Friday, October 16, 2015

Saturday, October 17

Congrats to Sir Charles, The Chuck Man, Boulder shoulders himself on a 1.42 Grace PR and winning performance at Barbells for Boobs! Jenny and Keith hosted a great event, we had an awesome showing and took the W - Congrats Chuck!
Two Skulls options:
1) 11:30am - Chris/K$ leading
2) 2:30p - John/Maria leading, likely I will be in attendance also - we're just working on John's leadership skills after a small snafu with Team Series event 8 last weekend. 

1) Snatch:
E90s until failure complete:
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (below knee) + 1 Hang Snatch (above knee) - Begin @ 115/65 and add 10lbs / 5lbs per 90s interval. 

2) 5 x 2 Full Snatch @ 10lbs below your best lift from #1 - Rest as needed between sets to hit all 10 lifts. 

3) Regional Workout 11.6:
For time complete:
Row 20 cals
30 Burpees to Plate
40 2-Hand DB Snatches (45/35) (aka 2 DBs, double snatches)
50 T2B
100ft OH Walking Lunge (95lbs/65lbs) 
150ft Sprint

4) Get a team of 3 and complete:
Regional Team workout 13.2:
7 minutes to establish max reps: Burpee Muscle-Ups - You must achieve 3 reps before you can tag your next teammate, and you cannot do more than 3 reps in one set. Try to keep teams 3 females together, and 3 males together. 
2013 Friendship Team featuring Daddy Cash himself, Maria, K$: 32 reps
2013 New Albany Team featuring Mr. CSans himself: 74 reps
2013 Jeff - 30 solo in 6.47.7
2013 RT - 30 solo in 6.53
2013 Borda - 20 reps in 7 minutes.
Time to improve. 


  1. K $ with the gymnastics win on the Handstand hold.

  2. Good job chuck!

    Did most of skulls during the 8am with Clark and mirth!
    Not much of a warm up today but was able to get to 115 on the snatched (failed the last rep do to over pulling) then did 3 sets of 2 snatched at 100.

    Did the next workout in 14:50 ish I think... Had to walk over to the timer after skip hopping around trying to figure out what to do next.... I forgot about the run.... So I just didn't do it.

    Finished in 1 hour so didn't have time for burpee MU

  3. Great job Charles!! Fun to watch! #Beast

    And Heather dominated her first Grace too!
    Proud of you both.

  4. Fun day. Intimate crew that included Newman, Dante and Lil Wade.

    That was a lot of snatches. Went up by 5s and stopped at 125#.
    Stayed with that weight for the 5x2 sets. No missings.

    Fun WOD to do with all boys. Got behind on the row and tried to bust ass and catch up, which proved not to be a good idea. DDB snatches were the toughest part, and my T2B pooped out earlier than I hoped.
    Time: 12:15. Well behind CSans

    Then CSans and I partnered up for the burpee MUs and got 40 in 7 mins.
    I had to slow down a good bit in the later rounds to avoid failing the dips.
    Need more #dipwork !

    Great Fall training day. Go Bucks!!

  5. 1. 3 position snatch felt good today! Worked up to 115# and stopped. Finished 5x2 at 105#.

    2. Regional WOD 11.6 done in 11:55. DB's were tough and interesting! The T2B's were the worst I think! Tired lats.

    3. Muscles ups with Sunshine & Mo -- I think we got 27! Forgot how to kip my dip, hahah. Need to work on these more.

    Good day, excited for tomorrow and I hope leader Jeffray can join!!! He's a much better leader than I!
