Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Thursday, April 9

Preliminarily it looks like Sunday around 1:30pm will be the best time for everyone (at least it is THE ONLY time that no one completely ruled out).

On a sad note, Dr. Ulm gave me some bad news today and I will be sidelined for awhile, condemned to the physical therapy exercises for a few weeks, then a few weeks of moderate moving.  So that means you get a few more weekends of Skulls Sans Jeff programming -- I am really hoping to heal up to 100% by June 1, this marks the biggest injury and the most time off I have had in 6 years so I certainly had a good run!  I'll be looking for some airdyne/sled buddies coming up here in a week or so.  

Extra work:


Last week we began testing and I put tier information out there to give as a goal or guideline to help you see where you should focus the most in your area of improvement, and give you goals for the coming year -- Here is how these break down:
Tier 1 - Games level athlete - Top 10 in Regionals individually.
Tier 2 - Regional level athlete - Between 10-50 individually, or a top 5 team athlete.
Tier 3 - Regional team athlete - Can comfortably make a roster of a 15th-30th place team. 
If you have competed at these levels before you should look at what level you believe yourself to be based on your experience.  If you fall into a tier above that for a certain movement you are considered a specialist in that realm.  If you fall into a tier below that for a certain movement, that is considered an area of concern.  If you have not yet made these areas in your career your goal should be to make as many lists as you can (i.e. 30/30 tier 3s is better than 5/30 tier 1s).  Don't worry if you don't fit perfectly into a tier right away, and always strive when we re-test to move up, or improve. 

a) Max effort 2k Row -- Preferably this would be done before class.  If you talk to the trainers beforehand and they say you are allowed to replace the class workout with a max effort 2k, then you can -- but only with their ok and off to the side if they ask.  Otherwise do this after class. 
Tier 1 - Men: <6:35, Women: < 7:25
Tier 2 - Men: <7:00, Women: < 7:45
Tier 3 - Men: <7:25, Women: < 8:00

b) Weighted plank holds -- 80% BW on dip belt
Tier 1: 30 Seconds
Tier 2: 20 Seconds
Tier 3: Lower Weight or <10 seconds.
Try to attain perfect body position, and build up in sets just like a normal max lift (i.e. don't just jump straight to 80% BW on dip belt. Use KB and 10/5/2.5lb plates to get to perfect number.

c) Assuming your hands are not too beat up:
3 Attempts to establish a max set of pull-ups:
Tier 1: 60+
Tier 2: 40-60
Tier 3: 20-40


  1. Well that was a doozy.
    I did the 2k row after class ..... Bad idea after sprints. I did it in 8:54.5 I believe at 2:05 ( my hamstrings were about done) so I may redo it tomorrow before I do anything... So I am "fresh" .... Saving the planks and pull ups for friday

  2. Squats: 3 at 200. Didn't try 210 because I'm a pansy

    Row 2k 8:20

    Plank 36 sec at 111 lbs (80%)

    Pullups 36. I honestly don't know why I stopped at 36. My lats and grip felt tired. It was my first set. Tried 2 more times got 30 and 32.

  3. Row done at 8:15 (before class)

    Class was good, got to work out with lots of good people today!

    Set 1 - 3 @ 175#
    Set 2 - 3 @ 185#
    Set 3 - 3 @ 195#
    Set 4 - 3 @ 205#
    Set 5 - Didn't get to (would've been 220#)

    Sprints were tough! But it felt good to run outside in the rain!

    Did my pull-ups and planks after class:
    Pull-ups - 26, 31, 18
    Plank - 100# KB for 30 sec @ 126# body weight

    I'm ready for a rest day! I'm planning on doing yoga at 9:30 am and an epsom salt bath tomorrow, if anyone wants to join. Just for yoga though! DUH!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rd FS @320#

    I worked with Jesse so I went a little heavier to keep up. Didn't get to the last set but 320# was 5# lighter than my 95% .

    Running was good but need to work on belly breathing to avoid cramping in my obliques/ribs.

    Extra work (all after class):

    2K row: 7:21
    - grip fried out around the 350m mark.

    30 sec plank hold @ 153#

    Pull ups were a bit rough after the row but managed 20 reps. Need to progress my kip and transition to butterfly.

    Rest day: may be yoga with Maria

  6. Pull-ups 35
    Plank at 80% :33
    2k row 7:18
    Front squats 255 255 275 285 295

  7. Did my 2k row after class 7:24 happy with it after squatting heavy and legs being a little tired.

    Squats 305, 325, 345, 365 all made failed at 385

    Runs felt real good wasn't winded and able to go all out on all of them.

    40 pull ups a PR fell straight on my butt off rig on last one with grip giving out

    Planks 80%- 153 for 33 sec

  8. Worked up to 225 for 3R FS but only got one. Need to work on much better tightness / core / breathing in the hole.

    2K row - averaged 1:55 for the first 1500M then tried to pick it up. Attempted max effort for the last 300M. It was unpleasant. 7:38.

    Tried butterfly for pull ups. Got 22. Tried a few more sets but couldn't keep the rhythm past 12 reps after that. #TierThreeNearlyTierFour

    Did 120# for plank hold. 46 seconds.

    Proud of everyone.

  9. Started off with pull ups got 42. Had more in the tank but hand was already torn and I was not going to get to 60.
    Plank holds a 80% or 180lbs- :34 sec

    Did the 2k row with the Sans bros, got a little spicy. 6:58. no where near my all time PR but made it under 7 and the body was crushed. Was happy with that.

  10. 33 pullups
    7:36 row
    Plank in the AM

  11. 21 pull ups
    30sec plank with 110lb
    Row ... Didn't redo it ... Still 8:54 (post sprints)

  12. Finally did the 2k row... Got 8:38. Lots of room for improvement but I was happy bc I was able to maintain a pace of 2:08-2:12 the entire time. I started picking up my pace at 1725m, brought it down to 2:00-2:02.... I realized I definitely needed to do that a little bit earlier. Whoops! Next time!

  13. Did the 2K row today and did it in 7:05

  14. Max 80% BW plank for 41 seconds
    Max set of pull ups was 31 reps
