Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 16

Extra Work:

1) E2MOM12 Minutes:
8 DB Snatches (85/55)

8 Strict HSPU

2) Break up however:
50 Glute-Ham-Raises (Weighted 15/10lbs in hand)
50 Band Pull-Aparts


  1. Replies
    1. I was agonizing over my survivor football choice. And. I. Am. Choosing. The. Packers. Lambeau Leap all day baby!

  2. Took the thrusters from the floor today. Really wanted 175 and

    Failed. It. (Twice)

    Tackled 100 pull ups today instead of the WOD.
    Extra work with Ka$ha, Jade and Clark was Challenging. Wanted all the HSPU unbroken and Got. Them.
    GHD was tough for me. I need to do more of those.

    General announcement - if you see me in the gymnasium and I'm not either doing something on the GHD or working on gymnastics, kindly give me a solid judo chop in the ovaries.

  3. Really enjoyed today's session. This week has been tough but awesome. Hit 235 on the thruster. Failed twice at 245. Felt like I was getting decent speed out of the whole but shoulders couldn't seal the deal.

    WOD was fun. Used the 60. Despite not being too great at atlas stones or ball slams my body obviously enjoyed the challenge based on how sore and tired I am.

    Extra work with Starfox. Hit all reps on snatch and HSPU. A month ago couldn't even do one strict since shoulder issue and was able to hit 8 reps on all sets. GHD and pull aparts all completed. Good work everyone!

  4. 1) Thrusters
    2) DB/ HSPU: all ub felt good
    3) GHD/ Bands- did 5x10 of each
    Good training week

    1. I'm proud of you. OSU is going to have a smooth night Saturday because of the work you, CA$H, and Clark all put in. You guys deserve a nice OSU game.

    2. Damn straight John!! Pretty sure I "Blacked-out" during today's extra work getting ready for the big Blackout versus Jade's alma mater. Go Bucks!! Also I highly recommend watching this trailer for Saturday

  5. Walked in and Will forced me to do the extra work without warming up---and it went well. Warming up is overrated.
    HSPU and Snatches UB
    THRUSTERS-155x5 185/205/215x3 235/245/255/265F
    Hamstrings/bands 5x10
    *also worked some 35# fancy plate pinch Carries with chuck. Love it

    1. You forgot about muscle ups in your fancy gloves... Am I right, Jenny?

  6. Started with the GHD and pull aparts with Jen. Did 5x10.

    Then jumped into class. Did my thrusters from the floor. Went for 160 but failed to lock out at the top :/

    Used the 30# for the workout, quick little cardio workout that had me surprisingly tired.

    I would have likely skipped out on the snatches/HSPU but luckily I had Chuck there to keep me focused and accountable. Snatches were great, HSPU not so great. I used an abmat and 15# plate... Did all 8 the first round (mistake #1), then dropped to 4 and 4 and then down to 2s. I did 5 for the 4th and 5th round then back to 8 for the last one. I need to dedicate serious time to improving on these bc that sucked.

    And that's a wrap kids! See everyone on Saturday -- and some of you tomorrow night! :)

  7. Started with Glute Ham Raises with shine and band pullsaparts. GHR- 10-15-15-10
    Pullsaparts: 25x2
    Did my Jenny exsercises and then saw Jenny for an update on the shoulder and what to do next.

  8. Did Thrusters with John and hit same Rep Scheme 155x5 185, 205, 215x3 235,245,255x1 fail 265 mental barrier.

    We did GHR, pull aparts and grip work instead of wod. 5x10

    Did Snatches and HSPU with Sunshine and this is a dream combo for me finished each round under 40 sec

  9. Late post on this.
    Thrusters-up to 251. Starting to get some strength back. Took these from the floor.

    EMOM work-DB snatches felt good, handstand push ups were tough today. Live to fight another day.

    Finished with GH Raises and GHD sit ups.

    Solid Day.
