Thursday, April 2, 2015

Friday, April 3

Recovery Day work:

If you guys are going to be on the Mon/Fri rest schedule, I would prefer that Monday be a complete rest day (massages, rolling, maybe moving) and Friday be a recovery day.  Recovery days are days where you work up a small sweat, work on skills and hit specific, targeted mobility.  These sessions should take roughly 40-60 minutes and be light-hearted and fun -- aka carry on a conversation with someone while you do it.  For example here was my day today:

4:40pm - Run with Blitz ~1200m
5:15pm - Ballin' straight smashed my hamstrings into oblivion...(aka a little myofascial release)
5:30pm - 50-40-30-20-10 - Air Dyne Cals, 100-80-60-40-20: Double Unders
~6:00pm - Hip internal rotation work, and groin stretching. 
6:15pm - Buffed out the legs.  

This can be something you work in things like triple unders, handstand walking/holds, core accessories, or EMOM T2B/CTB training, etc.  Don't think of them as a day off from the gym (though you should have one day you don't come in at all, preferably Monday on this schedule).  If you guys took that day today I will see you tomorrow for 225# Grace!

Here is the Skulls Session planned for Saturday:

EMOM21: With a Partner
First 7 minutes:
Odd: 7 Thrusters (115/85)
Even: 10 T2B

Second 7 Minutes:
Odd: 8 Squat Cleans (115/85)
Even: 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")

Third 7 Minutes:
Odd: 9 OHS (115/85)
Even: 10 CTB

- Anytime one partner doesn't make a minute the TEAM gets 1 penalty. 
- Each Penalty will be assessed at the end as a 10Cal Row Sprint (partners alt. every 10cals) Workout is over when all teams have completed the rounds and penalties. 

Rest 12 minutes then...

a) E2MOM10:
5 Deadlifts @ 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 85%+

b) Gymnastics/Cardio/Strength accessory:
Muscle-Up work w/ Jenny oversight /// Running work with Jeff oversight  //// Hamstring/Upper Back with Jeff (maybe Jay) oversight


  1. I did paleo challenge workout
    I got roped into doing Annie. 7:11. I got worse.

  2. Kara also did paleo challenge
    9:53 / 160#

  3. Grace at 225# 6:48 better than I thought. Back felt solid.
    Pistols were rough in nanos
    20, 15, 14, 12, 14
    Big weakness had a bunch of reps where I failed. But without gear I'm happy.

  4. Grace at 95# (first time doing it RX): 3:45

    Pistols (first time without a band): 9, 7, 7, 7, 9

  5. Got to work out with more #meat and EVE. Loved it.

    Grace at 125# - Finished in 4:11 - Thanks Chris for making me do 125#

    Pistols with no gear (thanks again, Chris!) 25-20-20-20-20

    I'm working out in my garage tomorrow around 2 or 3 if anyone wants to join me that also cannot make Skulls.

  6. I need to do the skulls workout between 8:30 and 9 tomorrow. Does someone want to join me?

  7. did the snatch E30S workout from yesterday @ 85#. Shoulder and neck felt pretty good today! woo!

    Grace at 155# was brutal! finished in 6:38

    rested 5 min, then completed Pistol EMOM5. got 20 each minute :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Grace #225 = 5:26

    20 pistols every minute

    Great group this morning, back felt pretty good for the most part, need to keep hammering away at my breathing and technique.

  10. Grace at 185: 4:48.

    Pistols: 16,16,16,18,19

    Got to workout with Lis which is awesome!

  11. I rested yesterday so I did class today.
    Thrusters were fun. I did 10@ 75, 10@ 95, 5 @ 100, 5 @ 115, 3@ 130, 3 @ 135-- failed on last one, 1 failed attempt @ 150, 3 @ 135, skipped 5 set bc we were running behind, 10@ 105

    For Annie I got 7:08.

    The pistols were hard. I did 15 all 5 minutes.

    For Grace I did 95# and finished in 2:57.

    Overall, good but hard day! :)

  12. Grace@125....5:04
    pistols 20 emom×5
    Annie 628 or 638?

  13. Grace@125....5:04
    pistols 20 emom×5
    Annie 628 or 638?

  14. Oh man. Did the skulls workout 21 min EMOM only. Made all my sets but oh baby those burpee box jumps and squat cleans were tough! The CTB were also hard.. Couldn't string butterfly at times .... Arms and Lats are tired !
