round 8/7? And then all UB after. I guess I had to figure some things out.
    Dips-7/7/6+1 with pauses at top and bottom since Jeff made a passively aggressive comment to me last week about dips. GHD x15.

    I'll be in at noon tomorrow.

    1. Have you ever seen Froning do Touch and Go heavy Cleans? it impressive! You should REALLY check that out John.

      I hope you avoided a full day of nut kicks today!

  6. Didn't do class - Didn't do extra work. Left shoulder feels junky, Sarah split me in half yesterday in a way that only few know, and I think we had a bone crushing week last week. Going to take Fri/Sat off to balance out the 3 weeks before this. Hitting noon tomorrow and going to do a two a day Thursday… I hope to see all of your faces in the next 48 hours.

    Rowed and got outside my comfort zone in a hurry… Out of body experience which is what I needed to get me going. I kept "The No Complaining Rule" book by Jon Gordon next to my side just to remind me to stay positive throughout this doozy. (That is not a joke either people)

    Quote of the week, "Of course the goal of all successful people and teams is to win. But winning is just a goal and not the focus. Winning is the by-product of great effort, leadership, coaching, teamwork, and positive energy. It really is the secret to winning." (page 78/79)

    1200 @ 1:40 split
    3min rest
    800m @1:42 split
    3min rest
    800 @ 1:41 split
    3min rest
    4x400 w/ :90s rest all below 1:38 split
    4x200 w/ :45s rest all below 135 split

    1. Can I get some of these fucking books? HUGE fan of these quotes, can we start each day with a quote comment?

    2. In hopes of adapting a better attitude towards rowing I just took a leap of faith and ordered this book off of Amazon. Thanks for the suggestion!

  7. Snatches were ok.... Back just got very tight so didn't not keep 3/min

    Ohs at 85# UB 2:40. Good mentally for me to push through that.

    Different extra work to save some hurtie parts

    Hope everyone has had a chance to see some awesome teens and masters at the games today!

    1. "Good mentally for me to push through that" - Need more of this! Snatches started a bit rough too but ended up looking good by the end, so I thought that was a solid mental improvement as well.

  8. I did class today! Wahoo! Making progress.

    Snatches done at 35# (go big or go home). Did the last 2 minutes with 65#. It felt great to actually feel the bar path with it being so light. I feel like I black out and rush everything when it's heavy. So there's a positive to snatching with 35#!!

    Did OHS at 65# -- finish in 2:38. Got 33 OHS... Legs and shoulders felt weak but glad I could do Rx with no pain or uncomfortableness.

    Did L-sits instead of shoot thrus for the tabata. Those felt great!

    No extra work, just mobility on the shoulders/pecs from those 150 ring dips on Sunday CHRIS.

    1. You may want to inform everyone that her diagnosis was post-traumatic arthritis -- Read more here:

    2. Don't forget to tell everyone how much food you tried to waste. Shame on you for throwing away 2/3 of your burrito bowl. Good thing I was there to save it (rescued from the trash--if I die we know why). Real nice job by "team weight gain". NOT.

    3. Yet ironically, it says that 'weight loss' is the best way to treat post traumatic arthritis...

  9. 1) Our team is:

    2) JBeahr and JSans have offered their houses (I think?) - Either is fine provided internet works on a largish TV.

    3) Big workout day today...Got motivated watching this:

    and this:

    and the Games in general. I want all that fucking gear next year.

    a) Rowing intervals:
    1200m @ 1:44.6
    2 x 800m @ 1.42.6, 1.41.2
    4 x 400m @ 1.38-1.39 for all

    b) Class - Hit 4mins @ 115, felt great all 3 positions, 5mins at 165, same thing. Felt really good, so I built to 215 from the floor, and then missed 230 a few times... Still blocked there, thought I had something going today. Gotta keep trying the heavy ones.

    50 OHS @ 115# - I did this like I made the morning classes, where you had to finish the 50 OHS no matter what -- I did 24 (felt like shit), 26 burpees, 26 OHS (felt great). 3.26 as it was written, ~5.00 for 50. This intimidated me since I struggle with low-weight, hi-rep OHS, so I wanted to get a bit heavier and put some work in.

    1) 10 UB TnG Cleans, 15 UB CTB
    2) 6/4 TnG Cleans, 15 CTB
    3) 6/3 (grip)/1 TnG Cleans, 8/7 CTB
    4) 4/3/3 TnG Cleans, 8/7 CTB
    5) 3/3/4 Cleans, 15 CTB UB
    First 4 rows stuck between 1:40-1:45, last round was like 1:50/500m.
    All rounds around 2.30 (first was 1:52), total working time was ~11mins

    then...I actually did some mobility.

    1. So you're so scared of low weight that you have to do heavier weight? What is the name of that phobia?

    2. Was more that I'm not scared of 95lb OHS for 50 or even 100 reps, but as I get to 115 for that volume, or 135 for that volume I get far more nervous for big sets. Wanted to see what I could get with 115, next week I'll probably go at the same workout with 135

  10. Back after a long weekend of sinning.
    Long warmup in the early afternoon. Then did the 50 OHS at 95- Went UB and felt good. 1:32. OHS program has really helped me in this department.

    Then did the rowing that CSans and Jibs destroyed by this. But really brought everything bad out of my body. Ready for tomorrow.

    1. Ah the old "Cleanse" row! It's a classic.

  11. 930 class. 135 for snatches. Lower back was getting fired up towards the end. 1:56 for WOD as RX'd

    Only did ring dips and ghd for extra work. I was fried from class and had to get going to work.

  12. 1) if we decide to do cheat food for family dinner, I will bring cinnamon roll cake. Just throwing that out there.

    2) Team for New Cov is:

    3) Snatches felt ok, back got pretty tight around minute 6 or 7. Worked up to 85.

    For the workout, I used 65. Really wanted all 50 reps unbroken but sadly at 45 my wrists just crumbled on me. Finished in 2:18.

    Kenz and I started the extra work and honestly I had every intention of doing it all... but everything felt awful and then Jeff let us know the intensity wasn't there so we switched gears and worked on some fun stuff. So of course for me that meant butterfly accessory work. This was super awkward after doing kipping CTB for the 2 rounds of the extra work we did do--much more awkward than I expected. Hit 4-5 good reps every minute for 5 mins then called it a day. Definitely a LOTG extra work night. Back at it tomorrow!

    1. Cinnamon roll cake!
      Can we come up with a better name for it?

    2. I agree-- 'cinnamon roll cake' doesn't really do it justice. I am open to your suggestions!

  13. Class went well today.
    Started at 95 worked up to 135 for snatches.
    Really excited to hit ohs unbroken today
    Didn't have it. Still finished 3:04
    Extra work: did the first 3 rounds and dips.
    Lots of mobility and stretching.

    Also, I did offer the my house for Saturday.
    Tv is good size, internet works.

    1. Proud of your hard work, your TV and your speedy Internet
