Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thursday, March 26

Extra work:

All Groups:

Death By:
1 Thruster, 1 Box Jump (min 1)
2 Thr, 2 BJ (min 2)
3 Thr, 3 BJ (min 3)

Weight (95/65) - Height 24/20"


  1. Did this with the heaviest DB they had in the hotel gym (17kg) coupled with burpees.
    Finished 9 rds and got 4 burpees into the 10th

    Did some more rowing then 3rds of 20 push-ups, 30 sit-ups, and 40 AS.
    Fly back to the U.S. tomorrow. Can't wait to come to the gym on Sunday.

  2. I died at 10 thrusters/ 9 box jumps. i didnt want it.

  3. I made it through the 11's then skipped on the 12's... Oops! I guess I didn't want it either.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
