Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26


With a running clock complete:


12 minute AmRap:
200m Run
25 Wallball
2 Rope Climbs 

EMOM10 - 2 TnG Power Snatch, begin at 60% of max Snatch and build.

EMOM10 - 1 Squat Snatch -- Start at last weight used for Power Snatches.

AmRap 15:
1 Round of "Mary" (5 HSPU, 10 Pistols, 15 Pull-Ups) 
1 Round of "DT" (12 DL, 9 Hang Cleans, 6 STO @ 155/105)

60-75:00 - 
Partner barbell mash on hamstrings and calves -- Team mobility! Conversation topic: Chris Sansbury and his birthday.


  1. Sounds fun. Sorry I'll miss it! Have a great week of training everybody. I'll be back on Friday.

  2. 1. 4 rounds plus a 200m run
    2. Power snatch double up to 185.
    3. Worked up to 225. Which is a #Gearless PR
    4. 3 rounds plus 18 reps.

  3. 1. 4 round + 7 wallballs
    2. Worked up to 125# power snatch off the ground then squatted the second one - OOPS
    3. Worked up to 130# snatch - 5# below my PR - it felt so easy off the ground, I'm happy about it
    4. I believe 4 rounds + 54 (I finished 3 STO over in the last round of "DT")

    Tough and fun day! Thanks Ca$h and Jeffray!

  4. Jackie !! 7:02

    1. 3+ 10 ish I think
    2. Power got to 110 then got so darn mental
    3. Got 115 from hang but not the point of the work out soooo I took weight off and did 105 from the ground to work on getting comfortable with pulling off the ground.
    4. 3+13 .... Today the bar felt 200 lbs for everything.... Hand cleans and STO especially!

    Body was hurting today but overall it was really fun with some great people! :)

  5. 3+run with legless

    145 power snatch dbl
    165 squat. 155 and 165 felt easy then just felt gooey in the catch

    I think I was all 6 s2oh short of finishing 5. All pullups UB- felt good. Had to do lower hc than I like to protect my busted up quad :P

    Good programming cash!

  6. First of all, real proud of everyone. I feel like our 830a Sunday Championship Crew is like, real solid, and growing in popularity and #swole.
    I attribute this mostly to #ChuckStrong and his many loyal followers.

    For the first part I was like half a round behind Ria, and maybe 1/4 round behind Ca$h Master. Tried to go right into the 2nd climb without my usual angry out-of-breath glare at the rope thinking about how tired they make me. And my leg was totally unscathed, so if anyone wants to learn how I MacGruber'd my leg to perfection, just let me know.

    Snatches felt ok today. Worked up to 130# for the double PS then got 150# for the single squatter. 150 is about where my form goes to shit and my arse goes up faster than a bend and snap, so I probably need to stay here or slightly lighter and drill form.

    Jackie PR which I was really happy with. Preciate everyone's cheering, and Jeff coaching me through it. 6:52.

  7. 1. 4 rounds finished about 15 secs left so didn't start my 200
    2. 165 for power snatch double felt good and lighy
    3. worked up to 180 on squat snatch
    4. 4 rounds + 5 tried to stay on same round as Maria

  8. Subbed Jackie in for the first part today. Finished at 7:29. Really didn't set a pace on the first 500 which was not smart.

    Worked around 165 power doubles and they were good.

    Stayed around 165 bc dropping for the squat and my bicep was shitty. Need to keep working on my shoulder flexibility.

    Time was called as I was running...walking to start hspu. Finished 3 rounds. Knee gave be some trouble so I started to slow down through the pistols.

  9. Wow...that was hard! a)4r+200.b.115 (snatches felt heavy today!)c. Failed 135 d. Got 4r "mary" but subbed burpees for pull ups...and then got to 6dl on the round of 4 for dt...ROUGH!
