Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday - December 13, 2011

1) Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy Snatch (any style).
75, 125, 145, 155, 165, 175 (Few fails in between @ 165/175)

2a) 4X2 1 Hi-Hang Snatch (squat) + 1 Snatch (squat) @ 80% of above – rest 60 sec. (T&G reps, straps are acceptable) @ 140lbs
2b) 4X10 Strict Weighted HSPU – rest 60 sec.
20lb Weightvest, hands on 45s to an abmat.  Sets were pretty solid - 4,3,3 or 3,3,2,2
Notes: Standard is hands on 45# (that says FOURTY FIVE, not 25) plates with an ab-mat in the middle. Use whatever you can to weight yourself. A tight vest should be the best option. As far as scaling… Only do these with weight if you can do them on 25# plates UB without weight. If you cannot do the 10 strict you MAY NOT scale to kipping. You may scale to an ab-mat with no plates, or build a target for your head at any height, but DO NOT kip. These do not need to be UB.
21-15-9 of:
Snatch Balances @ 135/95#
C2B Pullups
GHD Situps
For time. 15.59
Scaled Snatch Balances to 125, had a rough time popping in the shoulders after the strength session - happy with the day though, tough for sure.

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