Thursday, October 15, 2015

Friday, October 16

Homework for today: 
Read this: , invest time in thought, think critically, re-evaluate. 

Along these lines -- I will be adding as much of the extra work as I can onto Beyond The Whiteboard for better and more solid logging purposes.  These will show up under Friendship CrossFit (I have to play with this a little bit to ensure it works) so if you're already a member of the gym on BTWB you should be able to log very easily.  This will add a little bit of extra work to everyone's plates for logging but will allow for much better and more detailed information gathering. 


  1. LOVED THIS READ!!!!!! The mental toughness obstacle is something I definitely struggle with a ton. I know A LOT of us do! Just gotta stay positive in those dark places and push through! "Just 2 more reps" or "I'm gonna tear this up"!! It's hard to remember, sometimes, but that's why we all have each other! Stay positive, work hard and get in those dark places.... Free hugs are always at the end of the pain train!!! YAY!!! Good job everyone!!!!

  2. Jeff where is the conversation of the trainer with the would be dad-bod? In all seriousness, proud of everyone. Great week of training. Happy I avoided the 100 pullup test doing Eva today. Pretty sure 150 pullups in a workout is the most i have ever done.

  3. OMG I can log my WOD times in the BTWB on the GHD while watching DWTS.
    After all, YOLO.
