Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday - November 27, 2011
Handstand Walks -- got up to ~25ft -- felt awesome!  Really excited because I went away from these for a long time.
Rope Climbs
Muscle-Ups/Ring work
Death by Taters (70lbs)
12 + 11 Rounds.
4 x 20s Intervals on Rower -- all around 130m -- Pace was solid in the 1:1x
Saturday - November 26, 2011

10min AmRap Ladder of:
155 Hang Squat Cleans


Bench Press:
220 x 5
235 x 3
245 x 7


155 x 10 x 3
and some accessory work.
Friday - November 25, 2011
Back Squat -- Worked up to 355# x 3, felt good -- went back to low bar for a day.


5 minute AmRap of:
10 KBS
4 KB C&J
5 Burpee over KB
total: 8 or 9 rounds.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday - November 23, 2011

GI Jane:
100 Burpee Pull-Ups (with a bar 8" above reach)
time: 12.47


Deadlift (all 3 reps)
500 (PR)

Yesterday - Hit some Jerks, pretty bad, shoulders were burnt along with my psyche. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday - November 21 - 2011

AM -
105 x 3
120 x 3
135 x 8
Press 90 x 10
Ring Dips 53lbs x 5
Press 90 x 10
Ring Dips x 4
Press 85 x 10
Ring Dips x 4
Press 85 x 10
Ring Dips x 3

PM -  OW! Fuck this was hard as hell today...Thrusters must have gotten me yesterday!

BS 10
FS 5 198
5 214.5
5 231
5 231

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday - November 20, 2011

KB Thruster Right Arm (53#)
KB Thruster Left Arm
Time. 8.59 
It was like a screwed up version of Fran -- fun though, felt good, CTB were popping today!
One-Armed BB Snatch -- Worked up to 130lbs each arm, felt awesome
Knee Snatches - 25lbs
Box Jumps for height - 45.5"
Saturday - November 19, 2011

Strongman Saturday!

1 min on / 1 min off x 2 rounds of:
Tire Flips
Sledge Swings
Farmers Carry
Med Ball Toss
Atlas Stone Shoulders
Atlas Stone over Bar

Went pretty heavy and did well, pretty easy day though.
Friday - November 18, 2011

Some banded squats with Tom then...
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30-27-24 in 5 minutes Double Unders

then Squat Cleans
135 x 3 x 2
165 x 2 x 2
195 x 1
225 x 1
240 x 1
250 x 1
255 x 1
260 x 1
265 x F

These felt amazing! Very quick, very powerful!

Then 49 burpees in 2 minutes and 16 Bear Complexes in 3.20 @95lbs

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday  - November 16, 2011
500m Row
3 Rounds of:
1 Atlas Stone Shoulder (195lbs)
1 Rope Climb
Deadlift 3 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3
415 x 7
BP 3 x 3
185 x 3
210 x 3
235 x 10
165 x 10 x 3
then some Glute Ham Raises, HSPU, Rope Climbs and screw around Stuff
Tuesday - November 15, 2011
3 Rounds of:
10 OHS @ 135lbs
50 Double Unders
Time: ~5.10 -- Jump Rope broke, and I went through a horrible process of DU's -- broke like 15 times at least...real unhappy with it but w.e

Power Cleans every minute on the minute (ish) 2 Cleans...
185 x 8, 205 x 8, 225 x 4, 235 x 6 (if I remember right)

Partner Band Sprints!  These were so fun

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday - November 14, 2011

AM - Press
100 x 5
115 x 5
130 x 9
90 x 10
5 Ring Dips @ 45lbs
85 x 10
4 Ring Dips @ 45 lbs
75 x 10
3 Ring Dips @ 45lbs

PM -
Back Squat 10 x 230lbs
Front Squat 5 x 200lbs
Back Squat 8 x 250lbs
Front Squat 5 x 230lbs
Back Squat 6 x 265lbs
Front Squat 5 x 250lbs
Back Squat 6 x 285lbs
Front Squat 5 x 250lbs
Back Squat 6(7) x 305lbs

Back squats all Hi-Bar...rough session for me in the PM...My legs were still a bit toasted from the sprints and thrusters on Saturday.  Felt great to get in and kick my own ass a little bit.  Presses were super light compared to where I used to be and I felt it, but they felt great to get back in and hit.  I will make progress here quickly

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Saturday - November 12, 2011
20 Minutes EMOM:
2 Thrusters @ 145
2 Strict CTB Pull-Ups


Run 1600m
Rest 3 min
Run 1200m
Rest 2 min
Run 800m
Rest 1 min
Run 400

My Mile was 5.02, half mile was ~2.40 and 400 felt very fast.  This workout buried me but my intensity was fantastically high due to the class atmosphere.  Should've gone heavier on the Thrusters, they felt heavy in warm-ups but ended up being way too light.  

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday - November 11, 2011

Run 350m
5 Rounds of:
8 Pistols
8 Power Snatches (105lbs)
4 Muscle-Ups
Max Effort 500m Row (1.45)
Total time was 14.03 or 15.03...not sure.

Pistols and Muscle-Ups felt real good, slow and steady as always, but solid.  Snatches felt oddly heavy, efficiency was low, but overall was decently happy with the WoD.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday - November 9, 2011
Row 300m
20 Push Presses @ 135
Row 300m
15 PP
Row 300m
10 PP
Row 300m
5 PP
Time: 8.41
then 5 minutes to establish a max clean -- 260lbs


Kroc Rows and Glute Ham Raises

Pretty happy with the Clean and the time on the MetCon was ok...considering STOH is not my thing.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday - November 8, 2011
AM -
Bench Press 
5 x 170
5 x 195
8 x 220
3 x 10 x 150
Some Dips and Curls...(Yep...curls, have been doing some reading on Oly Athletes strengthening their elbows, and curls are a big way...soooo here it goes haha, very very very funny to be doing this workout this morning, old school for sure)

PM -
Hatch Squats (results below)
Squats felt fantastic, Hi-Bar is starting to come along, I will probably get pretty aggressive with these pretty quick as I get more familiar, still relatively light-weight for where I should be working.  We'll see though, consistency is king.  Double tomorrow!

228 1*5
247 1*5
266 1*5
285 1*5

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday - November 7th, 2011

Snatch Work-
Power Snatch, OHS x 2, Squat Snatch
95, 125, 140, 155, 165 (F on SS)


Mainsite WoD
25 GHD sit-ups
1 Muscle-up
20 GHD sit-ups
2 Muscle-ups
15 GHD sit-ups
3 Muscle-ups
10 GHD sit-ups
4 Muscle-ups
5 GHD sit-ups
5 Muscle-ups
Time: 5.15

Arms and shoulders are still bugging me, the WoD went ok - had to come off after 4 MU's on the last set, and it took me 15 seconds to re-control the rings and finish.  Snatches were ok, shoulders felt solid for that portion at least.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday - November 6, 2011

AM - 2 Football Games
Afternoon -
Hatch Squat -
Back Squat (Hi-Bar) 205 x 10, 240 x 8, 255 x 6, 270 x 4
Front Squat - 200 x 5, 230 x 5 x 3

Squats felt ok, I am so posterior chain dominant that I push way forward on Hi-Bar as I get tired, fire my hips a lot.  Not necessarily a bad thing, but it will be good for me to even myself out a bit.  Just a little rest day squatting :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

This week I want to hit:

Saturday - November 5, 2011

So I was going to try to back-log everything I missed, but that appears to be impossible at this point (Most notable was 402 FGB).  Did CFTotal today
385 Back Squat
165 Press
525 Deadlift (PR)

The Squat felt horrible, early morning squatting with little warm-up was not feeling great.  Also I went from 385 straight to 410, probably too big of a jump too high.  I know I have 410 in my for sure, but I need to get high enough that 400 is in the bag any day.  Press...was....shit.  Like "I'm totally re-working my programming" shitty.  Had no control, midline broke, bad form, no power...sigh.  Luckily the Deadlift saved my day.  Everything felt light.   435, 475 and 500 all were just step up and rip it, easy.  515 was a bit more work and 525 was a struggle, but they all felt great.  Super happy with this PR.

Since the move things have been hectic and it has been hard for me to find time for programming and things.  My upper body stamina and strength have been disappointing lately - so I am going to try to get back on 5/3/1, it was the hayday of my shoulder strength.  I am going to try to hit Push Press, Front Squat and OHS often in my metcons -- big plans but I'm just hoping I can stay up on everything CF Related while working on these. Priorities:

Shoulder Strength/Endurance - Mainly Press, HSPU, OHS
Oly Lifts - Snatch and Jerk mainly
Gymnastics - Handstands, and maintain muscle-ups/pull-ups/pulling strength.
As January nears I will switch my focus to endurance and metcon.