Saturday, May 16, 2015

Championship Sunday, May 17

With a running clock complete:

0-15:00 -

EMOM10 - 1 Squat Snatch (w/ 3s catch hold), 2 Sn Balance. Begin at 60% and go up as needed/desired based on form and balance. 

EMOM4 - 1 Squat Snatch - Build up to a heavy 1 - no fails in this 4 minutes or you are done. YOU'RE DONE! (JOHN!)

15-30:00 --
Tommy V Group - 
EMOM12 - 3-4 Muscle-Ups

MU/SC Group - 
EMOM 12 - 2 Rope Climbs

12min AmRap:
3 Burpee Pull-Ups
6 FS @ 185/125 - From Ground
9 Ring Dips

With a team of 3 complete max calories on the AirDyne, and Max WallBalls as a team.  Score is total reps completed of calories + WB reps in the 15 minutes. Break up / strategize however you like. 

60-70:00: Give out lots of compliments, smile & have fun! Great weekend. 
The brothers Sans leading the group warm-up


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did this today. Felt pretty good today
    Snatch: 10 EMOM, 145 to 165
    4 EMOM, hit 205 pretty easy, missed
    215. It's the best my snatch has felt in
    MU EMOM: 3 per minute for 15 minutes.
    12 min AMRAP. Did the FS from the rack (bruised clavicle) got 4 rounds and change
    Wallball/Airdyne: lost track.
    Fun workout.
