Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Wednesday, October 21

1a) Prior to class spend 10 minutes accumulating a heavy :30s overhead Yoke Hold. Try to achieve 4-5 sets in the 10 minutes!

Class -- Scale up to 63/44lb KBs

Extra Work:
1) Handstand Push-Up:
15-12-12-8- ME(Strict)-ME(Kipping)
rest 1minute between sets.
This is meant to be done like this:
Set 1: Do 15 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 2: Do 12 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 3: Do 12 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 4: Do 8 Unbroken however you like (can do strict, kipping or a mix of both)
Set 5: Complete a max effort strict set
Set 6: Complete a max effort kipping set
*Resting 1 minute between each set.*

Sets are meant to be done Unbroken, if you fail to achieve a number in a given set try to accommodate your height to allow you a better chance on the next set (i.e. add a plate).

2) Shoulder Care:
Run through Bulletproof Shoulders: Video
a) Side-Plank Reverse Fly - 20 Reps/Side
b) Modified Y-Push-Up Hold - 15seconds/side - 3x/side.
c) Scap Push-Ups - 15 reps, controlled. 
d) T's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
e) W's - 5 Reps + Overload - x 4-5
f) Cuff Isolation - 15x/side (Stay within yourself, don't go too heavy)


  1. Rest day :( sorry to let down the 5:30amers. I'm going 6 straight to make up for it.

    1. Missed you Ca$h Money. T-minus 10 days til the wedding! No more rest days. You can rest and let yourself go immediately after she says I Do.

      DDP and FunBobby squatted in your rack today, hoping to channel some #Ca$hStrength. And I think it worked.

    2. K$... review the NFL schedule tonight so we can discuss tomorrow morning. Hardest survivor week yet!!!!!!!!!

    3. I already used the Falcons.
      Bills are an option.
      I'm leaning towards the Chargers at home, or longer shot St. Louis at home.

  2. So when I click on the 'Gym' section of BTWB, I was hoping that it would take me to FCF so I could see everyone's posts and observe, comment, like and opine.
    But all I get is the Main Site gym in Santa Cruz and all these posts from people I don't know AND DONT LIKE.

    What am I missing?

    1. Mines the same way and it's needs to go away

    2. You have to request to become a part of Friendship CrossFit -- This needs to be done on the main website you cannot do it from the app.

    3. In my profile it says my Gym Association is Friendship Crossfit - is that what you mean?

    4. K$ You are already on it, added and in the comp blog (unless you made another new account and this is showing an old one)

    5. I deleted and then reinstalled the app, and now I am seeing FCF in the 'gym' section rather than Main Site.
      Shelb - try that.

    6. You can also (on the website) go to your picture in the upper right-> Your Tracks and unfollow everything that isn't Comp Blog

  3. I'll post on BTWB when I get it...
    Back squats 165,175,190,195,210 made all sets of 5.

    15:18 on the wod with 44 KB

    HSPU 15:12:12:8 (made all strict with blue mat + abmaT)
    ME strict : 13
    mE kipping:16

  4. 1. Worked up to 230x4 on the backsquats (failed my 5th rep dag nabit!)

    2. WOD was brutal for me - finished in 14:23

    Did not do any of the extra work due to a locked up trap so possibly going to do shoulder care later with some mobility.

    Figuring on BTWB tonight!

  5. 1) BSQ: 275/315/325/335/345. Felt good
    2) WOD: 12:44. Great push from Jibs!!!
    3) HSPU: did the 1st 4 sets strict on 45lb plates
    15/12/8/8. Did max sets of regular SHSPU- 17
    4) Yoke: 170/170/190/210/230

  6. For back squats, I did 165/185/200/210/230-- I was only planning to go to 225 but Jeff convinced me to add the extra 5#. All makes. That last set was a doozy.

    Back was super tight after, so I subbed airdyne for running, did 0.3 distance. Used the 44#kb. Finished in 15:33. Amanda was in my class and holy cow that girl is FAST!

    Bear crawls yesterday gave me a super nice kink in my neck. Per Jenny's advice, I did strict DB/KB presses instead of HSPU. I started with the 25s for my set of 15 but back was arching a ton so dropped to the 18#kb for the rest. Did not do these unbroken-- the 15 was 5/5/5, then 7/5, 7/5, and 8ub. Did a max effort set of 10 after the 15/12/12/8.

    And then finished it off with some shoulder care with Chels :)

  7. 1) Overhead Yokes:
    170 (empty), 190, 210, 230, 250 -- Struggled a bit at 230 and a lot at 250
    2) Back Squats...still not happening -- Tried a couple at 275 and just felt terrible on my back.
    3) Workout: 12:47, tried like hell to catch RT and was.....
    4) HSPU:
    15 UB Kipping
    12 UB Kipping
    6 - Fell apart
    4 - From bad to worse
    3 - Strict ME
    7 - Kipping ME
    3 - Just to get to 50 total.
    Not my best session, happy that 15 and 12 are in the bag now, that used to be a struggle. But I still always fall off of big sets around 30 total. Work in progress.

    5) Boulder-Shoulders- Completed with Special Guest JKAP creepin and touchin all over me.

    1. Real proud of your suspense dots.

    2. No surprise about JKap-she's so inappropriate

    3. I do tend to hang in the shadows. I try to keep my creeping skills sharp. Wait until I establish bun cupping Tuesday.... So many buns to be cupped in so little time.... No one is safe!

  8. Back sqt-275/300/320/340/360
    BPS w/Clark.
    No HSPU-shoulder's not quite ready. I'll hit that with row this weekend I hope. Along with OH carry. Love those.

    O and obviously I hit decline bench at CrossFit liberty earlier.

  9. Well, my original plan was to just to do shoulder rehab and knee exercises with a wonderful weight vest mile.... Until.... The hammer from Jibs struck me and then everything changed.
    Shoulder rehab and knee stuff were a go but the weight vest mile run became a
    Weight vest on for everything:
    800m run
    100 air squats
    800m run
    50 air squats
    800m run

    P.S. Overall, a good workout.... And running is still the enemy.
    P.S.S. I can help all with their creeping skills.
    P.S.S.S. Bun cupping Tuesday will be established soon. Keep your head on a swivel and embrace the cuppage.
