Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Thursday, May 7th

Test Day:

If possible perform before class:

Snatch - 1 Rep, from Floor. 
Min 1-2 @ 60%
Min 3-4 @ 70%
Min 5-6 @ 75%
Min 7-8 @ 80%
Min 9-10 @ 85%
Min 11 @ 90%
Min 12 @ 95%

If you are feeling good take 1 minute off then take 3 attempts at a PR - If you are not popping/hitting well, move on.

Clean and Jerk - 1 Rep from Floor.
1-2 @ 65%
3 @ 75%
4 @ 85%
5 @ 95%

If you are feeling good take 2 minutes off then take 3 attempts at a PR - If you are not popping/hitting well, move on.

It has been a rough week - Do not push for a PR if you are not feeling it please, and do not be dejected if you do not, that being said - Get with some friends, find a good crew and hit it HARD!


  1. Squats with #GearlessChuckStrong
    225/235/255/275/290/310 no misses
    class - best round 2+9
    Snatches done after class not emom style

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Front Squats #gearlesswithCa$h
    245/ 265/ 285/305/325/345 failed on 345 lost my back

    Class- Best round 3+2 with the buddy jumps with Cash
    Snatches 115/135/145/155/165/175 all felt real good for as tired as my core felt.

  4. I was so intimidated by the #gearless perfection that was happening next to me with Ca$h and ChuckStrong, that I became very self conscious squatting in all my gear.

  5. Worked up to 205# for the set of 4 FS which felt pretty good. For the wod got 3+2, then 3+7 and then 3+10 which really makes it look Iike I sand bagged the shit out of round 1, but it really didn't feel like it. Funny how negative consequences can uniquely motivate to true max effort.

    Lifting after was fine. Stayed longer on snatchings because they felt good. Got 160 pretty smooth and then tried for a PR at 170 which was a miserable attempt. Might as well have added 50 pounds it felt so heavy off the ground.
    Then was pretty tired for clean and jerks. Worked up to 185 and failed one - then made it and called it quits.

  6. Snatch worked up to 205 my max and hit it. Attempted 215 twice and failed both. This process took about a half hour. Then worked clean and jerk up to 285. Attempted 295 once and missed the jerk.
    No class-had to go 4 for 4 in an old man softball league-no big deal.

  7. Did the extra work before class. For snatches I did 70, 80, 85, 95, 100, 110. I then did the c&j at 110, 130, 145, 160. Felt pretty good but I failed my last jerk attempt. By then, it was class time!

    Front squats felt pretty good today, actually helped a lot with my soreness! I did 125, 135, 145, 160, 170, 180. I went without a belt for the first 4 sets but wore it for my heavier ones.

    For the workout, I got 3, 3+2, then 3.

  8. Did class first. Worked up to 130 on the front squats. For the workout I got 2+12, 3, 3.

    Did extra work after. My form on my snatches was feeling great until I got up to 105 (my 85%). Sort of fell apart there. Missed one over my head, then one in front, then finally got it. For the C&J I hit them all up to 95%, but it didn't feel very good so I stopped there.

  9. Snatch is always a weakness. Didn't miss one until attempting a PR.

    Shoulders were feeling weak. C&J felt good and just matched my PR.

    Did some sets of 10-15 ub du after lifting. Feeling better.
