Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thursday, November 12

Be smart with your body today, class isn't very overwhelming but listen to your body if you need a rest day. Lots of you went heavy/hard today.

Hit class first:
1) Hang Snatches
2) Row Sprints + Air Squats

For time complete:
30-25-20-15: Air Assault Cals
15-12-9-6: Muscle-ups (Scale MU as needed rep wise)
*Done as 30Cal, 15MU, 25Cal, 12MU, etc.*


  1. Wont be making class today. At work early and heading out to Houston tonight for a cousins wedding. Going to do snatches at work. No rower here but will run instead. Will post results in BTWB this afternoon.

    Bummed to miss skulls and championship Sunday this weekend. Best wishes to everyone. Keep being awesome and getting after it!

    1. Good work you sexual mysterious being of luscious awesomeness. #9days:)

    2. After reading this extremely motivational quote from Christopher I proceeded to hit a 20lb PR on the hang snatch and hit 225. And it. Felt. Gooooood! Did some deficit handstand push ups, handstand wake and front rack waking lunge. Sitting in the airport about to jet off to Houston. Proud of everyone!

    3. Holy shit! 20lbs?!?!?! Did you post it to the Instagrams for lots of likes?!?! I would totally like that. Proud of you, have fun in Houston

    4. Alex, it's because you are that apple and snapped about it.... Just sayin... #gainz

  2. This was a good day- Mix of things I really enjoy and things I really need to work on- so I think that was good.

    Snatches felt pretty good. A little gooey in the bottom. Got 1 try at 190# felt pretty good. Next time!

    Row Squats was definitely hard for me. Just not good leg endurance. My first row I really tried to make max effort (stayed around 1:42) - and that made the next one bad. Able to stay at 1:52 for last 2

    Bike/MU: Bike was slow for me today. Tried to keep it like 225-250 but if not using my arms dropped below. 15 MU kind of slow but then started feeling better. 12 was done 6+4+2, 9 was 6+3, then 6 UB. Finished in 20:06

    Ended day with some wall facing shoulder taps (4x30) and reverse hyper and hollow holds

  3. Had to get worked up after feeling a bit beat up yesterday, late night swimming session with Chris was a worthwhile recovery session. Ended up feeling pretty good

    Snatches: 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 185, 195, 205 (F), 205, 215 (Fx2), 215, 225 (F)
    Not a bad day, a little tight overhead but not bad.

    Workout -- Average row paces was all I got on this: 1.31/500m, 1.34, 1.36, 1.37, 1.32 -- Great leg burner.

    Extra: 11.14 -- MU Sets were 6/5/4, 5/4/3, 5/4, 6 - Felt pretty solid, AD Cals were a touch slow.

  4. Apologies to those at the 530p crew tonight... I was not feeling like my usual positive self! I promise to bounce back in time for Saturday!

    Back was feeling lit up so I decided to avoid hang snatches, as those generally cause me some back pain. Besides-- muscle ups are a huge opportunity area for me.

    That workout took me forever... Like 27ish minutes. Tried to keep airdyne watts around 200-250. Moving the seat up closer helps so much! For muscle ups, I did 10-8-7-6. My sets of 10 and 8 I did all 2s. I started my 7 set in 2s but shoulders started to fatigue really bad after 4 so I dropped to singles. Jeff and Jenny gave me some specific things to work on to improve with these so that should help!

    Proud of everyone, per usual. Looking forward to Saturday (even if it IS going to be an early morning)!

  5. Hit class with some studs--Jeff RT Will and others.
    Light snatches at 95-no pain-mixed in some snatch high pulls at 185 as well.
    WOD-worked with RT. came out hot first row and struggled after. 1:11 first row then 1:17ish and 1:20ish for final 2 rows. Squats were terrible abuse from Jay
    Extra w/Jeff-15:27 or something. MUs felt ok 15=5/4/4/2. 12-5/2/2/2/1 9-5/2/2 6-5/1

    Great session w/Jenny after. Gonna get these shoulders locked up baby

    1. Thank goodness you finally went to Jenny!!!! Proud of you!!!

  6. 1) Did all hang snatches at 65lbs. Felt pretty good!
    2) did the workout with Jade!!!! Thanks for being my partner, Jade!!! Tried to keep my rowing pace under 1:50. Legs were feeling a little toasty from yesterday.
    3) did:
    AD: 30-25-20-15
    Dips: 8-8-8-8 rested a bit, then 8 more

  7. Good to be home. All this hard work and solid posting inspires me endlessly.
    Did this extra work Friday morning after regular class. 22:10. Really tough for me, mentally just as much as physically. Something about the bike just grinds me down real bad.
    Tried to stay on the rings longer and fail a couple, which I actually did.
    Sets were 4-3(fail)-3-3-2, then 3(fail)-4-2(fail)-3, then 3-3-2(fail)-1, then 3-2 (fail)-1
