Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wednesday, October 28

Class: Pocket Snatches - Hit a lot of reps, treat it as an EMOM building. 

Workout is balls out every round.

Extra Work: 
1) Muscle-Ups - 5 x Max Sets - Rest 2:30 between efforts. Goal here is to literally fail every single set, not just drop from the top of what feels like your last muscle-up, but literally hit and go to failure every time. 

2) Run 1 mile (1600m - or 2x800m on our path) - Goal is to hit this about 70-80% of max capacity. I am a ~5:15 miler, I will run around a 6minute mile. Set a goal, set a plan and check your split at the half-way turn around. There is no scaling (outside of shelby) everyone do this and do it as a run. 


  1. Is a rabid dog allowed to be there to chase a person? I'm asking for a friend....

  2. Quiet, warm rainy morning at the gym today. No Cash, no Littlest, no Jade [pout].

    PR pocket snatch, shat the bed on muscle ups, and the run felt good.

    Running in the rain is therapeutic; dare I say cathartic?

    1. Depending on time frame of extra work tomorrow I'm going to try for 530am! I just have to leave by 645

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hit 205 on the pocket snatch which is good for me. Lucky to have Jay working with and coaching me up.

    WOD started fine completing 2 rounds for the first three sets then the lower back blew up and was fairly useless from that point on.

    Muscle ups were ok. Need to work on more efficient and powerful kipping. Dips aren't an issue.

    Run was miserable. 7:31 which was nearly a full minute off of where I should have been. Body felt heavy and didn't want to move.

    Probably the worst training day I've had in a while. As John Sansbury once said "you need to have a few rainy days to enjoy the sunny ones". May take tomorrow off depending on how I recovery through the rest of the day and sleep quality tonight.

    1. Way to push through it today Sir. Proud of you.

  4. Hit a nice pr @ 200# on pocket snatch.

    Muscles: 9 - 8 - 6 - 7 - 8

  5. 1. Pocket snatch - worked to 115# (failed 120# 3x) - shoulders just didn't want to be aggressive today.

    2. WOD was spicy - used 44# KB:
    Round 1 - 2+13
    Round 2 - 2+7
    Round 3 - 2+4
    Round 4 - 2+6
    Round 5 - 2+4

    3. Muscle ups went okay, did not reach failure on first round so pretty upset with myself, DAG NABIT! Sets were 7-7-6-6-5

    4. Mile run felt great: Total time 7:40, Split time 3:41 - Good pace for me.

  6. Started off with muscle ups. Did 2/2/3/3/2. Finished every set with a failed attempt. Pretty much same story with all fails-- caught too low on last one and couldn't get out of it.

    Did the mile run next. This actually felt really good! I finished in 8:06 and definitely felt like I could have picked it up more in my last 800. Which is great bc my current mile PR is 8:05. #BabySteps

    Worked up to 105 for the pocket snatch. Attempted 115 twice and failed... Despite that, snatches overall felt good and I wasn't mentally psyched out which is another baby step win.

    That workout though... Destroyed my back. After 2nd round, switched to KB DL with the 53# which helped a tad bit. Rounds were: 2+6, 1+20, 2, 2+3, 2.

    Finished up with the shoulder care routine and called it a day.

  7. MU- 11, 5, 4, 4, 5 went to failure each set. My forearms felt tired

    Pocket snatch 165#

    Workout. 26# kb since swings tend to be one of the least good exercises for my back. Only did 2 rds of swings. Then just kb single arm thrusters 8 alternating arms. Last rd did empty barbell thrusters. Got 50.

    Finished with 6x 50 Bike cal with Jeff, Chris, and Jen. It was hard

  8. Received a big fuck you from CrossFit today. Running, snatches, and muscle ups aren't my specialties.
    Run at liberty track-8:23. Whoa
    Snatch at 7:30 class. Worked up to 175. No warmup no good.

  9. Did all my Jenny exercises and did 6x50 cal air dyne with Jeff, Chris, and Jenny! It was awful, but so glad I had friends to do it with!!!

    After that, did the mile run... Completed that around 8:30...my legs were toast!
