1) Hang Snatch + OHS -- 7 Sets @ 165/115
2) EMOM8 - 3 Hang Power Clean + 3 Burpee over bar (170/120)
3) 15-12-9:
Clean and Jerk 135/95
If time permits for team members complete:
Event 7 with partner once through.
Extra Class Work:
Back Squat Heavy 1, then 3x3 @ 85% of Heavy 1
5 x 12 as heavy as possible Pendlay Row
Woo baby. Did class
ReplyDeletefight gone bad :333
Then wanted to try snatches when I was tired. Took about 3 min to warm up to 115 and I did 4 sets at 115 (never failed! )
Then I did the 15-12-9 but I ended up doing 15 jerks 15 t2b and realiZed that was wrong so finished out with
12- clean and jerks
12 t2b
15 clean and jerks (wanted to make up for the first one)
9 t2bar
Time= 6:36