Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Thursday, November 5


1) STO - 20RM -- Work on Push Jerks and efficiency. 

2) Great AmRap tomorrow - Come ready to get after it. 

3) 5Rounds of:
2min AmRap:
5 Squats @ 185/125 (can be back or front)
10 Cycle Jumps Demo
5 Muscle-Ups
Rest 2 minutes between efforts
**Start wherever you left off from the previous round, you should then have a total rounds and reps score at the end**



    Felt great to be back. Not exercising since last tuesday was a great decision for my dad bod.

    1. 215 x 15 (a few questionable reps possibly)
    2. 8 + 33
    No extra. Plan is for Friday 530am and Saturday 8am, No championship Sunday and then back to a full week next week. I'm off work next Wednesday if anyone is trying to hit the unknowns and pound some burritos let me know.

    1. I thought it was Ben Smith dancing topless at your wedding.

    2. Are you off Wednesday because of the Hindu holiday Diwali? Festival of Lights, Hindu new year. Celebrating the goddess Lakshmi? Good for you--very well cultured. No meat in that burrito ok? Or at least no beef.

  2. Tough day for The Kraken, but so sweet to have our fearless 530A leader back from his mini-moon.
    DDP decided to sprint the Indian Run, so that was special.
    Got 140# for the 20 rep max. I don't remember the last 5 reps.
    Wod was really tough - like an Open wod. Struggled to keep HR down on dubs; all SCTs unbroken, but very slow.
    Extra wod was one of the hardest for me this year. I despise built in rest. Good for me to work on. MU sets all unbroken, with which I was pleased.

    1. I think 8+91 on class wod and 5+17 on extra wod.

  3. 20 rpm got 105 for 13. Started getting lightheaded and it got really heavy fast of course 90lbs for 10 felt like though. Wod was 6 + 34. Cardio was actually fine, but body was hurting bad. Skipped extra to rest. Today was also a reminder now that I'm back to the blog to eat way more. Not enough energy today

  4. 1) 20RM - Went at 225# and....did not get 12.
    2) MetCon - Finished the set of 100/10 at 11:50 -- felt solid today, but this took a good pace and energy.
    3) Bad knee day, subbed mobility and a few muscle-ups.

  5. 1) 10 @ 105#, 10 @ 120#, 10 @ 125# (womp womp!)

    2) WOD: 9+53

    3) Extra: 6+17

    Ready for a rest day!

  6. 1) Stuck to push jerks for all but my very last rep. Did 85, 100, then 115. Made all 20 at 115 thanks to lots of group encouragement.

    2) Finished with 8+45. Double unders felt pretty good today. After the 5th round, I began splitting my thrusters into 2 sets. Should have gone unbroken at least another round.

    3) Did not stretch out my calves enough before the extra and ended up with a super bad cramp at the end of my 3rd round of the AMRAP (4th overall round). Switched to 10 ring rows and then did alternating lunges to finish the 3rd round and get into the 4th.

  7. 1) Jenny-cises
    2) Jibs special of :
    Cal Row
    Air squats
    GHD sit ups to parallel

    3) hot date with Jenny for some stretches and exercises and getting the OK for some barbell work!!!!

  8. 205 for 18
    Wod-8+95---disappointed in my effort, not my score.
    Curls and tricep extensions to finish.

    Peace and love to all who read this

    1. Did you earn your callouses, today? No need for your velvety hands...
