Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wednesday, April 1

Class today is all about intensity. Bring it. Please begin posting your class times in the comments if when you know them, I will post the people I know for the following days so you might be able to meet up with them. If you do not see them on the list, think about texting to find out or posting here in the comments. 

5:30am - Cash, Jenny, K$ (?)
9:30am - Jeff, Chris, Maria, John, Will 

5:30pm - Guessing Mirth/Sunshine

Ideally in the future I would like to have this set in stone as much as I can so I can post this. 

Extra work:
E3MOM30 (10 Rounds):
500m Row (Men) / 450m Row (Women)
15 Pull-Ups (Go for  UB)
(Inside of 3 minutes complete the row and the pull-ups, rest the remaining time and continue again. If you can butterfly or are working on it, use them.  There will not be much rest, especially in the end of this piece, it is designed that way, no matter how many pull-ups you get, get back on the rower at 2:50 so you do not fall behind)

EMOM 16:
1a) Snatch Balance + 3 OHS @ 70% Snatch
1b) 5 Weighted Pull-Ups
*Alternate these two exercises every minute for 16 minutes*

2) 7 x 10 Glute-Ham Raises -- Rest 30-45s (or enough for one partner to go in between you), try to maintain perfect form as long as possible, cut the reps/sets down as needed, but complete 70 total reps. 

1) E30s until failure: Complete 3 Strict HSPU.
*If you do not complete more than 30 total reps, complete the remainder of your 30 reps for time.*

4 rounds:
2a) 5 Strict Weighted Pull-Ups
2b) 10 Band Pull-Aparts
2c) 20 Hollow-Rocks (Unbroken)
*Rest 30s exactly between exercises*

***Gymnastics work will follow a strict template for 8 weeks, if you are going to commit to gymnastics make sure you hammer down on these drills, get with coaches or video yourselves to ensure you're doing the drills properly. Become obsessed with form -- You will repeat a lot of exercises and drills, and do them at varying levels of fatigue. Work to improve upon resistence or remove assistance where/when possible -- If you are doing the Muscle-Up work (always will be our first extra work day of the week), and feel as though you are improving or getting close to a muscle-up, ensure you spend the time necessary on the high rings to work your kipping and pulling through some real Muscle-Up attempts. The program will be strength focused for now, and will not have a lot of kipping MU testing built in until later***


  1. Back squats: trying to ease back in. all sets were 5. Did 2x125, 2x145, 1x165, 1x175 then last only did 1 at 175. Didn't feel great on back. But that's heavier than I've back squatted in like 8 weeks so progress.

    Metcon: 7:23 a little rough in the back and shoulders

    Rowing/pullups: all done UB under 3 min. Around 20-28 sec rest before starting each row. All times pretty consistent

    I did the glute ham raises at the end 5x10. 3 sets I used the little kb (18#?) for 5 reps then dropped it to finish 10.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Did the BS at 80%. Felt pretty good, did sets of 5 and then 3 at the end. Came up on my toes a bit as I got tired, and I need to work on speed/aggression out of the hole.
    WOD time was Littlest + 9 sec
    Extra gymnastics stuff went ok. Failed in the 10th round.
    Had to do less weight on strict pull ups bc my form was not good. I could not do band pull aparts unbroken with good form using the purple band, which was embarrassing. Hollow rocks were fine until the last set. Lost my core, and my sanity.

  4. Class was fun with all that #meat today!

    Did my backsquats at 215# for 3 each set. I tried to go gearless, I squatted in nanos but ended up using my belt.

    WOD was fun - Used the 62# KB, I finished around 8:30 - hammies were mad at me!

    Extra work was the strength portion for me:

    EMOM 16: 95# on the bar, strict pull-ups with no weight

    Glute ham raises 7x10

  5. BS-275-less than 80% but worked on form. Back felt decent, only a little tight but probably from yesterday.
    Metcon-8:56 grip and shoulders were feeling it but back felt good so thats a win.

    Extra work- Gymnastics- HSPUs felt decent until i started coming off the wall on the final rep.

    Pull ups and other gymnastics felt good. Awesome crew at 930. Lots of fun.

  6. BS - Also 275 - Back very tight, getting back into heavy back squatting is definitely going to be a process.

    MetCon - 9:20 @ 100lb KB

    Extra Work - Gymnastics:
    E30s work - Made it to round 9, then finished 2 more rounds to get to 33 total, felt very tired.

    35lb KB

    7 x 10 Glute-Ham Raises.

    Mobility time!!

  7. AM: Tweaked back yesterday during clean emom so sat out on squats. Did HSPU during class strength. Failed on round 7. Finished out rest with Ballin's help with elbow/hand positioning. Class with 62lb, time 8:45-9:00? Finished part b (4 rounder) with strict chins with 26. Did 20 extra strict hspu with Will. Core smacked from shoots and rocks.

  8. BS- 305 was below 80% but worked on speed squats sets of 5 whole time.

    Metcon: 8:48 shoulders definitely felt it.

    Extra Work: Cardio
    Made it through every row at about 1:50-1:55; The pull-ups varied after the first round in the 5-7 range. Arms felt smoked.

  9. Friends:

    I will continue to be a 5:30PM regular, so please let me know who is interested in working out at that time. I will be resting today, but will be back at it tomorrow and will be adopting the new training schedule.

    Super pumped

  10. BS - I did 195x5 each set without failure which felt tough toward the end but not awful. My legs are destroyed from the last two days :-/
    Metcon: finished in 7:39 with the 62# KB. My hammies were on Fire!

    Extra cardio: kept the row pace under 2:12 which is a win for me and rowing. Pull ups ranged from 8-11 but not unbroken. this is a grip-b-gone day! Still t

  11. Class:
    BS 3 reps every :45 for 10 minutes at 290 (80%)

    Workout: 7:30 (70# KB and Shoot thrus on rings)

    Extra work:
    Row/pull-ups (started at 15 finished at 7)

  12. Class: EMOM front squats at 160
    Did the paleo workout and got 180 3RM front squat wooo

    Extra work : gymnastics
    Used an ab mat for about 4 sets of 30 sec then I had to add a 10 lb plate. Did 3's until I got to 30.

    Band pull aparts used purple band
    Pull ups (started with 5lbs but then went to body weight) lats were smoked

  13. PM: row/pullups.. Unbroken through 5 and sub 1:50 on rows), then 3 sets on round 6, and then 4 sets on round 7. Last 3 rounds 1:58>row and went to 5 strict pull ups (singles). Need to get tougher. Mirth I should be in for tomorrow at 530pm.

  14. Yes I will continue to be a 5:30p regular as well! :)
    Class: EMOM front squats at 160. Went about halfway doing 5 rep sets then dropped down to 3. Did the paleo workout. Finished in 9:11. I hit 175 for 3, attempted 205 which I got for 2 then failed. At which point, my time was up!

    Extra work was gymnastics.
    Used abmat and 15lb plate for HSPU. Felt pretty good until about the 6th set but I didn't fail until the 10th set. Finished 30.

    Did pull-ups with 5lb plate. First 2 sets I did unbroken, the last 2 sets I did 3 then 2.
    Band pull a parts I used the purple band. Those are tough.
    Obviously hollow rocks were super fun for me. I tried but couldn't for the life of me do these unbroken. Someday I will get there!
