Monday, March 30, 2015

Tuesday, March 31

For Class: Scale MetCon to 185/125

Extra Work:

Run 1 mile
rest 2mins
Run 800m
Rest 2mins
Run 1 mile 
then complete: 50 Burpees for time. **If raining bad enough to NOT do this (must be trainer approved) then sub rowing 2k, 1k, 2k.

If you have muscle-ups complete: 30 Muscle-Ups for time, every break complete 250m Ski

If you do not have Muscle-Ups complete: 
a) 4 x 10 - Inclined Ring-Row
b) 4 x 5 - Muscle-Up Transitions (work to a low band)
c) 4 x 8 Strict DEEP Ring Dips
d) 4 x 3 - Skin-the-Cats (keep a long, planked body)
** This will be a weekly superset, make notes and aim to improve upon this every week - go down in bands and work hard for body position.**

1a) Bench Press - 5 @ 75%, 5 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%, 3 @ 90%, Max Set @ 75%
1b) Good Morning -- 5 x 5 @ Increasing weight, preferably with the safety squat bar.

2) 7-10 minutes banded walking march, use a dip belt preferably and ensure you have a downward tensioned band and a backwards tensioned band.


  1. Run 1 mile 8:26
    run 800 ~ 4:00
    50 burpees 3:15

  2. Run 1 mile 10:50 (I feel like my timer must have been broken?! So slow!)

    800 m 4:38

    1 mile 8:24

    50 burpees 4:01

    Mostly with running my back was tight. Did walk a little in the 800 and 2nd mile (but apparently ran a lot faster....)

  3. EMOM 15 at 225 (no misses)

    Did 'Chief' at 185, scored 18+3 (2 reps better than the last time I did it with 155#)

    Bench pressed

  4. 1mile: 9:40
    800m: 4:36
    1mile: 9:00
    50 burpees: 3:30 ish

  5. Class: Did EMOM @ 235-245, then built to 265, 295 and 300 (was 1/4 at 300)

    Chief - 25 rounds + 5 reps (5+1 for first 3 rounds, 5+2 for last 2) @ 185#

    1 Mile: 6:40
    800m: 3:14
    1Mile: 7:10
    50 burpees - 3:20

    Legs felt pretty tired running.

  6. Emom- first 10 @225 then 230, 235, 240, 250 and 255
    Chief @185 16+9
    Finished cardio at 26:35 as a whole
