Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Wednesday, November 25

1) 20RM Back Squat
2) Barbell+DU MetCon 
*Tough back day please be smart*
3) 5 Rounds for Form:
a) 5 Strict HSPU (Controlled lowers, 2-3s)
b) 5 Strict T2B + Max Effort Kipping T2B
Rest as needed between exercises


  1. My wish is that everyone eats like Joey Cash on a regular Tuesday. Have a great thanksgiving everyone! Unless you're Jim Harbaugh... in that case, FUCK YOU!

    1. You're going to jump in Mirror Lake, aren't you.

  2. Good crew this morning.
    Got a free coffee.
    Half day of work.
    Getting a massage.
    So sunny.
    Good day.

  3. 300# for 20 rep back squat
    Stopped on class wod back was lit
    Stopped strict hspu w wrist pain but stuck with strict t2b and max kipping

  4. Hit an E30s Power Clean + Jerk workout while I watched Sonya Blade and the Bulldog get after 20RM squats -- was cool but not as cool as their 20.

    Hit the class workout at 205, burrito was all up in my throat, ate too close but still had a decently enjoyable time outside of jumping.

    Extra work felt good, hspu felt great....back still a problem. Hope everyone has a great holiday!!!

  5. Cardio sesh with Csans, Shelb, Clark, and Will! We did : E3MOM for 10 rounds of:
    18 cal row (25 for guys)
    12 Burpee over rower
    It got a little brutal into the later rounds. Rounds were in between 1:49-2:02 & the last round being 1:39. Gotta get better my burpees!

    Hit up Sarah and then came back to back squat. 10@155 10@185 7@205 ... Mentally failed here....Thought stuff was caving and videoed to see.... Did a set of 4 and 5 at 205 and nothing looked wrong soooo total mental bust!!! I need to just suck it up!

  6. Hit 20 at 70% 1rm which was 255 for me. Felt good. Lower back blew up on workout. 8:56. Need to work on pull positioning and activation of glutes and hamstrings better. Extra before with Jesse. HSPU felt good, strict t2b were challenging. Have a great thanksgiving to everyone. I'll be heading to open gym tomorrow.

  7. Attempted the back squats, but it only took 5 reps at 155 to realize my back was not having it. Modified the class workout to 5 rounds of 30 DU and 15 airdyne calories. After that, did Jenny exercises and mobility.

    Happy thanksgiving everyone!

  8. 1. 16RM backsquats at 205# - I had a hard time catching my breath after 11 but managed to squeak out 5 more reps.

    2. WOD in 4:47 - why'd you tie me RT?!?

    3. Extra work done in 9:58 - strict t2b were very tough, need to work on these more.

    HAPPY TURKEY DAY ya'll!!! Eat lots of yummy food! Thankful for all of you.
