Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wednesday, May 20th

Come ready. to. go. for class! #TestOutWorkout

Extra work:


a) 8 Strict Pull-ups (wgt'd first few rounds if you can go UB)
b) 8 Strict HSPU
c) 16-24 Pistols  (If you are a pistol machine, begin with 24 and do your best to maintain that, if you struggle try to maintain 16 per round)


  1. My initial prediction of the #Jibs was wrong. But its definitely a pick your poison type of day. 1. Worked up to 185 (gearless) which these felt good today
    2. Done at 135 unbroken each round
    3. 6:41.9 - I am calling out John Sansbury to bring the heat and wear this crown.
    Tears and leg cramps for extra work.

    1. Ca$h was an animal and took down Drago's record. Very impressive.
      But how long will this new title last?! Now the Brothers Sans have a time to beat...

    2. Cash why did you get me all excited? I thought the workout might have been something fun or something I'm good at--rowing is neither. Talk about ruining my day...

    3. And I don't fear 5:30 AM classes because I fully understand them as I have plenty of experience with it. What I do fear are low T levels. How am I supposed to keep T levels up with 6 hours of sleep. You CAN'T!!! All about the T levels.

    4. Cash sent a snapchat in bed at 6:10pm - That is a hefty 10+hrs of sleep John. His T-Levels are raging.

  2. 1.) Hit 155 pretty solid then attempted 185 a couple times. It was in the bag but didn't trust my shoulder. Fortunately that'll be easy to fix.

    2.) For the EMOM did 115. No issues.

    3.) Finished 7:12. Goal was sub 7 but just couldn't swing it. Posterior chain was gone......

    Extra work:
    Did first set of pull ups with 26lb KB but quickly determined that my lats and biceps were not gonna sustain that after the kick in the ass on the rower. Went body weight on remaining sets and was able to hit RX reps.

    Started with a #35 and abmat on the HSPU then lowered to #25 and abmat. Felt good. Hopefully full range in a week or 2.

    Pistols were a struggle and ended up doing box pistols to work on them. Did 16 reps each round.

    1. Yea... the bodyweight thing on the pull-ups got super attractive really fast after the row/AD hell.

  3. 1) Hit 195 pretty easy bringing my grip in some has helped a lot with this and snatch
    2) 115 they all went real smooth unbroken
    3) 7:13 which is a PR just didn't have a kick on last 500m
    Extra work: used 26lb kb first two sets of pull ups and RX on hspu. 24 each time on pistols felt good
    3rd round sliced my arm good and got 3 staples. needles to say I will be carefully dropping from rig from now on.

    1. I've heard this Crossfit business you kids are doing is just so dangerous!

    2. Chuck Strong! Hope you are ok. That sounds really painful - I'm so sorry.

  4. Worked up to 155# for snatch balance. I think that's the most I've ever done.
    Pocket snatches at 105# were much tougher than anticipated - shoulders felt tired. No fails though.

    Opted for Ann Arbor. Never done it before. Wasn't quite sure how to pace it. Picked it up a bit half way and then went all out last 90 sec. 77 cals

    Extra work was frustrating, as per usual. Had to break up the pull ups a lot. It's a striking dichotomy how tough strict pull ups are for me compared to how solid and strong I typically feel with HSPU, even strict. Did all HSPU sets UB.
    Pistols were a struggle at the start ( left knee bugging me and bad balance) but got in a good groove the last few rounds - got 18 and 20 in no problem.

    Watched Littlest bang out one million chest to bars and deficit HSPU like a Tiny Champion.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Snatch balance worked up to 205 (PR)
    Snatch EMOM @135, no fails
    2K row: 7:35, 15s PR
    Extra work: all pull-ups and HSPU unbroken
    No pistols

  7. Today brought a special treat: did the snatch balances with Kenz...and JEFF! Thank goodness too because they pushed me to a PR at 140.

    Did the pocket snatches at 70#, no fails and felt solid overall.

    Got 8:31.4 for the 2k row. A 7s PR from last month when we tested.

    The extra work was spicy. Started out doing strict pull-ups in sets of 4, which quickly went to 3-3-2 then 3-2-2-1... And so on. Strict HSPU remain a struggle for me too. I used an abmat and a 15 and 10lb plate. I tried just the 15 but was reaching failure at 6 HSPU so I went up. Pistols felt ok, got 16 each round.

  8. Snatch Balance-225 for a few sets to finish-felt good
    Snatch-135-felt good
    2k row-6:56-sorry cash. It was about a :20 PR though. Cash you gotta show me how to use my back on the row. My quads were crushed. Just wasting all this back and deadlift power I have.
    Gymnastics by myself in the corner of the gym-went fine. Tried weighted pull-ups w/18# for first round. That was also the last round of that. All pull-ups and HSPU UB. 20 pistols each round.
    Last day of exams tomorrow-145 questions on world history from imperialism through the Cold War. Could anyone pass that right now?

    1. Absolutely. I would appreciate if you brought me a copy for tomorrow.

    2. It will help prepare me for trivia tomorrow night.

    3. John - im proud of you. Coming to 5:30am and you will not only learn a lot but you will pr regardless of T levels.
      Also, post the exam on this blog. #TeamBrainGain

  9. Class -- Lots of people tonight at the 5:30p, it was a party. Partnered with Kenz and Sunshine since they're easier on the eyes and the weight than Chris and Will, both of which are good for me in my current state of lifting.

    Opt'd for Ann Arbor today, though Cash is getting dangerously close to taking down my 2k Row PR. Got 128 Cals in 6 minutes, John said I made some weird noises...which makes sense...it really hurt.

    Did some pull-ups and HSPU, but was still kind of in a daze, I think I did 5 rounds through UB, then moved on. Shoulder still very tight.

    1. I almost went straight tights today. That would have been even rougher on the eyes. You're lucky.

  10. Snatch Balance- up to 225. Stayed kinda light becaause of the back. Back felt solid when I braced my core. When I lost it, it felt sore. Baby steps.
    Snatch emom at 135.

    6 min on the bike-116 cals, that hurt.

    Extra work- Did HSPU and Pull ups- First 4 rounds went well then felt pretty smoked. No pistols, hurts the back the most

    Happy to be doing some oly lifting and squatting again.

  11. Worked up to 185# on the snatch balance. Shoulder mobility still an issue.

    Pocket snatches were all UB @ 125#. They felt good and got better when I kept my chest up.

    Went for Ann arbor today and hated every second. Got 96 cals in 6 minutes. Should have pushed harder but my quads were shot.

    Extra went well. Shoulder and elbow had smallb amounts of pain so I went weightless on the pull ups. Worked hard on the strict hspu and got 24 pistols each time.

    Quads for days!

  12. 8:46 2k row: I believe that is a PR from the last time we did it.

    Snatch balance felt pretty darn good. Just wish I had more time to go up!

    Extra work was brutal. Strict pull ups felt okay actually! I didn't go u broken but they are feeling better. hsPU were done with an ab mat only.. I was able to get 8 unbroken everytime. 16 pistols done each time... My leggies couldn't do 24 / my brain couldn't do 24 ha
