Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wednesday, April 29

Evening Crew:
Try to do Extra work @ 5:30p and do class at 6:30p if possible to stay out of the way of barbell club.

EMOM10 - 2 Hang Squat Snatches:
Min 1-2 - 70% of HS
Min 3-6 - 75%
Min 7-10 - 80%
*Reps should be perfect, focus footwork*

5 x 500m Row
*Rest 2mins between efforts*

3 Rounds:
a) Max Set Kroc Rows, Right, then left - 100# / 65# - Scale down only if form/ROM isn't solid.
b) 8 Band Pull-Aparts
c) 10 Good Mornings - Light and deep

1) 5-8 UB Strict HSPU -- move height to fall into the rep range. 
2) 25 Hollow Rocks
3) 25s Plank Hold w/ 60-70% BW


  1. Front squats felt good... No gear, only Nike metcons

    Elizabeth! 11:00 which is a 58second PR for me. My goal was to do sets of 3, that worked for part of 21s til after 15 I did singles. 15 round I stuck to 3s and for the 9 I went unbroken .

    Ring dips I also tried to stick to 3s but that faded at times to 2s and towards the end of 21 and 15 I did singles.

    Only did the snatches for extra work.
    Pulled off the floor since that's where I feel most uncomfortable. I did 95,100,105

  2. Class. Squats ok. Definitely felt heavy at 190#

    Elizabeth. 7:09. Good PR. I still think I could move a little faster though. (Even though I was pretty dead after!)

    Snatches were a little rough. Tried to pad my quad and I think that messed me up a little. missed 130 first 2 min. Made all 140s. Missed 150 then made 150 (only 2 min heaviest because of misses early)

    2:03.6 (I tried to go out hard in this 1 and that failed)
    1:57.8 (improved my strategy...started slower then tried to sprint end)
    Definitely tired after!

  3. Front squats were solid. Worked up to 275# and kept good form. Hips still tight but it's mostly on my left side. (It's s work in progress)

    Elizabeth: first time ever doing this beaut. Prior to class I bet jeff that I could complete the 21 ring dips UB. You sir owe me one burrito!
    Finished with a time of 7:00 and wasn't smoked. I need to continue building mental toughness. Once I feel a bit tired I tend to break. The driving force today was that Damn burrito.

  4. Front Squats felt good in no gear up to last set at 325 then core just got tired

    6:08 50 sec PR went 6/5/3/3 4 singles on round of 21 and 11/10 on dips
    4 sets 3 and 3 singles on 15 sqt cleans and 8/7 on dips
    2 sets 3 and 3 singles on round on 9 and 9 unbroken dips

    Extra work: Snatches felt pretty good with the wrist
    Cardio: Rowing 1:33/1:40/1:43/1:43/1:40 need to work on mentally pushing through the pain

  5. Was running late today so I didn't get to the snatch work. Did the gymnastics work though. Subbed regular plank holds for weighted (based on the Jeff feedback last time). Did HSPU with an abmat, shooting for 5 reps each time. The last two rounds, I struggled to get my head all the way down to the mat. Probably should have gotten a 15lb plate too.

    Front squats felt good. Did 125-135-145-160-170.

    Pretty exciting Elizabeth PR for me at 9:55! Last August when we did it, I could barely do ring dips-- it took me 17:19. I guess all that work on ring dips is paying off :) I did all singles on the squat cleans, trying to keep rest between reps minimal. I did the ring dips in sets of 3 all throughout, with the exception of the last 4 reps, where I broke down and ended up doing 2, 1, 1.

  6. Snatches: from ground on all - 2 rds #95 and 8 rds at 135 - pain free ;)
    Gymnastics: Held 5's on hspu/planks didn't do bw did :20 high and :20 low plank.

    Class: strength <sticking to one month plan to protect hip/back and doing single leg strength) did 5x6 single leg dl with blue kb and IDK what it is but this movement rips my hammys.
    Wod: did power clean (all singles) and did strict ring drips (9:56) (felt good - trying to recreate better start in oly lifts)

  7. Snatches-145/155/165
    Gymnastic-6s HSPU, 140# plank for 2 rds then dropped to 70#, 25 hollows all UB=tough
    Strength-Kroc x5 reps mornings @95
    Class-F sqt-205/225/240/260/275
    Elizabeth-6:17-singles for cleans-2 sets for dips

  8. Proud of all these PRs!! Gets me all jacked up.

    I am trying to nip a sore throat in the bud, so I got some extra sleep this morning and took the day off. Back at it tomorrow in NC.

    1. Dropped in at a box called CrossFit 2311 and they were great.

      Did the front squats totally #Gearless (I didn't bring any gear) so I felt like a sky diver without a parachute. Was happy with a #LizzyPR at 7:09. Did bigger sets of squat cleans to start and that jacked up my HR, so I'd be curious to see the difference if I did all singles. PR mostly attributable to ring dips getting better / not getting to failure.

  9. WOD: 6:57 rx. Squat cleans went better than j thought. Back wasn't too bad. Ring dips need work.
    Front squat up to 240. Light weight but working on better position.
    Snatch work: 165-also light. Feeling out the back
    Gymnastics work got spicy fast. 32 HSPU
    Hollow rocks and planks were not perfect. Need improvement.

  10. For snatches did 80/85/90. Felt pretty good. Hardest part for me was re establishing the hook grip. Jay gave me some cues to work on.

    Did gymnastics extra work. Subbed handstand holds for weighted planks. We were a little rushed for time and I didn't want to get all of the stuff out for planks.

    Squats felt really heavy today.

    Did Elizabeth RX in 13:41. First time doing it.
