Today will begin the official off-season programming which will consist of 4 MacroCycles:
1) 12-Week Wendler Cycle. We will follow class programming with a few adjustments:
1. We will add OHS to the Wendler Cycle.
2. We will complete Boring But Big with different accessory types for specific lifts. I.e. Front Squat BBB will be speed work, Press BBB will be with Dumbbells.
3. Each Day will have accessory work done afterwards - This will be 50% Gymnastics Strength, and 50% Upper Back strength.
4. Each Day changes to the metcon or class programming will be posted. I will list these in order just like class is written on the board so you will know what to change the following day.
5. This program will only feature 2-3 days per week of dedicated, off the clock, Oly work - This means that your warm-up each day should involve the Outlaw Warm-Up, and a few snatch/Jerk pieces.
2) 8-Week Strength Longevity program -- This program will feature a lot of interval work with Olympic Lifts, Squats, STO and Pulling off the ground. Gymnastics work will also share a time component now, and will be increased to 5x per week - Each day will begin with dedicated mobility work/lifting. Some days this will pair up with class, others it will not. I will continue to post accessory class work if that is your desire.
3) CrossFit focus 12-Week program -- This program will decrease dedicated lifting volume down to 1-2x/week. Gymnastics will be done in large sets, or max sets. 1-2x/week MetCons will go very long (25+mins) and Benchmarks will be tested (Open/Regionals). Goal for this program is to use the increased capacity and better movement from the first two cycles to move through MetCons with better efficiency. Intervals will be used to re-assert this focus frequently. Some days this will pair up with class, others it will not. I will continue to post accessory class work if that is your desire.
4) Conditioning Cycle -- Days will go to Strength and Gymnastics supersets, with a MetCon and a dedicated conditioning piece every day. This will match up for the most part with class - dedicated conditioning pieces will be done after class.
Goals this off-season: (*Everyone should have their own individual pieces, but this is what I see as a whole from our competitive group in terms of needing improvement*)
1) Attain better high level gymnastics. This includes HSPU (all varieties), HS Walks, Muscle-Ups (All varieties and ring heights), Pistols, Chest-to-Bars and Ring Dips. Very rarely in the course of this competitive season did I feel a high degree of confidence in any of these movements from any of our competitive athletes to complete the desired/necessary sets in these movements. Comparatively to being faced with 135/95# Power Snatches, or 155/105# C&Js we have a far lower ability and confidence level to sustain our gymnastics. We need to equal this out with consistent hard work, focusing mainly on moving better in each of our gymnastics pieces.
2) Lifting in general is a huge strength in our gym - I hope to continue this, but with a change this year - as we are going to go back and revisit/focus on the basics. We are going to take a break from hardcore dedicated olympic lifting work, positioning drills, etc. and focus more on "CrossFit Lifting" -- aka lifting in ladders, on the clock, and under pressure.
3) I would like to see everyone regain their cardio/old school CF intensity. Jay and I have become expert workout planners, we can definitely maximize someone's score in an open workout, or regional workout. More often than not though we need to break that mold in training and push way past our limits. Planning tiny sets with small breaks does not work in a team competitive environment. You need to be able to pump out huge sets and still have the confidence to continue moving and not hit complete muscle failure. The only way to build confidence with this is to go there often, run yourself into the wall, compete, and go hard. When you are at class with someone else who follows this programming you need to have an unwritten pact that you are going to push each other as hard as you can.
4) Anyone planning to try-out for the team next year will need to compete in at least 2 individual local competitions this off-season. (I will count the Masters as one as well) You can pick which ones you do, I would prefer that you did them with others from FCF if possible. Of course team ones are encouraged as well, but we typically always sign up for those anyway. Plan ahead - I am participating in the Fit Club Games, I know a few others are as well. Basically you need to know where your standards fall short, what workouts in competition kick your ass or hold you back, and where you can improve. It also gives me an idea of where everyone sits throughout the season - who is putting in good effort year round, and who is only focusing from the time the Open starts.
1) Outlaw Warm-Up + Sotts Press before #1 begins - get on your warm-up quick if you're 5:30am.
2) Bust ass
3) Scale to Handstand Push-Up (Kipping)
4) *Extra Work*
Odd: Kroc Rows AHAP max Set R/L inside the minute. If you can go longer than a minute you're too light.
Even: 12 Glute Ham Raises
This post makes up for missing a week.
ReplyDeleteThanks Cash. This post makes up for all of the negativity and hate mail I received over the past week. Also - I will be posting my results onto Beyond the Whiteboard for analysis purposes over the next few months -- so I won't be posting results on here much unless it will aid the PM classes to have a time/score to chase that isn't on the gym whiteboards.
Deletebooo....I like seeing how you did! =)
1. 130 no misses, 150 missed 3rd from floor, 160 made 1st min missed both 2nd
2. I ran all my 400s. my first was very slow but i wanted to warm up the calves...last was about 1:25, I tried to stay in the grass, it helped my lower legs feel better
3. lowest rd 7 hspu
Extra work:
65# Kroc rows-6 each side-then Jason said I wasnt really doing them right....worked on them after but a very hard time feeling them in my upper back?
Glute ham raises made my hammies very tired....they don't really like to work that much....